I Hate Cardio, July 10

Miss Lee


Oh, I have LIS on tap for today. How about you girls?

ETA that it was great to see you posted yesterday, Dana, and I'm sure I speak for all of us when I say that you have been missed. I'm so sorry to hear about that horrible accident and I'll keep that guy in my prayers. WOO HOO!! Way to go on your progress!! I think I found the weight you lost;( All that fam damily time;)

I'm off to find a new coffeemaker.
Yikes I am sorry too about the accident. I will be thinking of him too.
Sorry about your coffeemaker but come on coffee isn't good for you so why don't you take this as an omen and quit drinking coffee?
Ha, fooled ya!! Get a new one as soon as possible. A morning without any coffee is not a proper morning! Speaking of Coffee, I am reading a David Liss novel titled "The Coffee Trader" (I realize that book titles are to be underlined, but I am computer-challenged and cannot do it on the keyboard). David Liss is an excellent writer and his novels are wonderful! One of his books would go perfectly with a fresh cup of coffee. Yum Yum.
Today is..........uh.....hmmm..Slow and Heavy with the floor portion of L&G and 30 minutes of punishing cardio. I never know the cardio until I get there. Hate to think of what I have to go through for 30 minutes. So, I am off!
Hey there,

Michele - Oh man, I hope that sucker broke down AFTER if was able to squirt something into your cup. I remember when my blender broke as I was putting the ingredients for a smoothie into it. I put everything in, put something away, came back and was, "wait a minute. Did I forget to put the soymilk?" Then I realized my white dining table was shinier than usual. It was so horrible - I mean, not being able to have my yummy smoothie! I hope you get a great replacement. You're getting lots of new appliances lately, eh? Hey, how were the movies?

Dana, we missed you! Huge congrats on another 2 pounds! That is really enviable! Yep, I'm cranking away on my BFFM (though what with all my weekend business trips, it really is difficult to keep on any calcuations). One thing I've learned is my body loves being the size it currently is x( . Not a horrible thing, but I want to be the one giving the orders! But I'm continuing to tweak away and try new things to try to find out what's the best ratio and stuff for me. Anyway, I'm so glad that everything is all right and it's just the computer situation. Shall I send a complaint to your workplace to demand that you get access to Cathe LOL? That must have been horrifying for your DH to watch that race car burst into flames. I hope the guy will be all right.

Hey, Kate, I'm doing S&H tomorrow, too, chest and back. But I ain't adding on 30 min of cardio. You're hard-core!

On that note, I suppose I should get ready for bed. Don't worry Michele, I'm sure we'll have some good sleep tonight. :)
Hi Kate! I've looked at that book, "The Coffee Trader" (I don't know how to underline either-lol!), but never read it. You'll have to tell me what you think. I'm starting an Italian immersion of sorts. I'm trying to learn the language through self-study at home, and I'm planning to read some Italian literature. I just started a book called "Artemisia" (don't know the author's name right off). It's about a 17th century Italian artist, Artemisia Gentileschi. It's historical fiction but they actually list the book as non fiction biography in some places. Apparently it's a mostly true account of her life and times. I'm getting psyched up for my trip in October. I'm trying in earnest to figure up a rotation. I'm going to try to rework the one Debbie (Fitnessfreak) posted last week to make it more user/wallet friendly for me. Enjoy your cardio:p
Oh yeah, I forgot.

Any of you guys crafty?

I have a face soap that is thin and ready to crumble so I want to make it into a little travel face soap. Does anyone know how to go about making that miracle take place?
I am hobbling around today after doing GS Legs yesterday, I can't even imagine what tomorrow will be like (always worse 2 days later). I went to bed way too late yesterday, so tried to get some sleep this morning. So no workout yet. GS Chest & Tris and a short run was on the schedule, so I will try and get one of those in tonight (if I don't have to work all night today, which is a definite possibility).

Michele - Oh, the horror! How can one live without a coffeemaker? I have been trying to cut back to get ready for TTC, but it is very hard to do. I am also a Starbucks addict, which gets very expensive.

Kate - Where do you come up with these torturous workouts? Sounds like a killer.

Guess what I realized today? Only about 1 month until we can get a new kitten in the house! I am so very excited. We had to wait 3 months after Lucy died to make sure the disease is out of our house. I want to get a really young one, like 6 or 8 weeks. I can't wait.
Oh Diane, I'm so excited for you to get a new kitty!! I've been going to bed very late. I've been reading a lot and I have a hard time putting a book down. I'm glad you got a good work out in.

August, I'm sorry to say I have no earthly idea how to make travel soap--lol! Surely there's a website somewhere with full instructions.:p :7
No, my coffeemaker didn't even give me ONE drop this morning. It just up and died and I had to run out and buy a couple of cups. Fortunately, our fav grocery store has a coffee bar and they use very fresh coffee from a local roaster. It's the best coffee I've ever had and I buy the whole beans and grind them myself.

The Coffee Trader is set in Holland and Portugal. Well, I finished only chapter one and that is what I assume. So far, so great for my review. I love his books. LOVE HIM BOOKS. I wrote him a note via e-mail, felt foolish doing it since he is an excellent writer and I am, well, me.
GET TO STARBUCKS or whatever you have around there. I never buy coffee at those places. Wow, it looks like an addiction such as tobacco where they spend money beyond money on those things. Bad things.
Hey girls,

What a day already...let's see...

Michele- oh how I can relate to the coffee thing, but mine is by choice. I decided to try and give it up to see how I felt. I was getting too shaky from the caf and a pres drug I was on so I decided to drop the coffee. It has been 2 days and it has been hard, but actually I have gotten used to it. Basically I get up feed DD and then get right to the workout and then eat breakfast with the meds, shaking has stopped....but life is no fun with out coffee. I miss it!! Hope you got some this morning!!

August..are you


Diane- yeah with the kitty! Check out CAPS if you can, I got my kitty from there and well what can I say, he's nutty, but tons of fun.

Kate, so how much cardio today?? 5 hours or something crazy like that???

DD has a little bump on the corner of her outter eye so I had to take her to the Dr this morning. Said he is not sure what it and now we have to take her to the baby eye Dr to get it checked out. It is really strange and I don't know what to thing. I am a little worried about her, but I think she will be ok.

I managed to get in 30 mins on the bike and GS bis and tris today (yes I mix mine up) I still need to do some core work and my knee exercises and ice and clean up the house and eat lunch....I have too much to do......I also have a B-day party tonight to go to. I am missing Hell's Kitchen for this party

I love that show, but hey my friend is turning 30 and you only do that once.

So....ok I have got to get all this crap done and I am hungry.

Jana - I read something in all of these baby books I am reading about tear ducts getting clogged, but since it is in the outer part of the eye, that wouldn't really make sense. Hope she is doing okay.

I can't wait to get a kitten! I think we are going to try and get our next kitten from a family. We got Lucy at a shelter, and the disease she had is common in places like shelters or catteries where there a lots of cats. We got her at the Houston Humane Society. So we want our next kitten to be from a home where there are less cats around so less chances of picking something up.

Check out these pictures of kittens in Houston that are in a foster home (so I would be rescueing a cat, but it wouldn't be around many cats like in a shelter). http://www.cathappy.com/torti.htm They have to be the most photogenic cats I have ever seen. I want Lovey.
Hi Haters!

Road my bike for 14 miles, does that count? I wasn't hating it though....well maybe the hills a few times, but once I conquered them I felt like someone should pay me or something. LOL!

I am doing extended lowmax today, but only this evening I will do it cuz it is too friggin' hot still in my sunroom and I will be sweaty and hot enough later.


Haven't heard from you today on the maniac check in? What is up with that?

Hi to all~

OMG..Diane...I think we are going to have to get another Kitty!!!!
Just called DH and told him I am getting another one! I want Cosmos!! Oh I am in love!!! DH said no, but I told him to get over that..then he started to come around once he saw the pics!

Do you know this person? scoop, scoop. PM me if you want
No I don't know this person, I was just looking on the internet into shelters that kept the kittens in foster homes instead of the shelter, since this would lessen the risk of catching something. That is how I found the website. I wish I could get one today! You better not even think about getting Lovey! She is mine. If Lovey is still around in 1 month, she will be 4 months old. That is the age Lucy was when we got her. We kinda wanted a younger one, but man, they are so cute. And you can just tell they are loved in that home. DH and I were even talking about adopting the two girls, Lovey and Sadie. They would be left alone so long during the day for the first year, it would be fun to have their sister as a pal.
It's ok I want Cosmo. My kitty needs another kitty. The dog is getting old and does not want to play as much as kitty does. If you email him let me know is Cosmo is still there.
Jana - I just contacted the email on the website. It is a long shot, but if Lovey and Sadie are still available, I will see if I can adopt them but not have them for 1 month. Hopefully they will allow it. I have been looking at this website for weeks. Now that it is only a month away, that sounds more reasonably than them keeping the cats for 2 months. I hope it works!
They are so cute! I am a boy kitty myself. I like boy cats. Girl cats are kind of moody and my kitty does not like girl kitties. My cat is strange, don't ask why that is. 2 cats will be fun and they will have each other to hang out with all day!
Keep me updated on what they say.
That is funny because DH and I are definitely girl cat people. I have only had girl cats. Still haven't heard back but I am so hoping they will do this. The kittens are so cute! Cosmos is so cute, my mom liked him when I showed her this website a few weeks ago. I told you, I have been stalking these kittens on the internet for weeks.
You are too funny! I do hope they will work with you. I am sure they will. The little kitties will be going to a great, loving home and I am sure the people will see that and work with you.

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