I feel like I've tried everything and nothing works!


I've done the following in my quest to lose weight:

1- Weight Watchers
2- Jenny Craig
3- BFL
4- Leanness Lifestyle
5- All Cathe all the time (heavy weights, light weights, lots of cardio, less cardio more weights etc)
6- Slim Series
7- all lower intensity cardio (treadmill etc) and pilates or yoga only
8- personal trainer
9- eat more calories, eat less calories, don't count calories at all
10- Atkins, 40/30/30 and not paying any attention to ratios at all

And nothing works!!!! I haven't budged from 152 lbs except for occasional UPWARD swings when I have overendulged such as on vacaitons and stuff. I am 37 years old, 5'5 and was hanging strong with 140 lbs for a few years until about 2 yrs ago. And back then I STILL needed to lose 10 lbs. Now its 20+!!!! I'm going out of my mind! HELP!!!! I don't enjoy exercise enough to keep spinning my wheels. If this is as good as its going to get I'll just walk for 30 mins/day for health reasons. But I KNOW it can get better than this! I'm 32 percent bodyfat and that's just plain disgusting. Someone give me suggestions

I often feel the same way. It is extremely frustrating. It is like your body doesn't want to give up the fat no matter how hard you try. I have also done WW at home, I didn't like it.

Currently I do the SELF Diet Club and am trying to be consistent with my workouts. Cathe is my fav, I have lost some inches not many but a few.

Have you measured yourself to see if you have lost inches?

The only advice I can give is Don't Give Up!!:) We will win this battle. I'm sure others will have better advice. But believe me you are not alone.

I really can relate to what you are saying. I haven't tried the WW's or the Jenny Craigs or any of that, but I have modified, modified, modified, my eating so many times, I don't know what's left to try! I went to half portions for awhile which worked really well some years back, but no more. I now am trying to cut my portions in 1/3 to see if that is the answer.

I recently read somewhere that if you want to be like someone you admire, observe what they do. So I have been observing all of the thin people around me and taking note of what they do. I want to lose 15# or so and I noticed that all of the thin people eat like birds. They eat 1/3 to 1/4 the portions that are put in front of them and they do it consistently. They don't worry about counting calories (that has never ever worked for me as it becomes an obsession after awhile), they just eat very small amounts of food. I have also observed that they do not snack between meals. When I talk to them, they all say they are very content and don't feel deprived at all. One of my co-workers had to start eating this way about 4 years ago due to acid reflux problems. She is now down to her high school weight and loving life.

So,now I will try to emulate what the thin people are all doing. Tiny portions of quality food and no snacking. I am hoping this is the "holy grail" of finally losing this extra weight! I am fine with working out which I love to do and makes me feel so good, so that is already in place. I'll let you know if this method works!

Good luck Cbelle, and don't be too discouraged.

Hi! My question would be - how long have you done each of these? I did WW three years ago and loved it. I still write down everything I eat. When I read their literature, it said "if you do this you WILL lose weight." That was enough to motivate me! But...it did take time. I lost a pound or two every week, so it took about five months to lose the 35 pounds I wanted to lose. There was also a period in there were I didn't lose anything for three weeks - the famous plateau!!! But I made myself keep doing it, and after a few weeks I suddenly started losing weight again. The key is to pick something - and I highly recommend WW - and keep at it. Also, I learned the hard way that exercise alone won't do it. I gained all that weight while working out with Cathe (and other videos) 4 times a week! I learned from WW how to "eat right" again. But I still workout to burn extra calories and keep my heart and muscles strong. Good luck!
Well I stuck with each thing for at least a month before moving on. I literally have not seen the scale budge from 152.2 in this time except that it HAS moved upwards on occasion only to fall back. SEriously, you'd think the thing was broken!

I don't mind 1 lb a week loss but I don't even see that!
I went through a phase when I did everything which was the "in" thing to do and I felt exactly like you.

Over the last couple of years I noticed that a lot of my problems had to do with my eating habits and general life style.

I only eat when I am hungry now. I don't eat every two hours because a diet tells me so. If I don't feel like eating after my workout...I don't. I have also sworn off sugar. I actually don't miss it now. I also restrict my grocery shopping to the outside of the store (recommended by a doctor who specializes in diabetes). This approach has done wonders for me!

I have found that if I spend a lot of day upright and moving, my excess weight began to fall off of me. Even doing stupid things...walking from the far end of the parking lots to the store front...doing my housecleaning every night for an hour instead of 5 hours on the weekend...and resisting the urge to watch more than a half an hour of TV.

I am not an expert but this has worked for me!

RE: I feel like I've tried everything and nothing works...

I tried all kinds of diet pills, diets, exercised constantly for years and nothing worked till I started working out with Cathe and changing my eating habits. "When" I was losing weight, (right now I am not because I eat like hell), I had cut out sugar and starch and ate complex carbs and as much protein as I could. I never followed any %'s or anything. Just tried not to "over due" anything and that worked for me. Good luck!


RE: I feel like I've tried everything and nothing works...

Hi--it's probably too early for me to really comment on this, but I started the Eat to Live plan (Dr. Joel Fuhrman)and I've lost 7 lbs in 3 weeks which is a phenomanal (sp?) rate for me. I'm happy with a pound a week. I am amazed that I do not feel hungry at all.I have some cravings, but not hunger. Also, I don't think I'm losing muscle, because I am following a heavy "in the garage with the smith machine" rotation with my hubby and I continue to increase my weight loads.

ETA-I've also lost inches! And I'm sure I won't continue to lose weight this quickly, but I'll probably reach my post partum goal much sooner than I thought. My cardio is very light and low impact right now because I am recovering from achilles tendonosis and yet I'm still losing weight. I'm really excited about this.

It's a radical diet change for me, but if I can break my addiction to food and lose weight and maintain a healthy weight, I'm sold.

Anyway--read the book and see what he says. It's worth a try.

RE: I feel like I've tried everything and nothing works...

I'm sorry you've had so much trouble losing weight.

Have you had your thyroid gland tested? Underactive thyroid can make one sleepy and gain weight. Just a thought.

I hope that I can help ~ I'd like to second what the others have said here and offer some more words for consideration.

I think any of us that have broken past a plateau will admit that looking back, there is definitely a reason why we were stuck. Usually it is diet. It doesn't usually tend to be the type of exercise, unless you weren't doing any exercise at all.

You stated that you've been on all these diet plans listed above ~ have these all been within the last 2 years? Or less? The reason I ask is that often people quit a diet too soon; it is too restrictive or not enjoyable so they quit before really giving it a chance. This might not have been the case with you, but it is something to think about.

Whatever you decide to do, tell yourself you are going to do it for 6-8 weeks minimum is my suggestion. 12 weeks ideal. Others might chime in and say differently. But if you've been at this weight for some time, your body is not going to give it up easy.

I am 38, 5'4 and was at a plateau a few years back of 155....it was counting calories that got me past that, watching portion size and then I lost a lot ~ got down to like 138 then stayed there for a while.....then when I cut out processed foods like crackers, bread, diet bars, Frozen Entrees (Lean Cuisine, Lean Pockets, etc.) and even protein shakes and mostly SUGAR ~ I started slimming down again. When I add that stuff back in more than I should I can feel myself having a bit more snug fit in my jeans etc.

Also ~ consider this, my 61 year old mother was carrying a lot of extra weight for YEARS AND YEARS-she is an apple shape and was holding I'm guessing like 40 extra pounds there and for years I would try to tell her what to do to lose weight. She'd say she was on WW but I'd watch her put real butter on bread for a snack and her pantry was filled with carby sugary snacks and she really didn't watch it; eating wise...she'd say "oh I'm too old, I've been this weight for ages and it won't come off". Finally one day recently she said she was going for it. She went back to WW and took it very seriously; she cut out the sugar stuff etc. and she has lost SO MUCH WEIGHT. I think originally she was shooting to hit like 145lbs for a goal weight and she has far surpassed it, going down at least 2-3 sizes already.

All that to say, it can be done. It requires patience, sometimes a reality check on diet/portions/calories and determination. Tell youself; if I am eating right and staying active, I'm not doing any HARM right?? You won't get fat from eating right and staying active right?? That is what I told myself; I'd be working out and looking in the mirror grossing out at my hips or something but I said, this workout cannot make my thighs worse....I kept at it and I'm the leanest I've ever been.

I have still yet to reach my FINAL goal but I will this year. What I won't do is say, I want to lose this last 8-10 lbs in 4 weeks. I say this year. And I will.

Feel free to email me directly if you want to chat further, I'd love to help.
[email protected]

keep your chin up; you can do it!!!!

I'm so sorry to hear about how you're feeling about yourself. I don't know if I can help, but I have been very successful with my weight, so I'll try.

When I was a teenager I was obese. I was 5'3" and weighed 165 lbs. My whole body is still scarred with the stretch marks, and I will have them for the rest of my life. I hated myself and I tried starving myself and going on crash diets, but I always wound up losing, then gaining it all back and then some. I learned that denying myself didn't work. I remember one day I told my friend that I was frustrated and just didn't care anymore. I decided to eat anything and everything I wanted to and just let myself go hog wild. My friend said I was nuts. I was hurt by what she said, but I did it. At first I ate stuff that was bad for me and gained weight, but after awhile I started to get tired of all the sweets, and started to crave veggies and lighter, healthier foods. Suddenly, the weight started to melt off. I stopped paying attention to what I was eating and allowed myself to go completely "natural", and my weight just found its comfortable place. With each passing decade I've become a bit slimmer. I have now been 115 lbs. for the last 15 or so years, with an ideal BMI. My doctor tells me to "keep doing what you're doing", but I'm not doing anything. By the way, last week I saw the friend who said I was nuts all those years ago, and she's obese. }(

I know that everyone is different, and has a different metabolism, so my story may not be of any help. I just wanted to share in case it is.
Please be gentle with yourself.

Your story is pretty much my story I was telling 2 months ago. I am 34 years old and 5'6" tall. For over two years I worked out to The Firm and Cathe 5-6 days a week. I worked out so hard, but jet I got nowhere. It sucked so bad, and I would get depressed about it. My friends would tell me that I'm older now, and I probably would never get back to my old self(before kids). I was starting to believe them. I was ready to give up, when an old friend of mine called me and told me about some nutritional products she was selling. At this point I was willing to try anything, it didn't matter. So I did. When I tried them I was stuck at 150-152lbs for two+ years. With a goal of 135. I am now the happiest I have ever been and weight 137lbs. I only have 2 pounds left. It's amazing I can actually see my muscles that I have worked so hard for. They were always there but under a layer of fat. Nutrition is the key for losing weight. And I know you can conquer this stuburn platue. It can be done. I would love to help you if you're interested. Just like my friend Diane did for me. You can email me at [email protected]
I hope to here from you.
One additional thought -- it may be worth a visit to your doctor for a general check-up. I felt exactly the same way as you last year at this time -- working out 5-6 days a week with Cathe and eating quite cleanly and not losing a pound for over 6 months. After a chat with my doctor, I learned that my birth control method was interfering with my metabolism (and this is a potential side effect of all kinds of drugs, including allergy meds). She told me I could have been exercising 6 hours a day and eating 600 calories a day and I still wouldn't have lost any weight! So I switched methods and almost immediately saw a difference. It's now 1 year later and I am 4 sizes smaller.

It actually made me feel a lot better to know that I wasn't doing anything wrong or not working hard enough. It may be worth a try.

Good luck!

Hey Cbelle,

Congrats on keeping up the workouts. Don't quit!

I only have one bit of advice and it is regarding Body for Life since that's the one I'm familiar with. I have talked with more women who have said they did NOT see ANY weight change on BFL until week #8. And you know what? That's exactly what happened to me. But I didn't quit b/c I knew it was a healthy way of eating and I figured I would give it the proper amount of time. I didn't have a lot to lose, but I'll be darned if I didn't lose 11 pounds in 12 weeks - perfect for me at the time.

So my advice is that if you are going to try a program like Body for Life that says to commit to 12 weeks, do it EXACTLY like they recommend and stick with it or you can't really expect results.

That being said, I'm just like you but with workout programs. I'll try certain things and after a couple of weeks if I'm not getting results I'll switch to something different. I never give anything enough time (except for cycling).



"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

RE: I feel like I've tried everything and nothing works...

One of the first things to change is remove the words won't and can't from your vocabulary. As soon as you say you CAN'T lose weight or that changing your eating habits WON'T make a difference, you set yourself up for failure. It sounds so simple, but it REALLY makes a difference.

I lost weight seven years ago on diet pills. I went from 150 to 130 in a few months, but I couldn't keep it off. I hadn't learned how to eat right. I slowly gained it all back, plus another 26 lbs over the next four years. I kept saying I was trying to lose weight. I tried all sorts of diets - many of the same ones you listed, but "nothing worked". I realized last year that nothing worked because I didn't believe I could do it. I would try a diet, but allow myself to cheat because "it wasn't going to work anyway" and "I deserve a treat because I've been so good".

I joined WW last year and decided that I WAS going to lose the weight. I was going to make it work, come he** or high water. It wasn't easy sticking to their plan sometimes, but it got easier. But I have now lost 48 lbs and am down to 127. I'm fitting into a size 4 and still can't believe how great it feels.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that attitude can be a big part of a successful plan. The whole time I was losing weight I was so determined to succeed. I drove my DH crazy telling him how many points were in everything he ate. My motto became EAT LESS, MOVE MORE. I made significant changes to my eating and exercise habits. Lots of these changes were things I had tried half heartedly before and decided they didn't work. Reality check - they do work, I just had to stick to it! I also decided that although I do deserve a treat when I'm good, it doesn't have to be food. I deserve to allow my body to stay healthy because that is a treat all unto itself.

I personally believe that you CAN lose weight. Think about all the plans you've tried and read about. Think about what you know regarding good, healthy eating habits. Think about what you know about yourself. Now chose a plan that feels right and STICK TO IT. Be determined. Be ruthless. I'm not saying it will be easy or that you won't have bad days. Just come here and we'll be here for you. Everyone here knows how hard it is, so you'll have lots of support. Just decide to do it.

I have to add that I do highly recommend WW, not just because it worked for me. I thinks it's a great program because they never tell you that anything is off limits. They teach you about portion control, healthy eating habits and listening to your body. These are the fundamentals of every good eating plan. I also know that attending the meetings was critical for my success. I had a great leader, and I couldn't have done it without her. If your leader was lousy, try another meeting. Find someone you click with. It makes a huge difference.

Best of Luck - and don't give up!!:)
you've had a lot of good input so i'll keep this short.

it's worth having a full blood panel done just to check thyroid. it runs in my family and can wreak havoc.

personally what's worked - only eating foods in their natural/whole state. and no calories from beverages (this is hard for me - i love wine). so for me today that was 3 egg whites for breakfast with salsa, green leaf salad for lunch with grilled pork for lunch, dinner was asparagus with salt, a tomato topped with olive oil, garlic and basil and tilapia baked with fresh dill and chopped raw almonds. i drink a lot of water and green tea. no dairy.

good luck.
I am sorry that you are having such a frustrating time.
I am also a WW believer. The first time I lost 25 lbs within 3 mos. I moved to another state and couldn't find and meetings. That's the key for me, going to the meetings. I rejoined 19 mos ago and as of last Thursday, have lost 65 1/2 pounds.
I was stuck in a plateau since January when I kicked up my workouts (that's when I found Cathe). What I realized was that because of my increased workouts, I wasn't eating enough food to allow my body to let go of the fat. Since I increased my food intake, I have lost 3 pounds in the last 2 weeks (I am happy with that amount).
Many times, when your body "weight thermometer" is stuck at a certain level, it takes more than a month for your body to actually register that it's supposed to change.
Also, please be sure that you get a full check up with bloodwork. Thyroid is only one of the things that can prevent you from losing weight.
RE: I feel like I've tried everything and nothing works...

I whole-heartly agree with gym-mom about attitude - it CAN make a world of difference. I also agree with what everyone has said about WW, AND about moving more. It really boils down to eating less and moving more, calories in, calories out. Exercise alone will NOT do it. That being said, you STILL must pick a plan you can live with long-term, and that nearly always brings you back to WW - a plan that re-educates you on eating right and maintaining after you've reached your goal weight, always the hardest part.

Set yourself up for success, not failure. You CAN do it!

"You can't win them all - but you can try." - Babe Zaharias http://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/musik/music-smiley-004.gif[/img]
thank you everyone for your advice. I guess what I need to do is just continue along with Weight Watchers and know it will work in its own time. And go to the doctor. I'll keep at it and continue to work out of course! Thanks for all the encouraging words!

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