I did my first stability ball pike today!


WOW! I'm so pumped! I did KPC for the first time this morning (absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVED it!) and was finally able to do my first pike on the stability ball after unsuccessfully attempting them several times on PUB! I was only able to complete three in the full pike position, having to modify the rest of the set, but I'm just so happy with the (albeit small) improvement in my strength and fitness level! I really do know how goofy I sound:+ but after being unfit for so long (37 years!), I've decided to celebrate even the smallest of victories--and all of you are such a big part of my celebration!

Thanks so much for being here and for letiing me share, and lots of love & hugs to all!

***Edited to add: I'm so Cathe-excited right now that I just ordered Stpe Blast/SPJ!:7
Good Morning Kim,

you don't sound goofy at all that is great. I had to do it a few times before I was successful. Once you get it right it makes you feel so good. You are in for a real treat I love step blast and step pump and jump, they are great work outs. Enjoy and congratulations on the pikes wooo---hooo. Enjoy your Sunday.

That's great! I find pikes really challenging too. I think they're especially tough in PUB, since you've just fried your whole upper body, I have no strength left to stand on my hands after that...;))) Congrats again, and enjoy your improved fitness level!

Congratulations! Pikes are very difficult. Being a gymnast in my younger days really helped me with the pikes on the ball. My weak area is push ups. When Cathe says one more set, I say outloud-you've got to be kidding me lol-I don't know how she does it. After many many workouts I can do almost all the pushups, but somedays it's just not there.

Now you just add on one more pike everyother time you do kp&c and you'll have them all in no time.

Way to go!!!

Go Kim!

I don't have a ball yet, so I have not attempted pikes, but kudos to you because boy they look tough! You're not goofy and you should be very very proud of yourself!

That is great Kim. They are so hard for me. I also find that if I don't do them at least once weekly that I have to work up to them once again. I did KPC for the first after a couple of weeks break and was really tired. I thought to myself that I was too tired to attempt pikes, but I tried anyway. And I literally fell on my head. I went up to do the pike and my arms just gave out on me. I didn't fall hard so I was okay and I have a hard head. :) I'm going to work up to these again starting this week.
Congratulations! It took me awhile to get it down...a couple of months. Then I decided to have DH watch me without the DVD on to tell me what I was doing wrong. I did it no problem without the pressure of "keeping up" with the routine. Now I just love doing them. I noticed a HUGE improvement in my abs.

I did KPC in its entirety for the first time in awhile on Saturday. I am still soooo sore. What an awesome workout!

I think that is GREAT!!!! And, no small accomplishment! I'm still struggling with just regular toe push-ups myself...haven't even though of trying those pikes! Good for you!!!

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