I Hate Cardio - July 31

I understand, it's just a situation and you want to make everyone happy. It's a hard situation. I would just be up front with them.
Yep, want to make everyone happy but SIL is never happy until you say yes and can tell when we are lying. We might as well just be straight with her.
Diane, have you considered just telling your SIL that you're too busy to train properly and therefore you've decided not to sign up, that you feel you'll be wasting your time and money? That's not a lie!! Your life is a nightmare, what with your long hours at the office and all the extra weekend stuff. I don't think you have to lie to anyone, but your plans about TTC are a private matter and none of her business.

Next, sit down and have a heart to heart with your DH about all this family stuff. I fear you're setting a dangerous precedent here. You cannot allow his family's reaction to things dictate what you will do, nor should he sit back and accept this kind of intrusion from your family. You'll both end up frustrated and angry unless you nip this in the bud. Trust me on this one--I've been married a long time. I'm not suggesting you start a a big fight over it, but rather approach the topic gently, with a cool head and a soft heart. I know you love your DH and you probably care for his family, too, but this is your life and marriage and you need to nurture your relationship with each other.

I hope I haven't overstepped my bounds. I truly only meant to be helpful and not to offend.
Hi guys,

Ahhhh, I had good sleep.

And yesterday's S&H did its thing and I've woken with some nice DOMS in my chest.

Michele - I have all the Gyms and also MM. I'd say go for em! Course, I've only done MM like once and totally don't remember it, but I would say go for em anyway! Much to my mortal surprise, I did very well without my super green bean and barley powers over the weekend. I was taken out for some incredufabulous dinners and lunches and I must say, I ate to my hearty heart's content and felt just as magical as ever, if not more LOL. Oh yeah, that pushups challenge thread seems to be gone. I've sort of changed my goal for that recently since I simply won't be able to get to double my age by the end of this month and it's just too sad to read in my journal "It's the end of August and I can do 72 toe pushups!"...NOT. LMAO. But I am way better at them, and plan to continue pushing myself to do them. Now planks on the other hand...

Diane - The names you chose for the kitties are very cute. And it's fun imagining how fun it must be for you guys to break them into your home. Aww, I wish I had some kitties here!! Hey, your rotation looks killer! Okay now, about your little situation. Here's what I think. You have absolutely NO idea if you'll be pregnant or not - which isn't to say that you won't be, and of course, we are all going to be sending you good sperm-meets-egg vibes so it's most likely that you WILL be pregnant, but as for the family Xmas trip : Just let yourself think you'll be going on the trip and that you're going to have an awesome time on it. If you do get pregnant (and you know you will) and end up not being able to go, you think your inlaws are going to angry? LOL. They are gonna be hyper happy as can be to go on their vacation without you knowing that you are baking up a little grandbun. As for the race, would you be able to at least tell your SIL in confidence that you are hoping to get pregnant? That would make everything clearer for her in both the race and Xmas issues...instead of having her feel something is funky for the next year. Ah, I just read about your SIL and the relationship stuff. Well, if you think that she wouldn't be able to keep that info to herself, it's certainly not on you to tell her,...I guess I would opt for the Michele Route - tell her that you are simply overwhelmed with work - that ain't no lie!

Jana - That's so great about your knee! Obviously this PT has some things going on! Awesome. But don't go hog-wild on the cardio. I don't mean that because of your knee - I'm talkin about not forgetting where you live (Cardiohatesville). LOL. So you partook in white rice? Yeah, I don't know what is up with that filler stuff. Great restaurants in Japan have pretty amazing white rice - it practically sparkles and glistens, and has a nice consistency...but hey, it's still filler and I can easily go without. You know, I read bodybuilders eat it after a workout with their protein shake because it's good for digesting the protein because it is high GI. I think I'll keep up with my frozen bananas though.

On that note, I'm going to digest a bit more and then move on to...Kickmax!

You guys all getting ready for bed?
I have been thinking about getting S&H or MM. I am trying to figure out which one is better. I did Bi's and Tri's S&H on fittv last week and I liked it. I don't have MM and am wondering which is better.

Any sugguestions???

The PT did not make me better until I worked with another one last week. The one I had before ended up being a quack. I really think the guy last week did the trick, that and just time to heal.

Hold on...I just caught the...you knowing that you are baking up a little grandbun....http://bestsmileys.com/lol/12.gif[/img

I made some green beans and salmon tonight, I completely messed it up and ended up eating mashed pota's and 1/2 of a grilled cheese.
For the past 3 weeks I have been eating like a saint..how is a girl supposed to keep loosing weight when PMS hits and all she wants to do is eat, eat, eat???...HELP!!!!!

Hey, Jana,

Just finished my KM and smoothie. You still around?

Hahahahahaha, how does one set out to eat green beans and salmon, and then end up with mashed potatoes and grilled cheese on their plate? Talk about magic!

Well, let's call it a cheat meal over PMS and let the lovely URGH-HELP-MY-BLOAT feeling act as a caring future reminder. If it makes you feel any better, when I got home from my food-filled business trip on Sunday night, I knew that I'd be tightening up my clean eating from Monday, so I decided to down a huge amount of chocolate as a little bonus to myself. Needless to say, I had major cramping the next day and am now on the verge of getting a cyst. Ahhh, the lovely reminders. And I used to be able to down chocolate without any circumstances before. Go figure. I guess this is a good thing.

Hey, have you ever wrapped your salmon in tin foil and fry it up in a frying pan? You just sprinkle whatever seasonings you want on your salmon (like lemon pepper or whatever), wrap it loosely in foil and plop it into a frying pan and let it sit on one side for a couple minutes, flip it over and let it go another few minutes. When it's in the foil like that, it steams itself, and it's also good for easy cleanup.

Or is that totally a no-duh basic thing I just wrote out? Remember who you're talking to about cooking.

As for S&H or MM...are you more endurance or strength oriented? I'm more strength oriented (meaning I like slow, lazy movements, rather than quicker, lighter movements that last forever) and I LOVE the S&H series (though I'm now thinking what to do about doing the legs one or not). You guys are making me want to do MM again. I wish I could tell you more about that one.

Oh yeah, and I know that you switched PTs last week. The new guy seems to rock. Too bad you didn't get him from the start.

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