I am giving in..


and ordering Power90X..I have spent far too much time on the beachbody site just being in awe of the before and after pictures:)
Is there any way I can get a discount..I just wanted to check before I pay full price. How long does it take for them to arrive?
Well....join the club...:) I got P90X almost 4 weeks ago and have had great results. I did clean up my diet also. I love it because it is so different than any other workout I've done. I live in Calif and I got mine about 4 days before I expected it!!! Great surprise....:)...Carole
If I remember right, I ordered on a Sunday and from the shipping days I didn't expect it for about 10 days the way I paid, but I got it in about 4 days on Thurs instead of the week after. I live in Northern Cal....:)...Carole
You can get a 20% discount using a link that is on the VideoFitness.com forum under a thread called something like "20% off Beachbody..." and you can also use ebates to get another 15% off.

This is what I did and the workouts are well worth the price. I am starting my rotation next Monday and I am so excited.
Ha! I thought this thread was going to say you gave in and went back to stay with your in-laws!!! Which, BTW, would be fine! ;-) How ARE you doing? Have FUN with your P90X!! They will help keep your mind off your loneliness.
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
You won't be sorry. While I hate to sing the praises of anything but Cathe on this website, I have to say that this series has kicked the intensity up another notch. Yes, another notch from CATHE!!! Hard to believe. The only reason I bought it was because it was recommended by other Cathe-ites like me and I had to see for myself.

This series is all about separating the men from the boys. It's the whole...you want it, take it...sort of locker room mentality. The cool part is that (from the workouts I've done so far) you set your own goals and push yourself as hard as you want. It's like having a small private training group and you just keep on raising your own (pull-up) bar. For me, that kind of training is going to work because I love to compete with myself. It's also mentally challenging to really work hard and push for the burn. It's different that anything I've done before and I like that! Shock the body as Cathe always says.

Talk about feeling tough and strong...not to mention SORE like you can't believe! I only started this week and I kid you not, I feel results coming already. Just this morning my husband commented on my abs popping out a little bit and I had a baby 7 months ago.

I am prepared to BEG Cathe to produce a hardcore, heavy weight, insane cardio mish-mosh like this with some yoga-like, pilates-inspired moves sprinkled in. She could bring her special Cathe magic and make it an full on "out of body experience" like those biceps in Pyramid Upper Body. From what I read in the "Ask Cathe" forum, she's getting ready to bring it and I can't wait.

Sorry to ramble...I'm just totally hooked and needed to gush.
I just signed up for ebates..but I am not sure how to use it..it took me to the beachbody site..but a discount wasn't given. Can anyone help?
Can you write down again what that additional link was for the 10% off. I tried the link a couple of times and they said it wasn't a valid site. I'm also interested in ordering the P90X. I don't know if I'm ready for it but I'm certainly willing to give it a good try. Thanks for any help.
I just ordered the slim series and have had a few problems - Beachbody didn't give me my 20% discount with it and it didn't show up in my ebates account either. Beachbody said they would credit my accout and ebates is looking into the other. I put ss in my cart, opened ebates, had the 20% still in my cart but at the very end of my order, it didn't give me the discount. Your Ebates discount is not GIVEN AT THE TIME OF THE SALE - it is separate. Anytime you order online with the companies listed on Ebates, they will keep track of the amount and I believe when it gets to $25, they will send you a check. Now to just remember to go through them when ordering something. Good luck! Hopefully someday I will be at a point where I'm wanting to move up the the workouts your ordering. Right now they scare me! HA ;)

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