I Hate Cardio - June 23

Michele.....any sugguestions on what to put on the tape allergy to make it stop itching?? I tried neosporin and yeah did not work out too well. Do you think benadril (sp?) cream will work better?? Dr just said soap and water and a little alch, but damm I want to scratch my skin off and that is not good.
Hi Janjan!! I see no problem with trying some benadryl ointment. Do you have any OTC hydrocortisone cream? That might be even better. Just out of curiosity, have you ever had a reaction to adhesive tape before? You'll want to make sure they include that in your medical record, and make sure you mention it anytime you are asked about allergies;) .
I just finished Legs & Glutes - I haven't done that one in a while and I like it a lot. I also like that it is 50 minutes instead of 70. After about an hour I get pretty bored and want to move on.

Jana - definitely try hydrocortisone - the other stuff is just anti-bacterial and won't help with itching at all.
Diane, I'm so far behind you--lol! I still need to do my cardio but I must say, you're really helping me to stay on target.

Just to clarify for Janjan, the active ingredient in Benadryl is diphenhydramine which is an antihistamine used to temporarily relieve pain and itching. But I still think the hydrocortisone cream is a better choice. :)
This staying home thing is pretty fun. I want to do it full-time! I suppose being a SAHM is about 100x harder because you have a crying baby to tend to, but it is still fun to be home today. It is almost 1 pm and I haven't gotten dressed yet, that is totally unflylady-like of me. Michele - you have an excuse, you are sick. Alright off to the shower and then to do some errands and some cleaning. Michele - start some cardio and some flinging!!
crying baby, poopy baby, hungry baby, crawling baby, clean the house, crying DH baby, try to keep your butt in shape and keep the crying baby happy while trying to work out.....the list goes on and on.....
Oh, the joys of motherhood. One of the errands I am doing in a minute is going to the bookstore and finding a pre-conception book :) Any recommendations? I know there are probably some things I need to be doing months beforehand, so I am trying to get prepared.
I would say eat well, exercise, and up your folic acid. How soon are you looking to get preggo? My was a little surprise, so I did not do much planning, but from everything I have learned over this course of motherhood I can offer some tips.

You might want to start prenatal vitamins just a FYI.
Not looking to get preggo for 6 months, but I'm getting excited about it and I am always a bit over the top with researching before I do something. I will probably end up reading 10 pregnancy books before I am even pregnant! We are also starting now living off of one income so that we can make sure that we can handle it financially and don't have to downsize our house and move to the burbs. My income is just paying off student loans and going to savings at this point. I'm planning on being a SAHM, so I am excited about that, though people at work will be very surprised. Everyone at work has live in nannies and never sees their kids, not what I want.
Best book is what to expect when you are expecting. Your pregnancy week by week is boring and a waste of money. For laughs get Belly laughs by Jenny McCarthy, oh my god that book is too funny!
Hmmm.....let's see what else oh yeah a good site to look up stuff is:

It has a lot of good info. You can come baby sit for a few hours for me and get a taste of being a mommy!

Now when the baby comes along by far best book is "The Happiest Baby on the Block" by Harvey Karp. It is a MUST have!

Good thing too is we have like every single baby swing, toy, stroller, car seat etc. and I can offer some opinions on what to get and what not to get. A lot of stuff is a big waste of money.

It is hard to live off of one income, trust me we have had our headaches, but we scalled down a bit and just pay attention to what is going on.
Hi Jana -

I just got back from my errands and didn't see your book recs before I left. I got "the mother of all pregnancy books" and "The Expectant Father" for DH. I was thinking of getting What to Expect because I know that is supposed to be the most informative, but it had nothing about pre-concep which is what I was mainly looking for, and the book I got had a lot of info in it on that. I will definitely get "what to expect" though. I wish I was able to come babysit - I seriously know nothing about children. You would definitely not want to leave me alone with your little one. My best friend has a 2 month old and I am asking her a ton of questions. Too bad she lives in Florida so I can't practice with hers. DH's aunt just had a baby last week, so I can practice with hers when I see it next week. And I will have to get the low down later on all the toys and strollers and what not. When DH and I were at Target a couple weeks ago, I took him for a stroll down the baby aisle so we could get excited - he mostly just saw all the stuff we have to buy and started worrying. He is a big worrier. Anyway, I am off to do some more cleaning and then read the baby book as a reward.
I just woke up.

What's all this about babies?! I go to sleep and come back to a baby thread! Haha! :7

Thanks for the extra knee exercise. I'll try it out. My knees are nowhere near painful enough to go buy ice for them!! But I definitely feel discomfort in them on my way down to sit/squat low or stand up from sitting/squatting low.

So today it's going to be PLB and GS floor sections only.

And for those interested, my breath is all better now. :*
>Just go buy some damm peas and ice your knee with it and then
>eat them later....:p :p :p :p

:7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7

Girl, you must really think I should ice my SLIGHT DISCOMFORT knees!!

Actually, that reminds me I have frozen peas and frozen brussel sprouts that I want to eat and get rid of. They've been sitting in my freezer forever.

Did I mention that my knees are only SLIGHTLY giving me discomfort? Yeah, yeah, so they woke me up one night. One night! (No eye rolling icon. Bummer.)

...............................geez, should I really ice them (thinking to self)......

Hey, wait, it's the next day for you. I'm going to go start today's post. :)

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