I can't believe I ate that....!!!!


I was thinking this morning about all the things I used to eat that were just AWFUL health, calories and fat-wise.

French fries with mayonnaise
Butter croissants.... with BUTTER on them:p
Toast with butter AND peanut butter
(are you sensing a butter them?)

I'm sure I'll think of lots more. What about you? What did you eat that would likely make you sick if you went near it now?
- I used to eat french fries with butter on them.
- potato chip and mayo sandwiches on white bread
- cake batter. Not just one or two tastes, but I would sit down with the bowl and a spoon. Blech.


Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming ‘Wow - what a ride!’ — Peter Sage
Oh yeah, baby! I'm right there with you on the toast with butter and peanut butter. LOVED it! It had to be made just right, too. I had to spread the peanut butter (the bad kind) first, followed by the butter, and the butter would melt into golden pools on top of the peanut butter. It kind of makes me sick now to think about it. I used to eat tons of butter and now I rarely touch it.

I remember another one. I used to put potato chips on my tuna sammiches on that squishy white bread that sticks to your teeth.
I used to love to eat chilli with frito chips and melted cheese. It was one greasy mess and tasted so good! Of course, I haven't eaten that since high school.
I actually still love butter and peanut butter on toast, but it's a once in while thing, not everymorning. Butter is still my one huge weakness.

God, I love Fritos!! I used to put those on my tuna sandwiches. Now I have them at most once a year, usually around Xmas when I'm going to lots of parties.


Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming ‘Wow - what a ride!’ — Peter Sage
I used to stack potato chips on a hamburger. My mom used to warm chips in the oven and serve them up with dip and sandwiches. I haven't done that since I was a kid, but could easily fall back into that addiction. Potato chips and fries would be my downfall.

Hmmm...store bought cake frosting. I used to eat it out of the can as teenager. Now it gives me the willies.

I also used to have a serious diet Coke addiction. Now, soda in general pretty much makes me gag.
My sisters and I used to eat tuna sandwiches like that, too. Heavily mayonnaised tuna sandwiches...:eek:
Anything McDonald's, haven't consumed any of their products in almost 7 years and I never will again.

I used to love potato chips on my tuna sandwiches for the 'squish crunch' effect, that was very good:9

Take Care
Scarfing down an entire full size bag of Doritos in one sitting.

To be honest...I could probably STILL do it! LOL I still love Doritos but only eat a couple on rare occassions when DH has a bag in front of him.:)
Oh yeah... the chips and dip thing. Not just a few, the whole thing. I think I'd throw up if I did that now:p

And Laurie, I'm with you on the McDonald's. All of their food is nauseating to me now.
When I was in the Air Force I would eat Carl's Jr -- double western cheesburger, large onion rings, and large rootbeer. My mouth is watering now. It sure is a good thing there are no carl's jrs here in NY, I would be in serious trouble.
I ate that atleast 4 times a week when I was preggo! Frightening!
Maeghan AKA megadoo

Big Macs. Can't remember the last time I had one of those. Probably when the commercial listing the ingredients was on the air. Two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, oninons on a sesame seed bun. And I could never take a road trip of any kind without a big bag of peanut M&M's and nacho cheese doritos.
Entire bags of Nacho Doritos (the "day after"!)

Saltines with butter AND peanut butter (and not the natural p.b.)

Tomatos or celery or oranges with sugar on (sugar was king)

White bread (sounds pretty innocuous, but I can't stomach it anymore, unless it's the homemade kind).

Cheddar cheese with p.b. (when I first went veggie, wonder why I gained a bit of weight back then?;-) )

McDonalds burgers (with fries or onion rings).

Bottles and bottles of Pepsi.
OK...here goes...it grosses me out just thinking about these things...

Potted meat...yes I said it :eek:
Vienna Sausages
That canned cheese stuff on Ritz Crackers
Butter spread on saltines
Potato chips on my bologna sandwiches
And last but not least....SPAM!!

My aunt got me hooked on the potted meat. To look at that stuff now would probably make me vomit instantly...I can't believe I used to eat that stuff. I have to say though, I could probably still enjoy a good Vienna Sausage...heehee!!

My dad was to blame for the Spam. He would make that all of the time for dinner. I can't even look at the stuff on the shelves of the grocery store now without getting queesy...YUCK!!!

In my early days of my marriage my FIL would give me a huge box of expensive chocolates for my birthday because he knew how much I love chocolate. I'm talking about a BIG box and I'd sit down and eat every singe piece in one sitting. He only did that for about 3 years and then refused to do it anymore. He's always been a healthy eater and said he wasn't going to facilitate my bad habit.

Also as a teenager fried bologna sandwiches on white bread with tons of the real mayonaise.

I'll think of more.....yuck.:p
Oh yes, Saltines with tons of butter and pb (NOT the good kind:p)

I used to salt things heavily too. Salt on apples, salt on bread. Now I don't salt anything.
I almost forgot about the fried bologna sandwiches!! I used to love those, on white bread of course, slathered with ketchup.

My mom used to scramble eggs with pepperoni and we loved that, too.

Fried bologna sandwiches on white bread with American cheese!

McDonald's french fries :9

Culver's vanilla custard in a waffle cone. Oh yum! Interestingly, the best cholesterol reading I EVER got was the morning after eating such a waffle cone. Hmm...perhaps I should have one?

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