<--I asked her name, she said blah blah blah

<--sings to Catherine in Biz Markie voice "You...you got what I neeeeed!"
<--then realizes that was a disturbing moment and leaves the thread to sip tea and get to work
<--waves gm to Catherine and Beavs
<--thanks Rhondalyn for sharing and wishes her a very happy birthday
<--is glad Gustav is petering out
<--does not want to go back to work today and would give anything for another day at home
<--has been rather work averse in recent weeks but isn't sure why
<--also has jet lag
<--is off to drink a pot of coffee
<--drops in to say GM all.
<-- says
to Nancy.
<--feels very stupid because she has no clue what OAL means.:eek:
<--even had to google Biz Markie.;)
<--is drinking her pot of coffee now.
<--hopes Nancy's body catches up today.
<--is also thankful Gustav was not as bad as expected.
<--tells Rhondalyn OAL means "Order of the Arrow Ladies"
<--can't believe she does not know Biz Markie :confused: LOL!
<--thanks Beavs for explaining OAL.
<--assures Beavs that if Biz Markie came on the radio while <--was listening, <--would surely change stations.:D
<--waves back from work
<--almost spit coffee on computer reading Beavs post :D
<--is with Nancy on wanting to stay home
<--says although it's too late for <--
<--wonders what Rhondalyn is up to today?
<--tells Catherine that <-- must accomplish much at home today because nothing has been done for several days.:(
<--must start now by getting a w/o in.
<--thinks <--has had enough coffee to do above. :)
<--recognizes that participating in the OAL threads might lead to yet another addiction. ;)
<--waves bye to all.
<--has had an entire pot of coffee and still cannot emerge from this stupor
<--will keep trying and just go in late
<---comes in singing "and you say he's just a friend.."
<---is happy that <---recognized the lyrics
<---waves to Rhondalyn
<---is sorry Nancy is in a stupor
<---needs to get the kiddos all ready for school tomorrow
<---is looking forward to an entire day all by <---self
<---knows the subbing calls will start next week so plans on enjoying the next 3 days
<---waves to Beavs and Catherine
<---thought Biz Markie was one of those hand-help penlike stain removers
<---was thinking about Nancy all weekend and hoping Gustav didn't spoil her mitvahing
<---or would that be barring?
<---waves hello to Rhondalyn
<---has caught a cold from DGS and is in Nancy's shoes with the not-able-to-wakeies
<---has a hard enough time spelling without a head cold
<--waves gm to all!
<--has no time for personals, unfortunately
<--will try to back in the pm

<--is ROFLHAO at Robin
<--plans on using the BizMarkie to remove the meat gandoderma lucidum stain on <--'s bib
<--tells Beth that SO is also back to school but the mutants arrive on Thursday ;)
<---wonders if any of the mutants will be packing meat gandoderma lucidum sandwiches for lunch
<---thinks Beav's SO would be wise to keep a Biz Markie in his top desk drawer
<--is stopping back by to see

<--waves back to Robin and beeg123.
<--thinks Robin is a hoot!
<--will not partake in the meat gandoderma lucidum.
<--hopes Beavs doesn't get sick after indulging.
<--must really leave again. ;)
<--thanks Robin for thinking of <--
<--had no problem mitzvahing or batting
<--says there was no barring cuz that's for boys and this was a girl mitzvah
<--had a very lovely time
<--thought it was pretty funny that <-- finally got to spend some quality time with her DIL in Houston, Texas, when we both live in NY!
<--must check out the weird meat thread
<---apologizes to Nancy for thinking she was barring, when she was batting
<---must up her daily dosage of Meat ganoderma lucidum
<---has heard it does miracles for memory loss
<--has packed the Biz Markie pen and an apple in the So's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles lunchbox
<--is off to eat dinner and go for a walk with SO

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