I Hate Cardio - June 13


Hey guys,

Just finished off some hard tofu with protein powder and some frozen strawberries mushed in. Next best thing to ice cream (or should I say Tofutti?) Yum yum yum!

Did my L&G today and have "random cardio" set for tomorrow. Er, I guess tonight for y'all ;-) .

You know, I notice I've been poking at my sides and core region a lot lately. And what with the warmer weather and short-sleeved shirts, I find myself flexing a lot, too :7 . I've been enjoying my new "complete proteins" protein - wow, it's nice to eat more meat }( ! But I can't say I'm less hungry. Hmm. Has my metabolism become an unstoppable burning inferno with BFFM?

:) :) Maybe?


Maybe not?

How you all doing with your week?
Hi August and all!!

This is my only post of the day, for real. My life is crazy right now--lol!

August, I was lol at your post and I just wanted to tell you that I FINALLY took the BFFM book out of my car. Yes, it has now been moved to a shelf in my study. One day I will read it but I have to read the Flylady's book first:eek: ;)

I didn't do my work out yesterday and I'm in fear of getting out of the habit. I'm supposed to do Total Body Sculpting today and I just don't know how on earth I'll have the time with DN here.

Janjan, you're in my thoughts and prayers today and I hope your surgery goes well.

Girls, I need to run, really I do. I can't get the butt glue thing today:p :7

Have a great day everybody!!

I gotta get that BFFM book. When I have some extra money. When the kids are grown and out of the house. Well, maybe not. I think grown and out of the house is college. Well, SOMEDAY!
Glad to see you two back. Weekends are not for relaxing with the cardio. Cardio must be a daily thing like showering or eating Cheetos.
Back on the six days per week bandwagon. Today I am going GS Legs along with some rotten cardio. What fun. Yeah, digging the summer already.
Well, gotta go work out. I guess the rest of you are already done with your daily 180 mins of cardio. Well, you did it and I have yet to get started. I need to move to Japan.
Have a great day!
Kate! Help me get on the six day a week bandwagon again! I didn't workout this morning. Some how the alarm is always set for 6 am, and I don't even hear anything until 7:20ish. The alarm is on DH's side and somehow I don't hear it go off for 1 1/2 hrs everyday. So I decided that the alarm to going to be moved to my side of the bed so that I will actually wake up in time to get a workout in. Right now I barely wake up in time to get ready for work. I will hopefully have time to get a quick workout in tonight, maybe a run since my running endurance is down the toilet. So frustrated with myself for not being consistent and losing everything I gained! Okay, sorry for the rant. I am running tonight no matter what!

Thoughts going out to Jana on her surgery. Even though it sucks to get the surgery and be out of commission for a while, once you heal you will be able to run and do all the other fun (haha) things you have been missing.

Michele - Read the flylady book! It helped me organize my day better so I don't always feel so busy and running around trying to do everything.
Hey girls,

Well I am back and on the road to a new knee. The surgery was not too bad only about 25 mins and the knee, well it is the size of a melon right, now but not to bad. So, now on to recovery and rehab! yeah! The surgery center was nice, not in the hospital a outpatient place and the nurses were so wonderful and nice. I was very thankful for the nurses. So, well so far so good.

Just wanted to send the report. I am starving so I want to eat!

Hope everyone is having a good day today!
Hi ladies. You are not going to believe this. I tried to get on to cathe.com to check-in today and those ___________ (fill in the blank with your choice of swear words) blocked the site from my work computer. I've been checking in here for forever from work and now today it is blocked. Hmmm. . . don't the computer techies have better things to do then to monitor me????? I used to enjoy checking in while I would eat my lunch. Believe me, it is not like I wasted my work time on this site. You all have heard me rant about my pile of work. So needless to say I will not be able to check in as much as usual. I just got home from work and figured I'd check in with you all. I am so pissed!!!!

Anyway, I'm 2 days behind on my BFL exercise plan. I need to make up one HIIT session and upper body. I might try to do PUB tonight to get UB done. Today I did cardio on the elliptical. Tomorrow is LB. I saw a new exercise in Oxygen for your lower abs. You hang onto a bar and put a med ball between your legs and then you raise your needs up to your chest. I tried it today w/out the med ball and it was fairly easy. So I"m going to take my med ball to work w/me tomorrow and try it. I'm really liking being able to use the gym. Don't know what I"ll do when school starts back up???

Jana - I"m so glad that your surgery went well. What is your expected recovery period? And I wanted to let you know that I tried your rum-pineapple chicken and it was so good. I made 2 changes. I added a 1/4 cup of brown sugar and 2 tbsp cornstarch and it was great! Served it over brown rice. Had enough to take for my lunch today too!

Diane - I finally got to check out your PT site. You are so pretty! :)

August - just saying hey to you.

Michele - hope you are enjoying your time with your nephew. How is the push up challenge going?

Kate - so what are you up to since the kiddos are done with school?

MJ - are you still with us? Haven't checked in here since Friday so I"m out of the loop.

Yesterday I left work early. On Sun night (well actually Mon morning around 1:00) Gannon was so hot. I took his clothes off, gave him some tylenol and then brought him downstairs to check his temp. It was 104.5. I tried to cover him with a cool cloth but he hated it. So I gave him a popcicle and rechecked his temp about 10 minutes later. Thank God it went down to 100.4. So I took him to the doctor's yesterday and he has an ear infection in both of his ears. Poor baby!

Also, Gabe's soccer coach & his wife just lost their baby. She was due on the 19th and went into labor on Sunday night. She had the baby in her home but the baby was stillborn. Can you please keep her in your prayers? My heart breaks for her. She is such a wonderful, God loving person. This was her 5th baby.

Well, Gannon is crying so I better go get him something to eat.

I'll try to check-in tomorrow.

Have a great day everyone!
Diane, the only reason I am on a six day a week plan is because I don't have to get up and go to work everyday like you do--makes that a lot easier. And, I am a pear who loves to eat. I'd rather eat than do anything. I could just give it all up and move into Round Table, or move into a cave and have pizzas and Mexican food delivered to me every hour. Oh, what a life. I suppose my life expectancy would be shortened quite a bit, but oh what a pleasurable time I would have.
Okay, back to reality. I have the time to do this. No school for ten weeks (this makes me sob). The only time I can ignore all the fighting is when I am exercising. That is my time and I tell them if they are going to tear off each other's limbs, then so be it.

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