I did a bad thing

The most you can do with any mistake is learn from it. My problem is I learn for awhile, and then I forget again. But in the case of a big mistake, it's best to make sure the lesson is a permanent one.
D*mn, parenthood is so hard. That's why some of us never attempt it. You meant well and your son will eventually realize that. But that sergeant has a lot of growing up to do and deserves a smack-down for his stupidity.
I told my friend Ken about your situation and he told me about his 2 sons. 1 is in the Air Force and the other is an Army Ranger.
When they went through basic Ken got a letter from the Military saying if parents want to know about how their son/daughter is doing call this phone number. That letter made them feel like they could call and contact their son anytime. Don’t do it.
Ken got a letter from his son and his son said DO NOT under ANY circumstance call that number ever. The parents that did their kids got harassed by everyone for being a mama’s boy. If there is an emergency and you need to contact your son contact the Red Cross but under no circumstance call that number.
He also wrote at graduation time don’t let mom come running up to me. I will come to you. No crying, hugging that sort of thing. He also wrote that during basic training it’s ok to write but do not send cookies etc. It’s best to keep things general when you write like how’s everything going, everythings fine here, take care, that sort of thing.

Ken said they work in teams so if Drill Sergeant is after your kid you not only put a bulls eye on your kid but possible on his whole team. :(

I googled up “protocol of military parents and found some things of interest.

To help parents understand what resources are available to them as they work to support their children during deployments, Vicki Cody has written a guidebook, titled “Your Soldier, Your Army.”

Here is a link to the book.

This website may be of some help to you.

Right now your son is pi$$ed and justifiably so, but after training he’ll get over it and in the years to come you two will probably laugh about it.:cool:

He's joining the military and being trained for combat and think most people with common sense can understand why mommy interventions are frowned upon. Maybe the lesson in all this is for the son to learn to stand on his own and take charge of his own life. I wouldn't say the sergeant is a jerk (his job is not to be be nice but to teach the young man to survive combat not be an interior decorator) nor do I think the son is selfish (his life is about to change completely as he enters a new world of sorts). He is justifiably mortified....and he will get over it. And so will so parkercp who had the best of intentions. At the end of the day it is a bump in the road.

I agree completely. I have 2 adult sons and there comes a time when you love them but it is their life and their decisions. Actually it is a relief once you come to accept that!
My co-worker just told me his mom sent him some gum when he was in basic and they made him chew it up wrapper and all in front of the entire platoon-or whatever you call it.


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