I am so uncoordinated....any tips or advice w/Terminat...


Help..I tried Terminator today for the first time. Flyin Angel, Mambo cha cha what!? I have always done strength workouts (I love her Pyramid DVD). I want to do step to round out my routine and add plyo and anaerobics. I just felt so awkward. Any advice on how I can learn these moves so I don't twist a ankle when doing the workout?

Most of us learned these moves on the original workouts they were taken from and from past cathe cardio workouts. You are having difficulty because you do not have much experience with her cardio, and because you are starting to learn it with a workout which is deliberately formed to be an incredibly intense experience. You have jumped straight into the deep end, as it were, before learning to swim!

The easiest way for you to learn these moves is to step back from the terminator for a while and acquire some of the cardio workouts these moves came from.

Flying Angels are first introduced in Step Fit and mambo/cha cha moves first come in on Rhythmic Step and Step Blast.

Youmight then helpfully invest in several workouts to make your life easier and also add some fabulous workouts to your workout library: the Rhythmic Step DVD, Step Blast DVD (Body Blast DVD 1) and the Cardio Hits DVD.

Hi Shelley. I am Mariángeles. My suggestion is patience. You can slow and pause the dvd to see the Cathe's movements and learn a new movement each day.When I first did Rhythmic Step I had problems with the third combo. What I do is when I do a new Cathe tape is watch it a couple of times before then do it, then I will try and watch it (especially the bits I can't get right) and try and work out her footwork. I give myself 4 weeks.After those 4 week if I can't catch a Cathe's step I try a modification.You can start with the Cardio and weights combos.The step combos are easier to learn in C & W than IMAX 2.There are other Cathe workouts with easier coreo and you can learn the Cathe's movements using them: Step Fit, SJP etc. Cathe have marvellous cardio workouts without step: Kickmax, KPC, cardio kicks, bootcamp. In MIC you will find 35 minutes of hi/low and 35 minutes of step with easy coreo.In SJP you have weight training, 16 minutes of step and hi/low. Hope this helps. The most important thing is have fun and enjoy your workout.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie.:) :)
Hi Chrissy--I have two left feet myself & it's always a challenge to learn a new routine. When I have trouble w/a certain move I will preview it, and on occasion I've even followed along in slow motion until I feel more comfortable with it. Believe me when I tell you most of us feel awkward even after we've already learned the moves--Cathe & crew are very athletic & graceful, the rest of us are just flailing along trying to keep up.

So my advice is, take a little extra time to learn the routines & don't get discouraged. If I can do it anyone can! :)
Thanks for the advice. I think challenge and change are good so I will be patient and keep trying. Hopefully the more I do her step workouts the more at ease I will feel. Once I get down the steps I think I will really have fun with it. I also might order bootcamp for a good cardio without the worry of learning moves.

Thanks for your good advice

Thanks for the beginner Step workouts. So many I want/need to buy. I want Slow and Heavy because I want more muscle def. I need anaerobic and plyo sooo Bootcamp may fit the bill. Also want to do the step so maybe try one you recommended. My Visa bill is going to be quite big. I just need and want tough workouts. That is why I only did the Firms most advance strength. This is so exciting for me. I can't wait to see how much I learn this year from Cathe. In 4 yrs I will be 40. Hopefully I'll be doing all her workouts by then!

Thanks for the encouragement...I am excited! My husband has been teaching karate for 15 years and is so coordinated, quick energetic and strong. I am finally getting fit and strong and I can tell he loves it. Karate has never been my bag..I don't like being hit but I am glad I found strength training and now step. I love the Boot Camp portion of the Terminator. I think I'm going to get that one too. This forum is the best. I am so motivated now. I use to just be a runner and these last 5 yrs doing tapes from home has changed me so much. Like all of you, I'm loving being fit.
Bot Camp, sure, but bear in mind that it only has 7 isolated minutes of cardio in it, and is not a cardio workout. Consider also that all the choreography moves you were complaining about not being able to master are only featured in Cathe's step cardio workouts and not at all in Boot Camp which only features basic athletic plyo moves.

Just FYI.


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