I Hate Cardio ~ July 19

DH is on the verge of saying yes to two cats.

He sent me this website -


I am thinking we are leaning towards yes. I asked him his reasons to say no and they are:

1) more money for vet bills (spaying, declaw etc.)

2) scared that they will both get sick.

We are still really afraid that any new cat we bring in the house will catch the virus Lucy had. It has been several months and we are following vet's advice, but it is still very scary.
Janjan, what about Musclemax, Kickmax, and High Step Challenge? Are those any good? I figurte I probably wouldn't want hC extreme, either.
Hi ladies!!!

Diane - pick mine! Pick mine!!! Laverne & Shirley. Ya just gotta! }( Your martini sounds YUMMY!!!!! I always order either a strawberry margarita or a strawberry daquiri when we go out (which is NEVER!!!)

August: I prefer wildrice over brown rice. I mean, I'll cook up a batch of brown rice and divide it up into 1/2 cup servings but I much more prefer either barley or wild rice. You are totally cracking me up about Jana not liking pullover sweaters. Can you even wear sweaters in TX? Does it get cold there? I've never even been anywhere remotely South so I have no idea!!!

JJ: at least you realized that you were going somewhere. Have you ever driven and your mind wandered and you're like, How the he!! did I get here???

Michele: I can't believe it is still hot in your place. That stinks!!! I remember when I first moved out of my parents house and I had no a/c. I would lay on the couch with the fan blowing on me eating popcicle after popcicle just to stay cool. How you can find some relief from this heat soon.

Kate: how are you feeling? Did you get some rest? It sucks when you need sleep and the kiddos don't want to. Hopefully you'll get to bed at a decent hour tonight.

Hope I didn't forget anyone!!!

So I did HIIT on the bike today rather then the elliptical and for me, the bike is WAY harder. Burns more calories then the elliptical too!

My meals for the day were:
B: 2pc wheat toast, nat pb, 2 pc turkey sausage, coffee
S: 1/2 c ff cottage cheese, celery stix
L: grilled chicken salad (spinach, tomatoes, onions, carrots, low fat moz cheese) with WishBone spray on salad dressing. Only 10 calories for 10 sprays!
S: protein pudding
D: small porkchop, 1/2 c wildrice, spinach/broccoli
S: Myoplex Lite Bar

Have a great evening haters!
Diane, why don't you take both cats into the vet for a checkup and blood work before you commit? Maybe the owner will agree to pay for lab tests. I've seen that done before. We used to encourage people who were looking to find home for their kittens to provide lab tests and the first set of shots and worming (I used to work for a vet a long time ago).
Hi Dana!! Yeah, it's about 90 here today. It's supposed to cool down Friday but then we're supposed to have rain. My house feels much better today but we still need to lower that humidity a little more.

How do you do your HIIT? How do you divide the time and how long do you do it?

Your meals look great. I'm coming to your house for dinner:9. I'm not a big fan of rice. I would rather have barley or WW couscous as a side, but I will eat brown rice from time to time. My DH isn't terribly fond of brown rice, but he'll eat most anything else. He's not picky at all, but he does like to slather everything in fat--lol!
Ok now that Dana is here I can get back to what I was saying earlier.

Yeah Dana! Yes, I have soo done the whole where the heck am I going drive before. Last year when I was preggo I was the prime example of a dumb blonde, I swear my child sucked my brain power, I was so dumb! It was bad. I would get lost driving home from the store 2 miles away! Lets see sweaters, I own a few, but since global warming and El Nino and La nina the tropics have been crazy causing all the strange weather. Basically it breaks down to this, a little weather info for you just in case you care...the hotter the winter the more likely we are to have hurricanes. Also the hotter the summers are. This winter we had none. It never got cold. It felt like fall weather (which we don't have either, we have summer and not summer) so no sweaters just jeans and T-shirts. However...X-mas 2004 it was snowing (ok flaking, but for us it was snow) and it was kind ofa cold in 2004-2005. Make sense??? Lets just put it this way, it's hot, humid and sticky here and the humidity slaps you like a bad date most of the time! haha!

How is Gannon and Gabe doing? Is Gabe starting Kindergarden this year or did he already start? Gannon is going to be 1 soon right? Marley turns 1 in November. I remember taking her home wearing shorts last year! haha! I am also coming to your house for dinner!

Michele:Musclemax, Kickmax, and High Step Challenge, Ok I don't know about Musclemax, I am bidding on it at Ebay right now, HSC I like. Hard, but I like it. KickMax, well love/hate with it. If you do it w/the blasts, it is fab! Total booty kicker, w/out the blasts not enough for me personally. Its a good workout, don't get me wrong, but I need the blasts. Does that help any? Personally, I think to mix it up more and not have all step is better. Kickmax is good for working your legs and arms. Step you only work your legs so you need xtra arms. KM is easy to follow, Cathe does a great job showing the moves and repeating them. Easy to follow. I know you want to buy a series at a time, but if it were me, JMO I would get Bootcamp/ME over HSC. Bootcamp is wonderful and so is ME. I really enjoy ME. Does that help any????

Diane-I know you are worried about the kittes. I know you also have been keeping your house really clean, but maybe just a sugguestion along with what Michele said to do (which I think is a fab sugguestion) is to have a cleaning service come in and really scrub down the house with clorox and bleach. You guys would need to leave of course, but that way they can really kill the virus if possible???

Ok back to school...I am playing way tooo much today....must get brain back in focus.....
YEAH!! We finally decided to get both Lovey and Sadie. I called the foster mom and told her and she was so excited they get to stay together. Even though Lovey is shy, she is a real sweety and I think she will be happier if she has her sister with her.

some more pics of them together

http://www.cathappy.com/images/Torti photos/IMG_0079b.JPG

http://www.cathappy.com/images/Torti photos/IMG_0065.JPG

http://www.cathappy.com/images/Torti photos/IMG_0053.JPG

http://www.cathappy.com/images/Torti photos/IMG_0017.JPG

Now we just have to figure out names. We have decided that we do really like the name Sadie, so trying to think of something to go with that.
Ooops, I must have replied to an old screen and put my post before the more recent ones. So we are getting both cats. The foster mom is taking them to the vet on Saturday and they are getting their first round of shots and I think a fecal check. We are splitting the cost with her I think is what we decided.

We did a huge scrub down right after Lucy died. Also, I still had a housekeeper for a few weeks after Lucy died, and she does a good job. I will do a huge massive cleaning again before we get the new kittens just to make sure. I have been doing detailed cleaning with antibacterial stuff (which kills the virus) and will do another round next weekend. I also have been doing my flylady cleaning every week, so the house is really clean. But I will do more of the detailed stuff, like baseboards and corners of carpets, etc.

We also were looking a lot on the internet today and all the websites say that the chance of them getting FIP from the environment in our house after 6 weeks (we waiting 2 1/2 months) is the same as the chances of any cat getting it in an environment where there was not a cat with FIP. For house cats, there is only a .02% chance of getting FIP. So while there is a chance, there is really nothing we can do about it, they could just as easily get it from the vet, and you gotta take your cats to the vet.
Diane, they are sooooo adorable. They look exactly like my Franky and Johnny--exactly! I got my kittens when they were about the same age and they were also litter mates. You won't regret this decision.

How about Sam--Sadie and Sam, as in Samantha?
Janjan - Of course you were missed! Speaking of Thelma and Louise, sounds like you had one of those kinds of days yesterday. Sounds kinda adventurous just driving away. Lizzy and Borden! LOL! I so envy that you live in a place where it hardly ever gets cold. That would be like a dream for me.

Dana - Laverne and Shirley! Pha! Ooh, is protein pudding something you buy made or is it something you make yourself?

Michele - You don't much like brown rice because of the texture?

Diane - Yeah! I'm so glad to hear that you will be getting both kitties. They will be so happy to stay together, I'm sure! They look totally cute!

Okay. So now I remember it's the day AFTER Michele can't sleep that I can't sleep, so I'm right on track. I only was able to sleep for about 4 1/2 hours, and I have DOMS so I'm a bit of a wreck ;). Sipping my green tea and will digest my non-steel-cut oats for my kickboxing...
Good morning, August!!

What, no barley for brekkie? I hate to think that your work out might suffer for the lack of magical powers--lol!

As for brown rice, it's a combination texture/flavor thing. I don't hate it, it's just not something I ever crave. There are too many other options for side dishes that I like soooo much better; WW couscous, barley, pasta, beans, taters. And since my DH doesn't like it there's even less of a reason for me to make it.

Sorry about your lack of sleep. I'll try harder tonight:p :7

Have a great day and I'll see you in my morning.:*
Butting in to say...OMG, what precious kittens! They look like by dear darling departed kitty, Magic. I just wanta snuggle and nuggle and love them. Enjoy:)
Thanks Melody!

We are so excited now that we finally decided to get both. I can't wait to get them in this house!

We are thinking about Sadie and Gracie. They don't go together, but we are kinda stuck on Sadie and like the name Gracie and is fits her. We are still debating. Thanks everyone for their help.

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