I Am Trying A New Approach To Working Out!! Eeeek!! (kinda long)


As you all know, I had hip surgery in July. Since then I have lost about 10 pounds, my scale says I have lost bodyfat too, and yes, muscle size, especially in my lower body. I actually feel more "comfy" in my skin, a little smaller is a good thing for me, I tend to get pretty muscular.

I have been doing moderate cardio-think LIC, walking, walking on the treadmill, elliptical and the Squeeze workout, with B&G (no weights) tossed in. I also did the NYC Ballet workout last night-oh dear.

I asked my DH whether he thought my body looked better before surgery-more muscular. He told my to keep doing what I am doing now, because my bod has never looked better! ;(

Hum, my approach to working out has always been more like a bodybuilder (since I used to compete) and intense, intense. Since the surgery, I have let up alot. I am thinking about keeping my regular cardio and incorporating more Pilates/ballet type workouts/Squeeze-which is fantastic....I have a good muscle "base" in which to work from. But if I work out this way now, will I lose more muscle? Hum. Any thoughts about all of this? I cut out the wine at night which I am sure helped with the bodyfat,and my diet is better than before, with the exception of sugar-grr...I have just have never experienced this dilemma before, I have been at the same weight for most of my adult life with alot of muscle. I like being a little bit smaller, but do not want to lose all of that hard earned muscle.
I guess what I am wondering is "how to maintain what I have now, while keeping my muscle lean and hard?"
Hi Tneah,

I do lots of pilates, yoga, Squeeze and barre(iBallet) work outs and I can tell you I haven't lost ANY muscle. My lower body looks the best it ever has. I only do standing weight work for my lower body once a week. For my upper body I use the GS series and(unless I get really) bored I can't see why I would change what I've been doing!

I should mention that I tend to build muscle very easily and 'big' muscle in my lower body(soccer player muscles.) I've never been very comfortable with this and my current 'rotation' has really helped me achieve my goals.

Good Luck!
I'm doing a rotation like that right now. I'm training for a half (actually need to get my butt moving and go for a long run this morning!) and decided to cut out strength training and replace it with yoga and pilates. I've been doing this for 4 weeks (so it's not long, long term), but here are the changes I've noticed:

1. Much, much better appetite control! Weight lifting makes me sooo hungry

2. Greater flexibility (I was backing the car up the driveway and could twist around with no issues and see clearly)

3. SO far no loss of strength. I can still pick up my 50 pound dog and carry him down the stairs at 2AM with no struggle. (He had surgery, so he cannot go up and down stairs - I can carry him up with no issues too).

4. A more relaxed attitude about things. I'm a pretty intense person, and with this routine I'm finding I have a LOT more patience and am much more willing to let things go.

5. Lower recovery time. I ran 9 miles last week and was 100% back to normal within 24 hours. Including all the aches and pains. My achilles drive me nuts when I run, but one short yoga session after a run and I'm right as rain.

6. Better definition as I've lost 12 pounds since I started this. But NO loss in muscle size. (Power yoga requires a lot of strength - and all of those chatarunga to upward dogs works chest, shoulders, back, and bi's and tri's).

I will go back to lifting when Cathe's new series is shipped, but I'm going to approach it cautiously, and may alternate a week of lifting with a week of yoga. This is working way too well for me.

Of course, we're all different. What works for me, may not work for you. And I know I have the attention span of a gnat. So, I need to make changes every now and again, so I'm not bored.

When I mentioned this rotation to my doctor, he was all for it. Said because I build muscle easily (P90X made me look like a line backer) this would probably work better for me anyway. And so far, it seems to be.
Christine and Pippa,

Your approach is exactly what I mean! I am going to stick with it, and yes, I agree with you, although I LOVE to lift heavy, P90X made me look bulky and wide through the upper body. I am built with a large chest, small waist and no hips at all, so I can look to buff really easy.

Thanks for sharing, how much cardio do you guys do? Are there any Pilates workouts on DVD you could recommend? Thanks again.:) I have Brain Kest the yoga guy on DVD, they are ok.

I plan on working with the newer DVD's as well, one week for weights, alternating with the other workouts the next week, we will see.:)
RE: I Am Trying A New Approach To Working Out!! Eeeek!!...

I only do cardio two times week(usually an iTread or CC.) I may increase that to three though. It's really a time thing for me.

Pilates DVDs: I LOVE MTV Pilates(not Pilates Mix) It is really a good full body workout(emphasis on the abs, of course.) It is very well-cued and easy to follow.

I couldn't live without my Winsor Pilates Bun & Thigh Sculpting. It's about 25 minutes of pure lower body work and it is fantastic. I also use Winsor's Advanced Power Sculpting a lot. It uses a resistance band(this can a little annoying, Mari Winsor just cannot keep from saying, "grab your Winsor Pilates resistance band.") and it is definitely advanced in the ab exercises. She does show modifications, though.

I have had many more pilates DVDs but I sold/traded most of them. I really wanted to thin out my collection and I found that most DVDs are really just doing the same thing. I am down to 15 DVDs and my workouts have never been more focused or productive(off topic--but I just wanted to pat myself on the back a little bit.:p )
Hi all,

I'm a long time exerciser, almost 20 years with Cathe, and I'm trying another approach to weight work too. I herniated 2 discs earlier in the year and only did yoga, very easy cardio, and upper body strength training for a few months. I have the most definition in my body that I have ever had, since I started the consistent yoga. The daily yoga seemed to help me drop BF.

Recently I've tried to increase the amount of weight I was lifting for legs, to pre-injury weights, then realized that it may be irritating my back. My new idea is to use Cathe's lower body standing routines, but after a run or cardio, so that the legs are prefatigued and I can use lighter weights. I plan on doing this twice a week and then add in a plyo and one other cardio. I'm still doing yoga about 5x per week. The benefits of power yoga for me are just too great not to incorporate it regularly.

RE: I Am Trying A New Approach To Working Out!! Eeeek!!...

Hi there my hip friend!

I LOVE the stuff on iballet. You get legs, butts, core, the whole nine yard there. And I must say, it is very hip friendly.

My new favorite cardio in the gym is now the "Climbing System" -- it is like walking "up" on the "down" escalator. Man, it gets your heart rate up and you do feel it right in your glutes. great machine.

Hope you already forgot your surgery!
RE: I Am Trying A New Approach To Working Out!! Eeeek!!...

Hey hippy chick!:7

For the most part, I am still aware of a pain in the front of my leg, probably the hip flexor which I am working on getting stronger and more flexible. Glad to hear you are doing great, thanks for the recommendations, its refreshing to see I am not the only one who wants to do different things.
RE: I Am Trying A New Approach To Working Out!! Eeeek!!...

I call the "Climbing System" the "Stairway to h*ll" - because I cannot imagine a much better torture device for h*ll! :+ But it DOES work!

Tneah - I run or bike 4 days a week, and I do yoga 5-6 days. I do try to do yoga after I run, but I don't always manage. I just ran 6 miles and followed up with Eoin Finn's Yoga for Happiness Magically hips (Yoga for Happiness is the DVD). I really like this one. I also like Rodney Yee and Baron Baptiste, but I'm not fond of Bryan Kest. I also like Yogilates by Jonathan Urla - which is a mix of pilates and yoga - it's a bit easier, and great for an easier day. I do also do Cathe core work because I think core strength is so vital. I know a lot of people like Winsor Pilates.
RE: I Am Trying A New Approach To Working Out!! Eeeek!!...

Hi ladies.

I was just complaining about feeling like a linebacker to a good friend. I tend to bulk easily too. I have been liftng heavy a la P90X and Cathe for a long time. Prior to getting so involved with Cathe and Tony, I was smaller and much more comfy in my skin. Despite knowing this, I continue to force myself to believe that lifting heavy is the only way to go. I'm scared to make a change.

I like the ideas you have listed above and wonder what specific workouts you enjoy. I like Squeeze but have no Pilates, Yoga or Ballet workouts other than Yoga X, which I can't stand. It's too long for me. I used to practice Yoga at a live class before I suffered an ear disease almost 3 years ago. My balance is iffy now. Any suggestions for me? The sad thing is, I have pre-ordered Tracey's, Amy's and Cathe's new heavy workouts.

How you incorporate them would also be helpful. Is there a specific rotation you stick to?


I've been working out this way for 3 years now, and I have gotten results I never got with working with weights. I keep getting smaller and having to give away pants that got too big! Ballet/pilates/yoga exercises are the best.
Okay thats it gals! I am ordering the Winsor pilates tapes and will stick to my current workouts. Here is what I would consider a "rotation" .
Day 1: Walk 30 minutes AM...The Squeeze Workout PM

Day 2: 45 minutes of cardio-LIC premix, bike, walk, elliptical, etc...

Day 3: Yoga or Pilates workout

Day 4: 30 minutes cardio, the floorwork/abs premix on B&G. I do not use weights

Day 5: rest

Day 6: 45 mintues cardio

Day 7: Pilates or ballet workout

Sound good? The Squeeze workout really makes my upper body super sore, especially my triceps. I might add one day of Cathe's upper body-push/pull or the double premix on BM2.
Oh, one more thing, besides to say I ordered the MTV Pilates and the Windsor lower body--thanks Pippa!:)

My old trainer back in my days of contest prep, used to make me walk what we used to call "The Gauntlet"-the rotating stair climber for 1.5 hours at a time, at a high speed mind you, all the while subsisting on sweet potatoes, broccoli and halibut.:(

So you can see why I am totally sick of the bodybuilding way of working out right now, I have pushed so damn hard for so damn long that I feel like there has to be another way to stay healthy, lean and fit without killing myself.:)
RE: I Am Trying A New Approach To Working Out!! Eeeek!!...

I hope you like both of them. I forgot to mention that there are three modifiers in the MTV video. It's really helpful to see the different levels.

There is NO WAY(okay..I probably shouldn't say that;) ) that you won't like Winsor Buns & Thighs. For 20-25 minutes it is a tough workout...never boring...and it has given me great results. You only do between 5-10 reps of each exercise but by the end you will be burning}(
RE: I Am Trying A New Approach To Working Out!! Eeeek!!...

Tneah, I just wanted to add that if you like the "Squeeze" you may very well like the "Slim Series" from Beachbody.
I just did one of the the tapes today "Tear it UP" and I was just thinking that what a great workout is that. About 70 minutes, high reps, low weights, the heart rate is up all the time, so you hit many birds with one stone. If you have the tendency to bulk and build easy, it may be very good for you. You actually really lean out with these workouts, yet still keep the muscles. Just a thought.
RE: I Am Trying A New Approach To Working Out!! Eeeek!!...

I also bulk up very fast and am looking for a way to lean out my muscles. I love all of your suggestions, but my question is what is "squeeze"?
RE: I Am Trying A New Approach To Working Out!! Eeeek!!...

Squeeze is a workout by Tracy Effinger. You can find it at www.collagevideo.com. She also has a webite, www.squeezebytracy.com
She uses a playground ball, held between your thighs, during the workout--hence, the name "Squeeze" Lots of people have raved about it. It's on my wishlist for Xmas.

Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.
RE: I Am Trying A New Approach To Working Out!! Eeeek!!...

I just ordered the Slim Series on beachbody.com. Good grief, my workouts are costing more than my shoe collection!:) Thanks for the suggestion.
RE: I Am Trying A New Approach To Working Out!! Eeeek!!...

You mentioned the NYC Ballet workout? What is it and where did you get it? It sounds great.
RE: I Am Trying A New Approach To Working Out!! Eeeek!!...


It's the New York City Ballet Workout. There is the original and NYCB 2. You can get it at Collage and I also saw it at Target this weekend. I have only done Volume 1 and it has mainly "floor barrework". Not a lot of center work. It's a good workout.


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