Oh thank goodness I'm not the only one out there.I get a lot of guff from the other parents here who let their 2nd and 3rd graders watch Family Guy, South Park, and a show called I Know My Name is Earl.
I also have no problem letting their friends know what they can and cannot watch and my kids have no problem telling their friends too. I tell them why I make the decisions I make. I've always felt that hitting is not the only characteristic of bad behavior words hurt too. Yesterday my daughter came home and was in tears some boy called her a "stupid idiot" because she couldn't catch a ball during dodge ball.
I'd never ever let my kids watch Family Guy, South Park or Earl... No way! I think the Nick shows are far far far different from that. Those shows are geared toward adults, not kids. I don't like for my kids to use words like stupid, etc. But they learn them from kids at school, not Nickelodeon, sadly.
As for the poster with five boys -- Bravo, lady!! I have three so I know how hard it can be!! You have my total awe!!