<--- I believe I can see the future...


<--- waves good morning
<--- is leaving for *!@%*# seminar in a few minutes
<--- wanted to wish y'all a happy hump day
<---hopes Shelley enjoys the %)#*@)seminar
<---will miss Shelley
<---thinks Shelley will learn lots about %&*(#&*(
<--also hopes shelley finds a way to amuse herself during *!@%*# seminar
<--agrees with robin that learning about *!@%*# might be interesting *nods head wisely*
<--has to go w/o and is NOT motivated
<--must go procrastinate and surf catheland for a bit
<--forgot to tell amy that she can moan and groan all she wants
<--also doesn't think amy should take her mother's advice to heart
"<-- is now sick to <--'s stomach over her whole "perspective" which was full of obvious things and devoid of any reality or any application to anything real in <--'s life"
<--thinks amy answered her own question/gave her own advice
<--must consider the source and knowledge of the advice giver
<--thinks amy is doing the right thing!
<--is here for loads and loads of support
<-- waves a groggy gm to all
<-- thanks Robin for making <-- bag up laughin' this early in the am with the seminar comments
<-- echoes Lorie's sentiments to Amy and sends (((hugs)))
<-- apologizes for lack of personals
<-- can't keep up with everything this week
<-- sends happy hump day vibes to all

[font face="bradley hand itc" size=+2]~Cathy[/font]


"Do you want to feel my spatula?" Run, Fat Boy, Run
<--is appalled by Ame's mother's comments
<--thinks Ame's mother meant to say that Ame gets paid for doing something she loves?
<--tells Ame, in any event, that she's young yet and will eventually learn that the purpose of mothers is to give you life and then ruin it
<--hopes Shell's seminar goes quickly
<--hopes Cathy is busy with good things
<--is feeling MUCH better this week! :)
<--is planning her July vacation a little bit each day
<--says there is so much to plan between flights, ferries, and 3 different hotels
<--is enjoying it!
<--needs a refill
<--is def joining Nancy on her vacation
<--reminds her <--bday is in July, so it is perfect!!!
<--hopes the #$%^& seminar goes quickly for Shelley
<--thinks Cathy has been a bit to busy lately
<--is glad to see Robin so chipper this morning lol
<--has to go read last nights chatter
<--spent the evening putting bunkbeds together for the boys
<--is happy to finally have them for the kids
<--says now there will be plenty of space in their ROOM for their toys, so thhey won't need to occupy <--LIVING ROOM!!!

Maeghan AKA megadoo


~*~new pics added in RECENT album~*~
<--waves to the posse
<--has a seminar on the 29th
<--likes !@#@! seminars because <-- likes learning new things and getting out of the office
<--is lol at Nancy's comments about moms
<--hugs Amy
<--is also groggy this a.m. but needs to get in gear
<--is a tad worried about SO who went to NYC for an EMG which sounds quite fun (that was sarcasm in case yous didn't get it ;-) )
<--waves to Meggles!
<--wanted to tell Meggles that <-- saw the pics of her and was grinning from ear to ear
<--thinks Meg is absolutely radiant these days! :D
<--is glad the boys have more room to play
<--asks Beavs what an EMG is?
<--sends positive vibes to Beav's SO
<---waves happy hump day to all :)
<---is very happy to report that <--- has been reunited with a lost love... Coach Sean http://www.mysmiley.net/imgs/smile/love/love0016.gif
<---did <---'s first CC workout in like 8 months
<---has missed Sean's voice so very much
<---missed <---'s treadmill too :)
<---is happy http://www.mysmiley.net/imgs/smile/happy/happy0201.gif
<---will stop blabbering on about that now
<---waves to Shelley and sobs as she leaves for her seminar :(
<---agrees with Robin that Shelley will learn lots about @)$%&^@!#
<---hopes Lorie is having fun procrastinating
<---was going to join the local Procrastinator's Society, but <--- kept putting it off ;)
<---missed what Amy's mom told her... will have to go back and read
<---sends ((((hugs)))) in the mean time
<---waves to Cathy flying through :)
<---is so glad Nancy is feeling better this week :D
<---is glad Doodles got those bunk beds put together last night
<---is sending happy EMG vibes to Beavs' SO today!
<---off to catch up on Catheland...

<---waves to Liann and sends the BIGGEST BESTEST SUPER DUPER interview vibes to her DH today
<---hopes he gets that job!!!
<---is LOL at Emu Medican Guide and Elephant Management Guild
<---says "Silly! It stands for Excellent Miniature Goulash" ;)
<---really has no idea what it stands for... :p
<---waves good morning to Shelley, Cathy, Lorie, Maeg, Nancy, Robin & Beavs
<---wishes everyone a Happy Hump Day! :)
<---cleaned 3 more rooms in her house last night and gave the piggies baths (ever seen a wet long haired guinea pig? ROFLMAO!!! It was great!)
<---has her bedroom and the dreaded bedroom closet to organize tonight :eek:
<---asks for all of you ladies to send the biggest bestest interview vibes you can to my DH for Friday
<---says he has a very important interview at another company for a job that would be almost TWICE what he is making now
<---adds that he NEEDS this job!
<---hopes Shelley's #$%@# seminar goes well
<---gives Amy a hug and says that sometimes mothers have a way of saying the most tactless things
<---knows her own Dear Mommy is the queen of "tact" :/
<---thinks they mean well (usually), but it all comes out wrong
<---remembers when my youngest sister told our mom that she was pregnant again and DM just sighed and was like "great" (sis' already had 6)
<---says it crushed my sister, but would have crushed mom even more had she known how much she crushed her with that sigh
<---digresses, just means to say some people need a clue ;)
<---uses all this as a lesson on how NOT to be with <---'s own children should she have any
<---is glad Nancy is having fun planning her vacation! :)
<---tells Maeg <--- always wanted a bunk bed growing up - thought they were so "cool"
<---then went to college and spent 4 years sleeping on one... doesn't think they are cool anymore ;)
<---is also curious what EMG means? Emu Medical Guide, Elephant Management Guild???

<---should have known she was posting at the same time as Emily
<---is glad to hear that she has rediscovered Coach Sean ;) and her treadmill
<---also needs to rediscover her TM tonight
<--turned the industrial fan on high to blow the interview vibes the right way
<--is not sure what an EMG is but knows that it involves essentially be poked, prodded, and electrocuted
<--heard this test is NOT fun but since SO has had it before he knows what to expect....zzzaaap
<--will be eagerly awaiting his phone call this evening to know how it went
<--waves to Doodles, Evily, Liann and who ever else Senora Dumb Arse (that's <---) forgot!
<---wonders if Beav's poor SO is undergoing Nerve Testing?
<---says she had it done at her chiropractor when she was living in MD - they flew the guy up from FL to do it
<---adds that it was awful - they hooked <--- up to all these electrodes and systematically electrocuted various limbs, fingers, etc... to see if the nerves were "working"
<---says DAM# right those nerves were working!!!
<---would love to have hooked that doctor up and tested out his "nerves" >:l
<--tells Liann that indeedy that's what they are doing
<--thinks they are looking to see how the whole shoulder problem is affecting nerves, pulse, etc etc
<--feels bad that SO's situation is rather much a challenge for the team of docs who are leaders in the field
<--is praying that the upcoming surgery will help as SO's has been living in pain for six years and has been depressed most of that time
<--says he has been very tired and distracted lately and is worried
<--thinks boys were created to make girls fall in love with them and then break their hearts but that's another story....
<-- waves to OAL
<-- is cleaning bathrooms x(
<-- appreciates the comic relief found here every morning :7
<-- sends tons of hugs and comforting words to Ame
<-- is sorry to hear how many of the OAL mom's are lacking tact
<-- feels extra thankful now for <--'s mom
<-- is extra happy today because DRoomie got first real client today
<-- tells everyone that DR just started a stress relief and relaxation training business
<-- thinks it's the perfect biz for him and hopes he can make enough money to support himself with it
<-- must continue cleaning
<-- will bbl for personals :)
<--- is laughing and sighing with all the OAL gals today
<--- thinks Robin is just the funniest
<--- sympathises with Shelley's dislike of seminars
<--- sort of sees Beavs' (sorry Senora Dumb Arse!!! :7 ) pov on seminars
<---'s take is that they're a way of getting out of real work - hurrah!
<--- tells Evily to stop drooling, Coach Sean is getting damp!
<--- wonders where Nancy is heading for her hols?
<--- is agog at Liann's cleaning mania! and wishes DH tons of luck for interview
<--- waves hello to Meggles, Connie, Lorie and Cathy
<--- is pleased because managed to fit in Cardio/UB premix from DM today and got vvvvvv sweaty (sorry for TMI!)
<--is also laughing at the OAL girls today!
<--thought she posted this morning??
<--wonders if the cyber ghost snatched it??
<--wanted to tell my cyberfriends about<--'s exciting news!
<--measured today and has lost 1inch in her waist and 3/4's of an inch in her hips BUT the exciting news is the BF% drop...4%:eek:!
<--is still just glowing with happiness;-)
<--will continue her stressfree way of eating and working out:)
<--finshed her powerwalk and UB WO!
<--is sorry for the lack of personals:-(
<--hopes everybody is having a happy humpy day?!!

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