I am new here


Hi everyone,

I am brand new here and brand new to Cathe. I started my workout adventures in January and have lost 18 pounds and I think I would like to lose 10 more.

Before finding Cathe I had been using a pilates dvd and then someone told me about Turbo Jams (hope it's ok to mention them here)which I got myself addicted to doing cardio twice a day every day. I was told I was doing too much cardio if I wanted to gain muscle and needed to cut back. So I cut back on the cardio to doing 3 days a week in the morning only. I then began trying different methods of weight training, not really knowing what I was/am doing. I bought a bunch of books to help me along the way.

I found that since cutting back on the cardio I seemed to have lost some of my enthusiasm which was so strong. I think this is partly due to my going back to work 4 weeks ago (I had been laid off since November)and it takes up a lot of my time. I still enjoy working out and can't imagine NOT doing it, just wish I had that pep that I had before.

Recently a few weeks ago I bought a Home Step (small one) so I could add step exercises to my cardio routine. It came with Cathe Basic Step dvd! I have tried that dvd once and have discovered I have two left feet and having problems keeping up to the dvd as well as even doing the moves right. I see what I need to do, but my body decides to do it's own thing. I know it will take me a little bit to get coordinated and learn the moves I was the same way with TJ's too.

A week ago I decided I wanted the larger Step so I could raise the height level and I got the Original Step. It's longer and can go up to 8 inches. I also ordered Cathe's upper and lower body Pyramid workout dvd which I used for the very first time this morning doing the upper body workout. I loved it!!! I used dumbbells ranging from 3 to 15 pounds and I just really enjoyed this a lot. This is exactly what I was looking for because I prefer to workout with dvd's because on my own I get lonely and the dvd's keep me company and help me keep proper form.

Ok, now onto the questions.... the equipment I own right now are: dumbbells ranging from 1 1/2 pounds to 15 pounds (I realize I will soon have to buy heavier dumbbells), I have the Original Step that goes up to 8", a stability ball (non burst proof and will have to get another one, my cats popped my good one)I also have elastic tubing and stretch bands.

I don't own and barbell or weight bench and don't have a lot of $$ or room for much else.

My goals are to lose about 10 more pounds, gain muscle and tone. I am not looking to become a body builder or anything like that. I am 42 years old, quit smoking 2 1/2 years ago (hence the weight gain)and I'm just looking to lose the flab that still seems to stay around my abs.

Since January I can see the weight loss in my face, my thighs are looking a whole lot better as well as losing weight in my butt which was getting fat (according to my mother in law, she was right though)and I feel a whole lot better.

I've improved my diet as well, still needs improving since I still insist on eating crackers and blue chips (no preservatives).

I have been reading a little bit about the upcoming release of STS and have thought about ordering it while I can still save money, but not sure if a.) I have enough equipment for it? b.) if it's even what I need? I am not looking to build big muscles just wanting to strengthen and tone and lose weight. 3.) I'm wondering if my $$ might be better spent on a different set of dvd's? I'm just really confused. I don't want to miss out on a good deal at a great price, but then again I don't want to order something that may not be what I need.

Does anyone have any suggestions???

(Sorry this is so long)

Welcome, Jeannie!

>Ok, now onto the questions.... the equipment I own right now
>are: dumbbells ranging from 1 1/2 pounds to 15 pounds (I
>realize I will soon have to buy heavier dumbbells), I have the
>Original Step that goes up to 8", a stability ball (non burst
>proof and will have to get another one, my cats popped my good
>one)I also have elastic tubing and stretch bands.
>I don't own and barbell or weight bench and don't have a lot
>of $$ or room for much else.

You don't need a barbell (at least not yet). You can always use dumbells for moves that Cathe uses a barbell for. (Though you might want to get a barbell---I highly recommend the Troy Lite---at some point, as it is often more comfortable to use for squats and lunges). And you can use your step as a weight bench (as Cathe does in most of her videos).

>My goals are to lose about 10 more pounds, gain muscle and
>tone. I am not looking to become a body builder or anything
>like that. I am 42 years old, quit smoking 2 1/2 years ago
>(hence the weight gain)and I'm just looking to lose the flab
>that still seems to stay around my abs.
>Since January I can see the weight loss in my face, my thighs
>are looking a whole lot better as well as losing weight in my
>butt which was getting fat (according to my mother in law, she
>was right though)and I feel a whole lot better.
>I've improved my diet as well, still needs improving since I
>still insist on eating crackers and blue chips (no

Congratulation on your weight loss! Seems like what you are doing is working well. Consistency is important, so just keep it up, and tweak things every once in a while to keep your body from getting too used to one thing.

I'd suggest adding an interval workout to your cardio once a week, like one of the Imaxes, but you seem to be new to step, so maybe even Interval Max (IMAX1) (which has the most straight-forward cardio choreo of the IMaxes) might be too challenging right now. Some non-step cardio workouts from Cathe that you might like: Bootcamp (on DVD with Legs and Glutes), Kick, Punch and Crunch.

Diet is an important factor in weight loss (and health): many people say it's 80% of the equation. Try cutting out the crackers (very highly processed foods for the most part, even 'whole grain' ones) for a while (in fact, try two weeks of not eating anything with flour in it: bread, pasta, pre-packaged cereals, those blue corn chips, you get my drift) to give your body a jump start. It sounds drastic, but it's only two weeks. And you don't have to cut out grains: just make sure they are whole (or almost). Make oatmeal in the morning using scottish oats (not rolled ones), cook up some quinoa or millet or amaranth or another whole grain as a side dish, etc. Focus more on veggies (especially green ones) for your carbs rather than grains.

>I have been reading a little bit about the upcoming release of
>STS and have thought about ordering it while I can still save
>money, but not sure if a.) I have enough equipment for it? b.)
>if it's even what I need? I am not looking to build big
>muscles just wanting to strengthen and tone and lose weight.
>3.) I'm wondering if my $$ might be better spent on a
>different set of dvd's? I'm just really confused. I don't want
>to miss out on a good deal at a great price, but then again I
>don't want to order something that may not be what I need.
>Does anyone have any suggestions???

As far as STS is concerned: it is an advanced, complete weight-training program that works on endurance, hypertrophy (growth) and strength. As you say, the price right now is really a good deal (and it will never be this low again, as SNM NEVER lowers prices), but if it's something you won't use, it's not. I don't know what to recommend to you. It does sound to me like you may eventually be ready (physically and mentally) to do STS, but maybe not yet? (One option: you could order it, and either cancel before it's shipped---which seems to me will be another 2 months? No one has any idea, but that's just my guestimate: SNM will post a notice of it--if you decide before you get it that you really don't want it, or sell it on Ebay or the YaYa's forum if you get it, then preview it, and have it for a while and decide you won't use it. You'll have to be the one to make that decision: order it at a lower price now, and hope you'll like/use it, or wait until you feel ready for it and have seem feedback from others and order it at the higher regular price.
Hi Jeannie,

Welcome to the forums and congratulations on your weight loss! That's just fantastic!

Kathryn already gave you some great advice, but I wanted to say that Muscle Max is a great overall weight-training DVD that might be good to start with if you want more variety after doing the Pyramid workouts for awhile. I moved from doing MM for a few months to the three Gym Styles DVD's, which are also fantastic. I never used to like weight lifting, but Cathe really turned me into a weight-training lover.

As for STS, like Kathryn said, you could always purchase it now and put it away for later use. (Quite a few people on the forums seem to be doing that.) Of course, if you don't want to put out so much money right now and don't want to wait for STS to come out, then I'd say to wait on it and get the Gym Styles series instead.

Hope that this helps, and congrats again on all your progress!:)
Hi Jeannie,

Congrats on your great progress toward health and fitness!

One more consideration is that sometimes it's helpful to start weight lifting with a total body workout, or even use it as a supplement to a split routine like the Pyramids. You might want to consider either Muscle Max, the PushPull/Supersets, or even the Power Hour+ which has three total body workouts on it and some cardio.

On the other hand, altho STS is billed as an advanced workout series, since you select weights based on your 1-Rep Max, you should be able to adapt it to your current fitness level, and then contineu to modify it as you progress. And considering that it will be the most recent series, with a great deal of research backing up its design - I'd suggest you take a good careful look at it.

Welcome to the boards!
Hi Kathryn,

Thank you for the warm welcome!

>You don't need a barbell (at least not yet). You can always
>use dumbells for moves that Cathe uses a barbell for. (Though
>you might want to get a barbell---I highly recommend the Troy
>Lite---at some point, as it is often more comfortable to use
>for squats and lunges).

Thank you and I will look into Troy Lite. I am also thinking of picking up a pair of gloves as well because I noticed my skin feel pinched after a while and maybe gloves will help.

>And you can use your step as a weight
>bench (as Cathe does in most of her videos).

That is why I bought the Step!! I figured if I could only buy one or the other I chose the Step because I thought I could do more with it and it would take up less room.
The only thing is mine only goes 8 inches high and I'm not sure if I can do the lower pyramid routine on it. I think I may have to use a chair instead.

>Congratulation on your weight loss! Seems like what you are
>doing is working well. Consistency is important, so just keep
>it up, and tweak things every once in a while to keep your
>body from getting too used to one thing.

Exactly. I am a person with tons of determination and doesn't give up too easily on anything although my weakness when jelly beans or other chewy candy is around me can be a problem. I hate sometimes when my husband buys these things.
>I'd suggest adding an interval workout to your cardio once a
>week, like one of the Imaxes, but you seem to be new to step,
>so maybe even Interval Max (IMAX1) (which has the most
>straight-forward cardio choreo of the IMaxes) might be too
>challenging right now.

I just wrote them down and I will go look into these.
I think I might have pulled a hamstring in my right leg from doing the step the other day and so I couldn't do my cardio workout this morning and so instead did my ab routine just to do something.

Some non-step cardio workouts from
>Cathe that you might like: Bootcamp (on DVD with Legs and
>Glutes), Kick, Punch and Crunch.

I will check these out as well.

Are there any full body routines that anyone can recommend as well? I would like to include something that covers everything all in one workout as well.

>Diet is an important factor in weight loss (and health): many
>people say it's 80% of the equation.

I believe it too! I truly feel diet is the key to everything and I think because I eat a lot of vegetables and take vitamins every day I don't (or very rarely) get sick anymore whereas everyone around me seems to catch everything left and right. I think it's because they eat crap all day long.

>Try cutting out the
>crackers (very highly processed foods for the most part, even
>'whole grain' ones)

I know. I always see a huge difference when I stop eating that kind of stuff too and should know better.

>body a jump start. It sounds drastic, but it's only two weeks.

I have no problem with that except my lunch I usually eat it on either lavish bread or these wraps I got that are made with Flax. I suppose I could go get some spelt bread for my sandwich.

I don't eat a huge variety. I don't cook. That's my husband's department. He is a specialty gourmet cook, but he tends to add all kinds of bad things to his food when cooking (lots of fats)and so I don't really eat too much of what he cooks anymore unless he makes something Jeannie friendly, but now that the good weather is here he works outdoors long hours and by the time he gets home it's well past dinner and I have long since eaten.

My diet tends to be very basic. Every morning I make a whey protein shake that I make with either skim or soy milk to which I add 1/2 cup of Dannon non fat yogurt. I was also adding flax seed as well as wheat germ to these shakes, but recently ran out and need to get more.

Lunch I normally either have a tuna sandwich (no dressing) or low fat low sodium turkey breast from the Deli (I'll buy a 1/2 pound every couple of weeks because I know deli meat isn't good). Sometimes I'll make a chicken sandwich as well.

Later I will have a snack which is usually a Kashi Crunch bar or a salad or a version of Negative Calorie soup which I love!

Dinner varies, but if I am in a hurry I will throw in a Weight Watchers Lean Cuisine or a Smart Ones frozen dinner. I won't buy any that are over 340 calories.

Sometimes I'll just have soup or a bowl of Kashi cereal and some yogurt.

I also will eat salads made with spinach and non iceberg lettuce.

I used to eat fruit every day (apples, oranges and grapefruit)until I read that you shouldn't eat fruit except in the morning after a workout because at that time you won't gain weight from it, but the rest of the day it is not good? I guess because of the sugar? I don't know how everyone else feels about fruit? I miss having it as a snack.

I do have occasional problems with hypoglycemia, but mainly right before my period and not as often any more since I changed my diet and I exercise regularly.

>And you don't have to cut out grains: just make sure they are
>whole (or almost). Make oatmeal in the morning using scottish
>oats (not rolled ones),

Yup, have a box. I have it for dinner once in a great while. Don't find it filling for some reason though. Maybe I should add some protein powder to it?

cook up some quinoa or millet or
>amaranth or another whole grain as a side dish, etc.

I love all kinds of grains. The taste the texture, everything!

>more on veggies (especially green ones) for your carbs rather
>than grains.

I love my veggies too. Asparagus is my favorite.

>it's not. I don't know what to recommend to you. It does
>sound to me like you may eventually be ready (physically and
>mentally) to do STS, but maybe not yet?

I think I could do it, but I am not looking to gain a lot of muscle (no I'm not worried about bulking up I just think this program is more for someone who wants larger muscles than I do)

>you decide before you get it that you really don't want it, or
>sell it on Ebay or the YaYa's forum if you get it, then
>preview it, and have it for a while and decide you won't use

I have thought about that. Shouldn't have a problem selling it if I need to. Seems like all Cathe dvd's sell pretty quick on Ebay.

>You'll have to be the one to make that decision: order it
>at a lower price now, and hope you'll like/use it, or wait
>until you feel ready for it and have seem feedback from others
>and order it at the higher regular price.
:) :) :)

I know, decisions decisions.

Thank you for all your help

Hi Leanne,

>Welcome to the forums and congratulations on your weight loss!
> That's just fantastic!

Thank you. I am now suffering baggie pants syndrome <lol>
I went to try on new clothes but I am at a between size right now and I know if I buy pants that fit me now they won't fit much longer and I plan on losing more weight so I will wait a little longer.

>Kathryn already gave you some great advice, but I wanted to
>say that Muscle Max is a great overall weight-training DVD

Thank you. I just wrote that title on my list and I will look into that as well.

>doing MM for a few months to the three Gym Styles DVD's, which
>are also fantastic. I never used to like weight lifting, but
>Cathe really turned me into a weight-training lover.

Sounds great! Is Gym Styles the name of a series?
>STS to come out, then I'd say to wait on it and get the Gym
>Styles series instead.

I will look around a little more before I make my final decision.

Thank you for your help
Hello Deb,

Well you just answered my question below and so I will add those titles as well on my list and I will go look into them :)

>One more consideration is that sometimes it's helpful to start
>weight lifting with a total body workout, or even use it as a
>supplement to a split routine like the Pyramids. You might
>want to consider either Muscle Max, the PushPull/Supersets, or
>even the Power Hour+ which has three total body workouts on it
>and some cardio.
>On the other hand, altho STS is billed as an advanced workout
>series, since you select weights based on your 1-Rep Max, you
>should be able to adapt it to your current fitness level, and
>then contineu to modify it as you progress. And considering
>that it will be the most recent series, with a great deal of
>research backing up its design - I'd suggest you take a good
>careful look at it.

Yeah that's what makes it so hard to decide. I am sure I could do it. I love a good challenge, but not sure if the results are really what I am looking for?


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