I Hate Cardio, July 10

Jana - I got an email back and just talked to the lady. Only Lovey and the mother Torti is left. Cosmos is spoken for, being flown to Indiana next week :-( . The lady agreed to keep the kitten for a month...or DH's parents would be happy to keep her. However...I asked what Lovey's personality is like and she said that none of kittens liked to be picked up and held. They were rather sit next to you on the couch than you pick them up. One of the things we loved the most about Lucy was that she was definitely a lap cat and loved to be picked up and held and alwasy wanted to be next to you. They are located in Magnolia, so we are debating whether to make the trip, about an hour, to go check it out this weekend. Do you think cats can become more loving lap cats if they get enough love, or is that just their personality?
I don't know. My kitty is beyond a "lap cat". He gets up all in your face and is just nuts! I think it is worth a shot and just to see how the kitty reacts to the home. It may be different if the kitty is alone and not other kitties around. I would say go and check her out first before you decide on anything.
Sad my little Cosmos is gone...;( ;(
We made an appointment to go see her on Saturday. It would be hard to tell this lady that we don't want her because she is trying to get it out of her house!! Lucy was also a very big snuggler, she would curl up as close to your face as possible and basically sleep on your head. She was my tv watching companion. I don't really want an aloof cat that doesn't want to be around you. I hate that. That is what gives cats a bad rap. We will see how she is with us. If she just doesn't like us at all, then we won't get her.
Look at my picture trail to see a current pic of Lovey (to be named Gracie) that the foster mother sent me. The pictures on the internet at www.cathappy.com/torti are a couple weeks old. Hopefully she will be a sweetie and we can adopt her.
She is soooo cute! She looks really playful too which is a good thing. I am sure she is really different when she is not around so many kitties and has more one on one time with people.
The foster mom said that she is very inquisitive, always wanting to know what is going on and investigating everything. So sounds like she will be fun to play with. Lucy was much more calm, so it would be different. Lucy was not the most playful kitten, probably becomes she was sick the day we got her and we just didn't know it.
Good evening haters!

Michele - Were you able to get a new coffee maker? I'd die w/out mine. I NEED coffee in the a.m.

August - I have no idea how to make a mini soap. I say just get the blob you have wet and mold it into a square shape. LOL

Diane - your soon-to-be kitty is so cute. I love tiger striped cats.

Char-Char - I like your new pic, you look so cute. I'm used to seeing your pics with a serious face.

Hi to Kate, Jan-Jan and Kali.

Today's workout was HIIT on the elliptical. It was so hot in there I think I lost a gallon of sweat. I'm going up to do CoreMax #3 in a bit.

Just popping in to say hello. Talk to you all tomorrow!
Hi Guys! Just wanted to say "hello", worked today in the Beyond (instead of tonight so I could be w/ DH which I am doing right now)! Just hanging out on the patio.

Did C&W's today; needed something simple and quick b4 work. Only had a South Beach bar to eat so far today. (told you my eating habits suck)!

Ok, going back to DH. 5 more days and he leaves me....(sigh)

You guys are all sooo great! I'm so glad I started to check in with you all! I only work on Monday's so I WILL be here tomorrow to chat! Missed it today!!! ALREADY I'm attached!!


Dana, great job on your HIIT!

I just finished LIS and I was so hot I had to modify. Even though my AC is cranked and I worked out under a ceiling fan with another fan blowing on me, the air is so moist and thick I thought I would pass out. I have ZERO tolerance for hot, humid weather. When it gets this humid the AC only helps to a point. Is that true for you guys, too?

Hi Char Char! I don't know how you managed a bike trek in this heat. You ARE Superwoman!

I got my new coffeemaker:) :)

Janjan, it's sounds like you're making a little progress everyday. Good for you!! I hope your DD's eye is okay. Please keep us posted om that.

Diane, the kitty is adorable:+

I'm off to the shower.
Good morning!

Ooooh, I had some good sleep last night...

So how did the coffeeless day go, Michele? I gave up coffee about a year ago. I only used to drink one cup of coffee in the morning (back in the good ol' glutton days when I had pastries for breakfast), so giving it up really was not a big challenge.

Dana, I tried the squish-the-broken-pieces-of-soap-into-one-blob-soap. It's good...until it gets wet LOL.

Janjan - How did the appointment with the baby eye specialist go?

Oh man, those kittens are really cute, Diane. Mama is really cute, too. I hope the visit goes well.

Hi, Kali, have fun hanging with your DH!

Hi, Kate!

All right, I must still be rather sleepy - I'm not as wordy as usual LOL. I have the S&H I mentioned yesterday, and more dang pushups.

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