I blew it BAD.... please give advice!!


Active Member
I am at work and so I have to be quick. I am so mad at myself today. I was finally almost at my goal of body fat percentage... my stomach was ripped and I was feeling good! Some personal things happenened and I went on a week long binge.... we're talking I ate three cakes (whole cakes) pizza..... stayed up late eating everytnigt until I was almost sick.... and I got up to work out this morning .... even my face was puffy and swollen from all the junk and salt. I was so depressed after seeing my stomach look like it did after childbirth.... it is all jiggly and puffy... I managed to gain 10 lbs and Icouldnt' even get my sports bra on and was embarassed to work out in front of my husband because my lower stomach was two rolls and jiggling over my pants. I gained 10 lbs!!!
I was so depressed this morning that I couldnt' even bring myself to work out. I have got to bring myself out of this.... but tell me....
what's the quickest way to get it off? Can I do it in a week? I don't want to take fat burners... but if I completely deplete myself from carbs and just take in a bunch of protein and EFA's for 7 solid days with an intense work out routine.... is it possible to get this off? I literally feel puffy.... it's weird... I am hoping that maybe some of it is water weight because even my face is swollen today. Please ..... any advice?
Wow, Candice. What brought that on? Is the emotional or situational catalyst gone now? If so, it's time to get back to work. Since you were almost at your goal, you know what it takes to get back there and what you have to do to correct this. You may also want to look into some counseling to determine what made you have such an extreme food related reaction and see if there are more positive ways to deal with your stress.

I wish you the best of luck. But at least it was only a week. It could have been worse. Please keep us posted.

A lot of your weight gain is bloat. I would simply go back to the way you were eating when you lost the weight, drink plenty of water and exercise. Don't do anything drastic either as you might upset the balance that got you ripped in the first place. You gained it in a week, chances are it will not take long to come off. Just be patient and do it smart.
Sometimes, it seems we can be our own worst enemies. Looks like that's what you're doing to yourself. Don't beat yourself up about this bad week. Put it in the past and resolve to do better in the future.

I think that weight that is lost fast has a great chance of coming back, so lay off the carb depletion (which will make you retain less water, but is only a temporary,"quick fix" solution: your body and, most importantly, your BRAIN need good carbs), stay aways from the "fat burners" and weight loss supplements. Find what you like about exercise and clean food and develop a life-style change you can live with. (Not avoiding cake altogether, but not binging on three cakes in a week, either.) And find a way to deal with stress that doesn't involve food (walks? exercise? kickboxing? yoga? talks with a good friend?)

Could this binge have also been related to your having a too-strict diet and exercise program to lose weight fast? If you deprive your body, it WILL rebel. It's better to develop life-long healthy eating and exercising habits, that will lead to slower and steady weight loss until you hit a good weight.

What's the rush to get this off in one week? Did you actually gain 10 pounds in one week? If so, I'm sure that at least some of it is water weight (and don't forget TTOM, which may affect things). This "gain 10 pounds binge" alternating with a "lose all the weight in a week through a rigourous program" sounds to me almost like a binge/purge cycle, and not at all healthy. It could set you up for yo-yo dieting and a rollercoaster of gaining and losing, which is tough on the body.
Maybe you have been depriving yourself so much so that when you finally got to eat again you went overboard. It happens. Give into your cravings once in a while and have just a little bit. Just get back on the wagon. It happens to most of us sometimes. Don't be too hard on yourself.
so it was bad week, get back up and move foward. sounds rough i know but i get that all the time from hubby when i go through this myself.just start your workouts over and continue making healthy food choices. as others have mentioned it might just be a little water bloat. usually i get back to "normal" within a week, but don't rush it. it will come off when it does just do your best and move foward.
When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
Most of your gain *is* water retention...that's the good news. You consumed much higher levels of carbs and sodium, both hold onto excessive amounts of water.

The best thing you can do to reverse the damage is drink plenty of water, eat a super clean...no junk, WORK OUT and get plenty of sleep. I highly discourage doing anything drastic to get rid of the bloat, I say do it the right and safe way.

Take this as a learning experience and refuse to beat yourself up...it won't help!
10 pounds in one week? A lot of it is water weight. Just pick yourself up again and start over. You can do it! Drink lots of water. That will flush out the extra water weight.
This too shall pass ;) . Like others said, most of that weight is water retention. We all have been there at some point in our lives. What you must remember is just to get back on track to your normal healthy lifestyle. It might also be helpful just to look into what causes this kind of emotional eating & maybe ways to help you in the future. Just know that you are not alone and things will get back to normal with a little effort.

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

And you know what else Candice? Please take time to appreciate how you blew it - because that lets you appreciate that much MORE how you feel when you are in control. I did the exact same thing recently when I was so angry over spraining my ankle. The one night I was lying in bed - miserable from eating junk - and I thought how I would love to remember that "after" feeling "before" I get there. Then, when you DO get back, take some time to notice how great it feels to be in control. Follow the advice you've gotten from these women and pull it together again. You know you can. Good luck!


No advice here. You've already gotten some wonderful advice from some very caring women. Just some cyber hugs, wellwishes and high fives. You will get through this.
Candice... been there done that... actually put on more weight than you did in a week at the beach summer of 2004. It took me three weeks to get back to normal, that memory is burned in my memory. Don't "give yourself" just a week and set yourself up for failure. Go back to your clean eating routine and exercise and your body will remember and return to its pre-binge state. Drink lots and lots of water. You are holding onto a lot of water with all those extra carbs and fat. I am repeating what has already been said but I don't want you to set a time table on when you must be back to "normal". You will get there, just start today. If it takes three weeks, then so be it... three weeks will be here in no time.
I do this too. Once I get started eating badly, it is hard to stop. Also, I agree that it is water gain and bloating you are suffering from. When I overeat, I try to eat a lot more fruit for carbs rather than bread/rice/pasta for a few days after and drink a lot of water. For some reason, the fruit seems to help. I feel for you! Melissa
I was wondering that..... since I did this in a week... if it would come off fairly fast (muscle memory and all)... I am drinking lots of lemon water and am eating high protein and green vegetables all week. This is my plan of attack... if I get too hungry (like this morning) I may have a little oats or some rye/whole wheat crackers to nibble on. Thanks for the advice!
Thanks! I do give myself lax/cheat meals on the weekends... I have been giving myself a few cheat meals on thge weekends. I recently moved and am starting all over in a new town/State... the financial stress has been overhwhelming and is effecting the marriage.... the kids in a new school.... a new job, in which, I had for three weeks, I accepted a new job and so all weekend I had to think about "giving my notice" today.... it has been a lot of stress and change... and so I am trying not to be too hard on myself.... I have been giving into my cravings badly on Friday nights.... right before bed! But this time, it didn't stop at Friday night! Well.... anyhow, thanks!
Wow.... thanks! Generally, my diet is very good, I feel. I include dairy/wheat/fruits/veggies.... I don't count carbs but tend to have more of a well-balanced eating regimen so that I dont go crazy! I even make sure that I get enough fats through the day. Mainly, my protein stays higher than anything else. I know it sounds crazy, but the scale actually showed that I was 10 lbs heavier this morning! So, I assumed that some of it was water retention. I don't eat much salt regularly and after pigging out... I feel very bloated and my fingers are swollen today and so I know some of it is water.

I don't deprive myself or have a "strict" diet through the week.... after five solid years of health and nutrition training, I have developed a very good/solid eating regimen of common sense and I make sure that I am getting everything from the food groups, includging wheat, legumes, etc. I just try and eat most of my carbs earlier in the day, and after 4 pm, my carbs switch to strictly veggies. Anyway, thanks for all the advice!
So I am wondering.... if most of this is water weight.... what about when I look at my legs and my stomach in the mirror? I am thicker in my torso and my thighs are even bigger..... could that be water weight? I hope that makes sense!
Candice, even when I have a one, two, or three day binge with
TTOM, my thighs and abdomen measure larger. You are just holding a lot of fluid. I went back and looked on my journal from the and I was a whole two inches thicker in the waist and both thighs. It is discouraging to see this, I know all too well, but do something about it starting today. I am going to PM you later this evening.

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