I am so happy they include Core


I find myself never using STS Abs. For me, if it's not in the DVD I am using, I get too lazy to add another 15 min!!!!

So I am so happy Cathe included a lot of core workouts is STS Cardio... I actually did not do enough core in the last few weeks.

And we have a core base cardio workout

I find myself never using STS Abs. For me, if it's not in the DVD I am using, I get too lazy to add another 15 min!!!!

So I am so happy Cathe included a lot of core workouts is STS Cardio... I actually did not do enough core in the last few weeks.

And we have a core base cardio workout


That is so totally me too!
I think it is a wonderful bonus! Can't wait to get these. It's that time of year when you really need something new to keep the motivation going. I hope they arrive before Christmas.
Hi Darine and Everyone! I almost always do core after my cardio workouts when I teach too. But the main reason for having the core segments in these workouts is because the core work supports the specific sport training in a huge way. All of the exercises (except for maybe one or two) are completely new and help to condition you for boxing, kickboxing, and MMA fusion. If time permits for you on a given day, feel free to do the core segment a second time.

I find myself never using STS Abs. For me, if it's not in the DVD I am using, I get too lazy to add another 15 min!!!!

So I am so happy Cathe included a lot of core workouts is STS Cardio... I actually did not do enough core in the last few weeks.

And we have a core base cardio workout

Hi Darine and Everyone! I almost always do core after my cardio workouts when I teach too. But the main reason for having the core segments in these workouts is because the core work supports the specific sport training in a huge way. All of the exercises (except for maybe one or two) are completely new and help to condition you for boxing, kickboxing, and MMA fusion. If time permits for you on a given day, feel free to do the core segment a second time.

That's sounds wonderful (did I say that already?) I just did 4DS kickbox the other day and I am so psyched to get into some more intense MMA. Thanks Cathe!

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