I did what I said I would never do...................


I just did what I said I would never do-----------I signed up for weight watchers. I could never justify paying someone to police what I put in my mouth, but sadly, I have come to the realization that I can't do this alone. The BMI is not my friend right now.

I went to my first meeting and the counseler was an older woman who had lost 100 pounds and has kept it off for 17 years! The keeping it off was more impressive to me than the actual loss of weight. I think I am going to like going every week. Knowing I have to shell out $$$ every week may just make me a little more accountable!

Wish me determination and will power (cuz we all know luck has very little to do with success).


Hope it works out for you! I think the accountability is a big factor, especially shelling out the money every week.

I am doing it on my own and have lost 32 lbs total so far, my bodyfat has come down by 9 % in the last 2 weeks. I just keep track of my weight and what I eat on Fitday. But if it hadn't worked out this time, I probably would have signed up for WeightWatchers.

I wish you lots of determination and fun!:)


I think it was getting my body fat tested more than my weight that really got me thinking of joining. I was shocked!

32 lbs., that is awesome! Congrats.

Good luck to you!!

Something different works for everyone, so don't beat yourself up. If it works, more power to you!
I did weight watchers after my last two boys, I lost 57 lbs the first time and 39 lbs the second time. I learned so many useful things, I really think highly of the program. Unfortunately, I could never get down to my goal, either time. I ran out of money and patience with my platuea(sp?). I'm sure you'll do great!

Cheryl, I signed up for WW 6 years ago at 175lbs... I went to the 10 meetings I had paid for and then stopped paying and going to the meetings. I basically used the meetings to get me started.

I've been at 130 for the past 5 years. Needless to say, I love what WW could tell me! :D Good luck with your goal.
I think that's great, Cheryl. I know a lot of people who have had great success with Weight Watchers. I just used the online membership to lose 8 lbs. 8 lbs. isn't a lot, I know...but I'm only 5'0" and very small framed - so 8 lbs. shows on me!

Good luck. I think you'll be happy you did it.

good luck with weight watchers. i joined years ago and lost a ton of weight. i used the program to learn to eat in a healthy way, and not to go crazy if i have something "bad".

i have kept the weight off for many years. had my ups and downs, but i have to say that it works.


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