I Hate Cardio - Aug 6


Where are you lazy butts?!

:p Haha!


Jana - Are you FREE?!?!?!!

Kate - Is your laundry finished?

Where are the rest of you? (oh yeah, you're sleeping! At least I hope. ;) )

I had an incredible cardiovascular happening this weekend. It completely astounded me.

Here's what happened - It occurred to me that about two years back when I was just starting to work out, I bought a weight lifting workout. It came as a set with a floor aerobic and a step aerobics - at that time, I thought "oh well, those ucky cardios come with the workout so what can I do?"

Anyway, I got the workout and put it in to do the weight lifting, and the first song was like something out of the worst Nintendo game imaginable. It annoyed me to no end, and my fitness amateurity led me to put the workout at the bottom of my shelf, without even trying out more than those first few minutes! Dork!

I took it out yesterday just to view the step, but instead checked out the floor cardio and ended up trying it out.


Now for the even more amazing part to my incredible cardio story.

I had no idea, but this instructor is apparently a favorite amongst Cathe fans and is known for her very complex, dancy workouts.

Complex and dancy. Hello? Complex and dancy? I HATE complex and dancy! I absolutely cannot for the life of me believe I loved this floor cardio. The only way I can describe it is...it's sort of like the moves you'd find Chicago street teens in the outside public basketball courts doing for a jump rope routine (no rope, just the mesmerizing, awesome moves - gawd, I think I made it sound horrifying, but I'm just giving you a bit of an idea of how it flows). I was only able to sweat through the first half hour, but let me tell you, it was so fun that I did it again today instead of my stretch. Yeah, I know. I can't believe it.

The instructor is Christi Taylor and the workout is on her Terrific Trio DVD. The cardio I did is called Happy Hour hi/lo. If you do a search on Cathe, you'll find a lot of raving threads on her. I was shocked. Who'd have known? Even when I was just starting out exercising, I had great sense and taste! :p

So now my WANT list has again increased with more Christi.

Phew, that was long. Maybe not what you wanted first thing on a Sunday morning.

well, August, you are a better woman than I. That was already obvious, of course. But Christi? I have tried and tried her and I ended up trading every single one away. The cardio was way too complicated for me. She has a pleasing personality but too dancy for my three left feet. I know that she is well loved, I just cannot follow her, too much of a klutz, I am.

Okay, so I got up early for you. I am trying not to be lazy. Forgive me. Really bad bladder night with my interstitial cystitis, that is. I had to keep going every 10 minutes for the first two hours then I was up every hour. I can't sleep in. I don't know how I ever worked as a cocktail waitress through college. I guess age had a lot to do with it.

I am sore from yesterday. I did pyramid lower with 40, 50,60 pounds. My body is telling me that I need to be using heavier weights, I think. Since I can't build, it won't make a difference. Don't know what I am doing today if anything, but it would be an icky cardio day and it wouldn't be that hard to put it off another day!

So, I agree with you, August. Where is everyone? I mean it is only past five here, but everyone else is ahead of me time and life wise so where are you all? You must answer to August!
Yes, you must listen to Kate and you must answer August!! :7

Wake your butts up! We want more people to play with us!! }(

You traded all your Christi away? Am I totally going to be buying a bunch of her workouts and then end up crying? If you can believe it, I did the 1/2 hour twice today. It's just so friggen fun! I'm getting pretty good...at the first 1/2 hour, that is. After that and my brain turns to mush.

That sucks about your 10-min shift. You'd think there was some doctor who could fix that awful thing.

Crap, you lift heavy, Kate. You must have awesome legs.

All right, so again, where are you others?!

Hey, I shouldn't get High Step Circuit, right?
The last thing yours truly has are awesome legs. I am tall so I am heavier than you so naturally I can hold more.

Yesterday, I went to the grocery store and bought the kids some ice cream treats (yes, teach them bad habits from the start) and I just stared at the ice cream. Just stared at all the great flavors. I do this every time. I think that here I am at 46 and every person my age that I can see has let themselves go. Why don't I? I think they are having fun eating Mocha Almond Fudge and Chocolate Brownie and here I am suffering. Then I come back to Earth. I put in my time with the workouts, how come I can't look like I should. Oh well. Genetics. I hate the "G" word, worst word in the English language.

If I had only known that someday you would love Christi, I would have saved them for you and given them away. I got some decent trades but nothing I really wanted all that bad. Oh well.

No one can fix the bladder. It isn't a disease that will kill me. Men don't get it and really, I can deal with just fine. It is just sometime, I am so tired and I have to try to find a way to get a nap and if I do get a nap, then I ruin my mascara. I have lived with this for years so I am used to it. It really doesn't bother me unless it gets bad for days on end.

Okay, everyone, get your lazy you know what's out of bed and apologize to us!
Well, no matter how tall you are, I think you still lift heavy. Yeow.

My favorite ice cream is probably cookie dough...and of course, lucky/not lucky, there ain't no thing in Japan. I'll bet there are tons of new flavors out in the States that I've never even heard of. The best ice creams for me are the ones that have the most extra crap in them. Like it's not just ice cream, but ice cream with fudge, toffee, crystalized sugar, chocolate chips, raw brownie mix and whatever leftover dessert also thrown in for good measure.

You're sweet to say that about your Christi workouts. I could have like sent you some Magic Barley or something good! Oh well, I guess I'll take my chances and order away.

I can't believe the amount of workouts I'm aiming to buy. It's because I'm going to the States for a quickie and want to save on the international shipping which really is a major bummer. I may as well waste money on a kzillion workouts I won't be able to do and have them sent to me in the States rather than spend the same amount on a couple workouts sent to Japan and wish I had more.

I used to get bladder infections a lot in college. What a friggen nuisance. That's great that you have such a positive attitude about it.

All right all you lazy good for nothins!! You heard Kate! APOLOGIZE!!!!!!!!
Well it's about time you got up!! :D

You know, it's the weirdest thing. I bought this workout from Collage (it's called TERRIFIC TRIO and has Happy Hour high/low, Stepping Zone, and Strength, Balance & Flexibility on it) but like I mentioned, I bought it like a year or two ago...

Now I don't see it on Collage...and I don't even see it on Christi's own homepage!

What is UP with that?!

Are you interested in it? I could email you more detail?
I have been up since 4 am working on this paper. I must finish it! DH left at 3 to go fishing and I could not sleep. DD did not get up until 6:30 so I had some quiet time. I was just taking a break.

Yea, interested, remember I cannot do step anymore so I need to find other stuff I can do. Dr said Hi/lo is ok as long as there are not really high impact stuff and lots of jumps. I saw some other stuff on collage w/her and it looked ok.

I emailed you. I think LOL.

If it's getting to you, tell me and I'll go on!

Why on earth do I feel sneaky? I feel so Mission Impossible.
I'm just looking it up on Yahoo right now....ooh, and it's there!

It says it's low impact....though there is a bunch of hopping around...
oh, I love the ice-creams with all the extra junk in them. The more the better. I love Black Forest too. Oh my goodess (or rather badness) How long has it been since you have been to the "states"? Where are you from?
It's been like...........8 years?!

Good gosh.

I'm from Oregon.

Black..black forest ice cream? Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.................
Weird. My computer just froze and crashed!

Which is more than I can say for when I'll be crashing tonight. I took a major nap around 8pm. I just couldn't help it. I guess it was all that Christi I did. ;)

I'm from Portland. Know anybody (besides me :) ) ?

As for work, actually, I work half at my apartment and half outside in the real world (I'm in music). My work hours at home are as I chose them, and my work hours outside can run throughout the night (don't worry, nothing seedy :p) . I love my work...except that my sleep is totally whacked. Anyway, that's why I can log on at weird hours and do Christi's workout several times throughout the day if I want. And today, I did just that. Can you imagine? I did the first half of that cardio three times today just because I wanted to!

Oh, wait, talkin' to Kate here, so I geuss you can imagine that LOL.
yeah, well, I talk to myself too and yeah, it's weird. On an episode of Mayberry RFD, Howard Spragge moves to a tropical island because he is tired of the rat race of Mayberry and Mt. Piltot. He is sitting on the beach reading a book of psychology and talking to himself. He comes across a section where it tells him that talking to yourself means that you are nuts. Well, I agree!

so, I don't know anyone in Portland, just Salem, Eugene, Roseburg and Coos Bay. Now I know you. What is it you do in music? Sounds glamorous. Tell me how unglamorous it is, will ya!!!
Yeah, well, I think the time change has finally made you nuts. How can you say this, aren't you afraid Michelle is going to hunt you?
Hehe! I don't know if you're nuts or not...but actually, I've read that talking to yourself is healthy. It's the talking to an imaginary someone else that's not. :*

Ahh, you want the unglamour of the music business? Well, let's see. You never, never should see the inside of a club when the lights are turned on. What else? You should never wear nice clothing to a club and sit down on the couches. Unless it's a new club, then it's probably safe. ;)

I'm a vocalist and songwriter. It's tons of fun.
Yeah, where in the world is Michele, anyway?

Girl get your butt upstairs to your computer RIGHT NOW!

You, too, Diane,...and especially you, Dana!!

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