I Did Power Hour!


Active Member
Hi all! Well, I did Power Hour tonight!!! :) Grant it, I didn't give it all that I could have since it was my first time and I didn't really know which weights to use, and didn't make it through all the reps on anything. LOL. I did, get a decent workout and the time really flew by. I do have one question. I had a hard time feeling comfortable with the tricep exercise where you are laying on your bench with the barbell. I kept pausing and watching my form, and I THINK I had the form right, but it just didn't feel right to me. I felt awkward. Because of this I really don't think I got a good workout or "burn" in my triceps from that particular exercise. WOuld anybody happen to know what I may be doing wrong or have any pointers?!?!

Thanks! And thanks to those of you who encouraged me to do Power Hour and not wait!!
Hi Katrid,
Congrats on knocking out PowerHour! :)
A good idea is to write down what weight you use for each exercise so that as each becomes less challenging, you can increase your weights without having to be unsure or guessing.
As far as a form pointer for the tricep extensions, I can only think of the one that Cathe gives in most of her videos which is, "think of it as balancing 2 teacups on your elbows." It feels ackward until you get use to the move, and if your barbell weight is challenging enough, you'll feel the burn. But try posting your triceps question under "ask Cathe" and she may be able to give you other pointers. But I try to visualize the balancing teacups as I lift and lower the barbell, that and thinking about the gash in my forhead should I drop the sucker on my forehead! :)

I did Power hour yesterday. I'm sore today. Mostly the upper body and hams. The tricep work felt akward to me to. I did the first set with the barbell, then she moved to kick backs. When she did her second set of tricep work with barbell, I just did overhead press with 20lbs. dumbell. Until I get used to the tricep work with the barbell, I'll just con't to to it that way.
Hey Donna! Thanks for keeping me geared up!! :)

Georgia: Using heavier dumbbells might not be such a bad idea til I get the hang of it. I do have to admit that my triceps are sore today, so I guess all in all they did get a workout in there somewhere!! teehee
Hey Katrid
I think it's great that you did this video. I have heard that it's a tough one. I did interval max yesterday and just kinda watched some of those power interval moves as I sipped my water. I know I'll get there someday soon-I hope!! :) KB
Someday!!!!! Just someday I'll try IntervalMax!!!! I still have a hard time getting through the Wedding tape!
Someday!!!!! Just someday I'll try IntervalMax!!!! I still have a hard time getting through the Wedding tape!

good for you!!!!! So pleased to hear you went for it!

You know what? I actually believe that not all exercises are for every body. I know exactly which move you mean because it is the only one I cannot do too!. So, I don't sweat it. Instead, the whole time Cathe is doing that move, I do another tricep move from her MIS: the tricep dips with weights on the lap at different speeds, imitating her two up two down, or down on one, up for three, etc. I figure it may not give me a twitch on all the parts of the muscle fibres, but it's all I can do, it's still a tricep exercise, and the triceps are for me such a minor muscle group anyway!! Or you could try an extra set of kick backs...

So, don't be afraid to alternate, modify if some moves --on any video-- are not for you.

Take care and keep going with the weight training!


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