I had the strangest dream about this website last night...


I dreamt that Cathe had sold her websites and forums to Gene Simmons! This dream went on a long time - it covered a lot of people posting wondering what had happened, where Cathe was, why she'd done this, very upset. Then it went into the realm of product testing for one of Gene's companies, and involved my throwing large bottles of liquid at other people at his house while wearing goggles. Then it was something about being a nanny for his kids (in the dream they were young and not the same as his actual kids) and using one of the family's toothbrushes. Turns out Cathe had gone to Germany and apparently was involved in some sort of religious festival wherein she couldn't fly home for a while because you weren't supposed to use electricity during the festival.

All in all, it was quite a relief to log on this morning!

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