Your message cracked me up, Tallchick! :7 I was wondering the same thing - what, no weekend check in?
Low Max and Ab Jam, then Turbo Jam?
That's mongo cardio! Huge! You must feel incredible!
This weekend for me was Power Hour and then Stretch. Now, it might have been because I had had poor sleep the night before (wish someone would give me a nuk nuk!), or it might have been because it was my first time doing Power Hour...but my usual beloved weight-lifting felt sort of like a pain in the butt. I was taking off this plate, putting on this plate, figuring out dumbbells, taking the plate off again. My hand muscles got a major workout with the shaft clips - urgh, I hate those things - do they become any looser the more you use them?! I've figured out that I'm a bit of a wimp in terms of endurance, too.
Okay, I'm done whimpering. Whimpering and it's not even about cardio.
Anyway, I've decided to torture myself and start an endurance rotation next week. Then I'll really be able to whimer.
Jana - Okay, LowMax now has a small MAYBE NOT mark next to it in my WANT TO GET file. I'll check out those Classics, but I'm thinking I must have looked and not even bothered to mark them down. I'm not sure if I'm ready for a '90s revival just yet! I wonder if IMAX2 and CTX are also pretty hard for the choreograph-challenged?
Diane - Hey, I'm reading your late-night entry. Sounds like you are really bogged down with work. But you do enjoy what you do and the people who work around you, as well?
And I've still been getting the hiccups. Weird.
What was up for everyone else this weekend?