I Hate Cardio - July 17


Michele! Wake up! HELP! LMAO!

I boiled 3 cups of water, put 1 cup of the barley in and got excited for it to cook for the 45 minutes...it's now been not even 20 minutes and there's like no water left! It looks like it's...ready?! WTF?! I don't even know what the consistency is supposed to be to taste it out! LOL.

Is this NOT pearl barley? LMAO!! What happened to 45-60 minutes?!

I'm turning the burner off. It's starting to stick to the bottom of the pan. EEEK!

I guess dinner is ready early. I'll tell you if I get a stomach ache later ;-) .

Aside from that, I did my Gym BSB and tomorrow is KPC...though maybe I'll do Kickmax for the blasts }( .

Hope everyone had a good weekend!
So far I haven't keeled over.

Okay, question.

What's the difference between barley and brown rice? Actually, this barley (if that's what it is LOL) looks and tastes exactly like what I've always thought was brown rice that is served at the organic health restaurant. :) Is brown rice the consistency of...well, like can you easily seperate each grain when it's ready to eat, and barley is like...you could use as glue (albeit delicious glue)?
August - Sorry, I am clueless about barley, can't help you out.

I actually woke up this morning! That is a good start. Felt tired last night early and actually fell asleep! I'm planning on doing GS Chest and Tris after I finish my yummy breakfast.

What do y'all have planned today.
ROTFLMAO at August!! I cook barley in lots of water and I try to keep it from a rapid, hard boil because it will boil over and make a huge mess. It sounds like you maybe overcooked it and it absorbed all the liquid. When I make barley it's not all gluey-like. It's in nice loose grains that are firm to the bite. I think I would have to see what you have to know if it's the same thing I use. I have decided that you are hopeless in the kitchen--lol (just teasing).

Diane, I'm glad you were able to get up early today--yay! That's progress!

My DH got home from his trip last night and he's taking the day off:) :) so I won't be on the boards today. Keep your fingers crossed--we have an HVAC contractor heading over here in a few minutes. I've been keeping track of our indoor humidity levels and the readings are off the charts, especially considering that we have a new HVAC system with all the bells and whistles. It's supposed to maintain an indoor relative humidity between 25% and 55% but ours is in the 70's:eek: .

Thanks to all of you for your kind words and well wishes. I am feeling better but I've been struggling with headaches. I haven't done a work out in several days and until this humidity is under control, I won't.

I hope all of you have a great day and I'll be back on the boards tomorrow. August, throw that crap out and start all over. Try using a large pot and just keep it at a simmer. Don't let it absorb all that liquid. I think I'm just going to have to come over there and make it for you--lol!

:* :*
Diane - What rotation are you doing? I'm doing Upper Body Bliss. Anyway, good for you for getting up for yummy breakfast!

Michele - Barley isn't supposed to be gluey-like? Darnit! But you know, it's totally YUM! Don't forget, I love goop! I've glopped the batch into 1/2 cup servings and am freezing the leftovers now. :* :9 :* I'd have used a bigger pot but...............well, I only have one pot. :eek: That's no joke, either. But you're very welcome to come over to my place to show me how the real barley looks! :p

I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that the contractors will be cool and professional. Good lord, humidity in the 70s?

Actually, I like humidity, so I can't really say anything bad about that. :+

Here's to less moisture for you and feeling all the way better!
Oh, Michele, I hope this humidity thing is the key to your headaches. I am thinking about you. Headaches are the worst.
August, the difference between barley and rice is one starts with a "b" and the other a "r". That is the only difference I can see.
Are you making sticky barley?
What does ROTFLMAO mean? Is this a foreign language?
I will check in later, it is time for coffee!
Roll On The Floor Licking My Ass Off

Just kidding. It's laughing. The L is for Laughing.

Yeah, I made sticky barley. It's tastey! I love goop.
August you are nuts!!!! This whole Barley conversation is cracking me up!

Well I have found the reason for putting on the lbs over this post-surgery period...DH.....I eat like a pig around him because he eats that way. I feel like crap after eating all the crap and I am putting my foot down!!! NO MORE! No more pizza, sugar, crappy food, etc, etc. I eat so good when he is not around and then he comes home and bam there went the good girl down the drain. I am stopping the madness now!

Moving right along....PT today again and I got on the elipitical (sp?) today for 5 mins....slowly....treadmill for 5 mins...slowly...and worked on the bike for 7 mins at level 10!! yeah!!....but slowly too....worked on some squats and one leg squats and stuff like that. Due to the lateral release my leg is sooo stiff and from but butt all the way down to my shin on the outter portion of my leg feels like a rock which is not good. Due to that I am set back a few more weeks from getting back into cardio, but staying positive through it all.

Moving right along again....how is everyone?

Michele, are the going to look at your system today? Are you feeling any better?

Diane-I saw you got up early and did your thing how was it? What was for breakfast?

Kate-Let's see 4 hours of cardio today? I actually have read the studies on adding low fat dairy to your diet and it can increase your weight loss. Have you seen any of that stuff? Good job on the weight loss! yeah!

Dana-How are the boys? How is Gannon?

August-having steel cut oats for breakfast today along with egg whites, oh yeah. I will let you know how that works out.

Ok I am off and going to get started on the school crap today. I am no longer going to get behind. It was a nightmare last week.

Jana - Looks like you are doing well with your PT. I understand about the eating unhealthy with others are, it is so hard. The only way to go is to just not have it in the house!!

August - I am doing a strength building Gym Style Rotation, adapted from the one Cathe posted right when the Gym Style came out. I am doing running for a lot of my cardio instead of step, but it is so dang hot and humid outside, I may do step instead these days. I have been so bad about getting my workouts in that it has taken 2 weeks to do the first week of the rotation. Oh well, at least I am doing something.

Michele - Hopefully you can figure out the humidity problem today. Sounds horrible to live in that kind of humidity. I'm also glad DH got to stay home today, that should be fun.
Hey there, Janjan,

I can only imagine how poorly I'd eat if someone was eating poorly in front of me. I mean, there's only so much one can resist when it's right in front of your face, right? Good for you to put some gumpf into trying to resist.

I've never tried the eliptical but have heard all sorts of great things about it. Is it like a treadmill but with arm thingies you pull? It must feel good to do PT and get your leg all stretched out. Man, remember when you were still needing to have the surgery done? Seems like yesterday...you've come so far!

Oh definitely tell me how the steel-cut oats go over. I think I have about two days left in my tin, thank GAWD.

Now that you've heard about my successful barley experience, you can only imagine how horrific my steel-cut oats accident was. That's why I eat them after merely soaking them overnight. :D
I am telling you it is horrible to have the stuff infront of your face all the time. All you want to do is eat it! I don't do that bad, but bad enough that I can't loose any lbs right now and have gained because I don't have the cardio to work it off. It is frustrating to say the least. Before I got married I was such a clean eater, now yeah right.

So August, the steel cut oats....yeah I could live without them, but what the heck they are good for you right? I cooked mine in 30 mins on the stove with a little milk and some splenda. Not the tastiest thing ever but will do.

Hey Diane..got to ask you....in your pics your shoulders look really good how much were you lifting? I am having a hard time with mine right now, they are coming around, but I am stuck at 10 lbs on the presses and 10s on the flys. I started the new program from Oxygen this month so we will see if it helps any.
Jana - Thanks so much for the compliment. I don't remember what I was lifting then, but I always have not been able to go too heavy. I think I was doing 12 lbs for the shoulders at that point, now I am back down to 10 or 8! I am such a weakling in my arms. I was doing Pure Strength and Pyramids before the wedding (I didn't have Gym Styles yet).
All right ladies...I need to know who has Turbo Jam...speak up!!!

Need to decide if I want to get it or not. I am also open to sugguestions for a new cardio workout. No Step, so need some help.

Have KPC, KM, and CK's but KM I don't burn enough and I can't do blasts, KPC can't jump kick and CK can't jump either.

Turbo Jam. I have it. I don't really like it. Charlene goes on and on about what great music is in the workout. Where is this great music? I also find her personality to grate on me after awhile. She is just too happy. If you must though, I would have to say that I really do like AbJam and if I have to pick a cardio, it would be CArdio Party 1. Also, the weight workouts are absolutely worthless.
Was a little too negative.........well, that is how I feel!

And what is this about calcium and weight loss. Here I go drinking a gallon a milk a day. I have not done that since I was pregnant and when I was nursing.
Jana - Have you tried hi/lo? Cathe has MIC, and I think that is the only all floor workout. I don't really like hi/lo that much for some reason. I have Christi Taylor Totally Hot Cardio or something like that, but just not too into it.
Sorry Jana, can't help you on Turbo Jam. I'd been looking into it before after reading so many good things about it...but then my flame petered out a bit and then was extinguished when Kate started saying she wasn't into it. I bought Christi Taylor's Terrific Trio (pre-Cathe) because I thought the weight workout looked good. It comes with a hi/low and step workout, I think. I put the workout in for literally one minute before the music drove me into an absolute rage.

Well that was helpful for you. :p

I've emptied out the last of my steel-cut oats into soymilk to soak for the night. Tomorrow morning and I'm done with steel-cut! (Ha---llelujah! Ha---llelujah!....Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Halle--lujah--!)

Hmmm, maybe I'll start having a protein pancake for breakfasts.....:7 :9 :7
August-I workout and then eat so I do the pancake for breakfast after the workout and it hits the spot! I am sooo hungry after a workout and the pancake taste sooooo yummy!

I am trying to find someone to trade Turbo Jam w/me on fitnessvideo, but no takers.....guess I am going to have to break down and buy it.

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