I Hate Cardio ~ July 19


Morning haters! Man am I tired this a.m. I stayed up too late watched Rock Star SuperNova and now I"m paying for it. I love that show! It is only over at 10:00 but I get up at 4:30 and I really think that my body needds more then 6.5 hours of sleep.

What'cha all up to today? Today's workout for me will be HIIT on the elliptical and abs (I think I"m going to do MIS and PH abs). Last night I did get in my LB workout. For some reason I cannot get into the DVD's so I made up my own workout using Oxygen's Butt Issue. Here's my workout, took me exactly 1 hour ( I took very small rests between exercises). Everything is done with 3 sets of 15.

3 min warmup on the elliptical
Hip Thrusts, 15lb plate
Squats, 40lbs
100 Step ups on the high step
Donkey kicks
Plie Squats w/20lb dumbell
Hamstring curl on the stability ball
Deadlifts, 40lbs
Barbell lunges w/20 lbs, only did 2 sets of these
inner thigh squeezes with stability ball
outer thigh lifts
calve raises with 20lb barbell

I also read in that issue that sprinting 3 sets of 100 yards, 4 times a week will really shape your Lower Body. How the heck do I know how far 100 yards is??? There is a baseball field right across the street from my house and I wonder how long that is?

August: Do you notice that you put all fiber (or fiber one or whatever it was) in your smoothie? Doesn't it give it a weird flavor?

Diane: how was your jewelry making/dinner last night?

Jan-Jan: How can you not like pullovers???? I love them. Maybe you are using a heavy enough weight?

Crazy Kate: How's the legs feeling this morning after your goof-up yesterday with LM???

Michele: How are you feeling today? I have the weather on right now and I do believe it is going to cool down here! At least for now.

Char: What is on tap for you today? Are you watching RockStar SuperNova? I like Lukas and Delana - those 2 are so freaky they should hook up!

I guess I better going. I have 15 minutes to hang out my laundry before I have to go upstairs and get dressed.

Have a super day ladies! :)
Hi purple enjoy the gym. I am going to do either cardio & weights fittv version or something on the rhythmic step dvd. Then off to the pool. To all the other ladies have a great workout day.

Oh Dana,
What a fool I am. Yeah, I know, the whole time I am wondering why this workout is so hard especially the blast and it is because I can't count risers! I was wide awake too. I need help in one fashion or another. Yikes
I am tired today, didn't sleep well so I am not sure about working out today. To make things worse, my six year old won't go back to sleep. Yikes. Gotta make her breakfast. Later............
Hi everybody!!

Dana, how lovely to see you here first thing in the morning. WOW!! that work out you did is awesome. 100 step ups is hard, IMHO. I bow to you. Was that 100 in a row or was it in smaller sets? Man, those get me every time. I have no clue how far 100 yards is. I'll do a google search and see if I can find out. I love to search for weird stuff like that--lol! Our weather isn't supposed to cool down until the weekend and I can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to that! DH and I didn't get much sleep last night either--because we were too hot. We have ceiling fans on in every room of our 2nd floor as well as an oscillating fan in our bedroom and we still felt too warm.

Kate, I'm ROTFLMAO at you. How in the world could you NOT realize you were using a 10" step!?!?!?!? That's a mistake I could never make. I always error on the side of doing too little--lol! How do you like Loxmax? I'm trying to decide which series to buy next and I'm debating between Hardcore and Body Blast. What's your opinion, miss crazy for cardio? It looks like we were all plagued by insomnia last night. August must not have slept well--she never sleeps if I don't--lol!

Jenn, welcome! Enjoy your work out. Relaxing by the pool is a nice reward.

Diane, I'm very interested in this jewelry making dinner thing. It sounds like fun. You must post a pic and let us see your creation.

August, I have to know--did you sleep okay last night or did I keep you awake again? Have you done your GS chest, tris, and pushups? I'm really interested in the effects of barley on your pushup ability. Maybe we should start another check-in just for that--lol!

Janjan, how are you today? I'm following your post-op progress and I'm very pleased with how you're doing. I'm with Dana--I love pullovers! I'm so friggin glad I don't live in Texas or Louisiana--I couldn't take that weather AT ALL!!

Our house is feeling a lot less humid today. I think changing the fan setting really made a big difference. We were starting to have a musty, basement-like smell that was unbearable. It now feels cool and dry but the humidity readings are still in the mid 60's%. According to what I've read, you should maintain an indoor humidity between 25% and 55%. Oh well, 65% sure beats the >85% readings we were getting a couple of days ago. Our 2nd floor is still too warm, though. It's a good 10 or 12 degrees warmer up there. My computer is in my 2nd floor study so I'm probably going to head downstairs as soon as I'm done posting and stay there most of the day. The HVAC contractor has yet to call me so if I don't hear from him in a couple of hours I'm going to call him. He's supposed to be setting up a meeting with the Lennox rep. As for a work out--I'm going to try to get through a step DVD today.

Don't think I've abandoned you. I'm with you girls all the way--I'm just not posting much until my 2nd floor cools down a bit. I'll check back a later on this evening.:* :*
Hi Ladies -

So the jewerly making event was sorta fun, but mostly overwhelming. I have obviously never made my own jewelry before, and I don't really have great eye for fashion, so I got a lot of advice from the shop owners. Anyway, ended up doing 6 strands of this jade green multicolored beads and adding in some amber colors little stones and all of those strands are twisted together with a single clasp. Hard to explain, but I will post a picture once I get it back on Friday. I didn't actually "make" the necklace - we had an option to do it ourselves or just leave instructions for the store to do it for us, and you can guess which one I picked ;-) I'm not big on the arts and crafts, but good at leaving instructions.

Then dinner was sort of miserable. As I have told you, I am deaf in my leaf ear and loud dinner parties are the worst for me. It was 25 ladies set up at a long rectangular table, and I pretty much couldn't hear anything or participate in many conversations. Oh well. I did get a watermelon martini though, which was delightful. I didn't eat healthy but tried not to over indulge.

Needless to say, after a couple glasses of wine and a watermelon martini, I didn't wake up this morning in top form and did not work out.

Editted: Oh, and here is the website of the place we went yesterday. Fun place, and the owners were two sisters that were really cute and fun. http://www.thequeensbeadshouston.com/index.htm
Hi guys!

Phew, it's late and I'm petered out. But I can't likely go to bed without saying hi, now can I!

Michele - Did you get your call back from Lennox? You'd think if the contraption is oversized for your house that it would do the opposite and suck up too much of the moisture! Argh! I hope things get fixed because I want you to be posting in a cool environment up on the 2nd floor LOL. Last night I somehow fell asleep all right, but I weirdly woke up around 6am and now it's 2:20am! Oh and MONGO yes on the "Barley's Magical Powers and Pushups" thread! Paha! Anyway, I'm glad to hear the humidity in your house is down, even though it's only slight.

Kate - I'm 5'2" and I can't find jeans, either. I wish I knew someone who could recommend something like Jana did for you. Actually, I think it's more likely that I just don't look good in jeans. You'll have to tell us how Jana's recommended jeans work out. 10" for LowMax...is too high (I'm clever and guessing from the title LOW Max)?

Dana - Oh yeah, the barley is awesome. This is going to be one of my new staples. I wonder if this is better for you than brown rice? Ooh, warmed up for breakfast with maybe some protein powder sounds really good, too! In fact, it would totally be oatmeal, especially if you make your barley in a small pot over a really hot burner LOL. So, have you tried out your new jump rope? I got a jump rope last year thinking it would be awesome cardio, but after unsuccessfully jump-roping for 2 frustrating minutes, feeling like a total idiot for not being able to actually jump myself over a thick piece of string, I returned the thing. Oh, and about the All-Bran in my smoothie - at first I put it in because I wanted to get rid of the stuff, but then it turned out to be totally delish! So now I bought a bunch of new boxes. I love the funky flavor! I think it sort of "deepens" the taste.

Jenn? What's purple?

Oh, hah, I was reading about Jana not liking pullovers and I thought you guys were talking about sweaters. I was thinking, "Gee, I wonder why Jana doesn't like sweaters? Hmm." Oh yeah, the exercise.

Diane - Too funny about your leaving good instructions. I'm not good at huge parties where everyone talks at once either. I can hear in both ears but in that kind of situation somehow the sounds go in one and out the other and nothing ends up sticking in between. At least you got some good drinks out of it.

All right. I'm off to bed now. My Gym Chest/Tris went swimmingly and tomorrow is Kathy Smith's kickboxing. There's a professional kickboxer guest in it and he gives really great pointers. Unfortunately the man can't keep rhythm to save his life so he's edited out of most of the workout LOL.
Okay, I need everyone's help here. DH and I were talking a lot last night about getting two kittens, Lovey and Sadie. He wants to name them names that go together, like two famous sisters, but we couldn't think of any. If I can come up with two really cute names that go together, I think I could persuade him to get two.

So your mission is to help me think of a pair of girl names that go together, especially two famous sisters from literature. I just can't think of any right now. And they have to be normal names, not like Salt and Pepper, but two human names that are cute.
OMG LOL - I totally jinxed my sleep.

It's 3:33am now.

Oh, kitty names. I know, how about Lovey and Sadie! No, no, how about August and September? Oh wait, two famous sisters from literature? Oh man, that's gonna be hard for me. Literature. Tootie and Blaire? No, that's television...
Diane, here's a few ideas:

Charlotte and Emily--the Bronte sisters.

Thelma and Louise

Ooh, ooh, ooh, how about Margaret and Helen, the sisters in E. M. Forster's book, Howards End

Elizabeth and Jane from Pride and Prejudice - you could call them Lizzy and Jane

Elinor and Marianne from Sense and Sensibility

How about choosing 2 names form Louisa May Alcott's "Little Women"--Jo, Meg, Beth, and Amy

As you can see, I love the classics--lol. I'm sure there's plenty more. I'll keep looking.

Barley ROCKS!! (that's for you, August--lol!)
Anyone miss me....nah.....oh well I am finally here...it's been a long day of not getting much done. I hate these days.

No PT today, but got a 30 min bike ride and GS Shoulders + some xtra shoulder work in, cleaned out my dresser, ran the vacume (how in the hell do you spell that), did the whole shower and hair washing thing (that takes me a good hour) and then drove across town for no reason at all. I got in the car and zoned out as to where I was going, thought I was going to go to the mall, then did not feel like going then realized I was almost in downtown...which let me tell you is FAR from my house. I was like duh..hello...anyone home??? I got the Kelli Clarkson CD yesterday (yes I happen to love Kelli) so I put that in and was just driving and dancing away....I am in need of a brain check today! haha!

Anyway...well Michele, so glad to hear about the air. What a nightmare. Then again, only 25% humidity, that sounds like a dream right now!!! My DD has just destroyed a book and is now in the process or eating it. This child gets into everything! Just my input on the body blast vs. hardcore., I like both. I like hardcore for the weights, I love, love, love all the GS series. I think a lot is just going to depend on what cardio you want to do. How are you doing with the step? Coordination wise that is? I think you will just have to see what is going to work for you. I am still stuck with I don't know what to do since I can't do step and no one else can really hurt me the way Cathe can! Oh well..I will figure something out....keep us updated on what you get and how they work out.

Diane-Ok so the kitties names, well funny story, my ex-Best Friend and I used to make up names when we would go out because we would always seem to attract the weirdos out there, so each night we went out, or each place we went we had names. Our main names were Pearl Tucker and Minny Newport (think Minny Pearl) so that is my sugguestion. I swear we would come up with the funniest names, it was so hard not to laugh when we would introduce ourselves to people. One of my fav books is Persuasion by Jane Austen, the main char is Anne, so my 2nd sugguestion would be Anne and Austen. Other than that, I don't know what to say....

Moving right along....time is limited here, DD needs to eat so I need to get to the bottle....

Dana-Ok, I am going to come back to you, because I forgot what you wrote...sorry distracted with DD right now....

August-Jeans are my forte'. what can I say......

Kate, were you doing this with LowMax or Imax...details....

Ok I have got to run and feed my child.

I will be back in a bit.

Oooooh those are good ones Michele - I like Lizzy and Jane a lot.

DH is currently thinking over Sadie and Sydney and Sadie and Shiloh.

I like Sadie and Sydney.
Ahhh...Michele..I just saw your post...hehehehe...we were thinking the same....I love the classics!!! hehe!!!

PS-Diane the sisters in Persuasion:
Elizabeth Anne and Mary and they live in Kellynch in Somersethire so you could do Kelly and Somer

But I like the Lizzy and Jane or Lizzy and Borden...hehe....}( }( }( }(
>Anyone miss me....nah.....oh well I am finally here...it's been a long day of not getting much done. I hate these days.

I miss you, Janjan;) :*
Sadie and Sydney is cute!

Janjan, did you see my post to you ^^^ there. You're too much...Lizzy and Borden--lol!
Jana - Just saw your emails. I like Minny and Pearl, hehe. DH didn't go for it. He is really torn up about whether to get both...it is driving him and me nuts.
Diane, I think you should stop thinking about it and just do it. Sometimes you can think a thing over too much. I promise, you won't regret having 2 kitties around. They're just fuzzy, fluffy, cuddly fur balls of cuteness. Minny and Pearl is very cute, by the way!
Yes, but the cute part about Minny and Pearl is introducing yourself to men with your friend 1/2 drunk and trying so hard not to crack up...ahhhh...the good ol' days....As the night would go on the names would get worse and worse, you know Cindy and Marsha, Velma and Daphine, Lucy and Ethel....can you imagine?

Yes, I agree 100% with Michele, stop thinking and just do it. You will be happy, 2 kitties are a lot of fun and since you guys both work a lot they will have each other to play with. I still want Cosmos....

I saw your post Michele..thanks!! I feel special!!:p :p :p
Janjan, you wild thing, you!!:eek: :7

I'm off to preview Cardio & Weights. I think I'm leaning towards the Hardcore series next. I really want Lowmax, Coremax, Stretchmax, and the GS DVD's. Should I get the whole series or are there DVD's I really don't need. I know I wouldn't do Imax 3, but is there a premix on that one that I could do? What do you think--is there anything in the HC series I can live without?

Diane, let us know what you decide. Heck just get the 2--you can always think of names later after you get to know them and see what their personalities are like. I call my cat "kitty kitty" and he comes every time I call him (his real name is Johnny. I had 2 males and the other one was called Franky).
Michele..hhehee..you are funny...my kitty is kitty too, his name is Rube, but I just call him Kitty and he gets the point!haha!

C&W is fun, yes I just said fun for cardio. Music is good and Cathe is really perky in it so it makes it fun. LowMax is frustrating at first, but just keep at it and you will get it. I think that is the one that really "killed" the knees because the step was up at the higher level. The knee started getting really bad when I put that one in the mix...don't let that scare you, my knee had it coming, so it was a good thing I think. Coremax is good, don't have stretchmax, just do that one on fitTV, and I would not go for Imax3. I have not heard too many people like it too much, everyone says Imax2 and LowMax are the best. 100% on the GS, no doubt. Maybe just get for now:
LowMax, CoreMax and GS's to start, that will keep you plenty busy and maybe Imax2 with the C&W. I guess it all depends on how much $$ you have to spend right now too.

Let us know what you decide to get.

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