I had my ultrasound and...


It's another boy! This is quite a surprise to me since I really thought I was having a girl this time. However, I am so happy that my son gets to have a little brother! The ultrasound was amazing and our little guy was so cute grabbing his foot with his hand :) We don't have a name yet:-( That seems to be the hard part. Girl names seem so easy for us but it seems so much harder for some reason to come up with just the right boy name. So I will have to give you and update once we narrow down our choices. Anyway, I'm so thankful that the baby so far seems totally healthy and fine. :)

Congratulations Alison!
Good luck with the name - I agree with you about boy names being so much harder! Can't wait to see what you decide!!
I know it's so different for everyone,but I thought of 4 or 5 boy names, not a single girl name I could stand. And I had a girl, who I named Logan :) I love that name!!
Hi Alison! Congratulations, another boy! Your post seems like a mirror of my own. I, too, for a second was thinking maybe a girl and then s bit surprised to hear boy. We are also having trouble in the boy name department. My husband likes traditional names for boys and I'm finding it even tougher for this reason. Best wishes to you!
Congratulations Alison. We are also having a boy (edd May 9), and we found girl names to easy to come by, but still no boy name. Good luck. When are you due?

Alison, another boy! How exciting.

We had the exact opposite problem, though--I'm expecting a girl, and we had no trouble coming up with boy names, while deciding on a girl name was next to impossible. :)

Join the blue club :) We're also having a 2nd boy this time around... and having the WORST time figuring out a boy name for #2. We had 3 or 4 girl names picked out -- any one of which I would've been happy with!

I'm glad your little boy is healthy and active -- aren't ultrasounds amazing?
Once again Iam a little slow in responding! I used to read the boards every night. Now that I am well into this pregnancy I get so much more tired at night and seemed to have traded much of the little free time I had in for getting extra sleep. :-tired

Anyway, I just wanted to say thanks for all your wishes and the great responses. It's nice to know I am not alone in the confusion of finding the right name! Btw Eclair my due date is June 3rd but I have to have a planned c-section so I am scheduled for May 28th. So I am not too far behind you :) I hope all of your pregnancies are going along well!


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