I am getting my wisdom teeth out tomorrow...


Yes I am having my teeth ripped out tomorrow and am more distraught that because I can not eat or drink 6 hrs before that I will not be able to do my cardio tomorrow:eek: Dehydration factor you know:D
Should this be in the "Does that make me obsessed" file.
Any suggestions? <----to the fellow obsessed!
I thought about yoga, but all that breathing...well you know. And if your anything like me and wake up ready to eat, you know the more I think about it I might need to sleep in and take the day off. But then I thought maybe I could do something light later like yoga...But then all that down dog ...probably not good for the gaping holes in my head.:D
Thanks in advance to the just as crazy as me crew.!

P.S. Sorry about the poor punctuation and other grammar whoas...:eek:
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Advice - TAKE THE DAY OFF!!!! You are probably going to be all full of pain meds and the anesthesia wearing off. Sit on the couch, eat chocolate pudding and ice cream, and watch talk shows. I had mine out when I was 19, and it wasn't so bad. The day of was kinda a drug induced haze, the 2nd day was a bit uncomfy, and I took the meds. By the 3rd day, my jaw was just stiff and sore, and that took about a week before I could open my mouth all the way. All in all, it wasn't bad. But relax, take a day or 2 off. All that bouncing (or head upsiding downing) in yoga may make you sick to your stomach. It'll all still be there in a few days. Happy speedy healing vibes coming your way!

Take the day off!

And try to get nitrous oxide if you can!:p When I had mine removed, the dentist wanted to spare me the pain of a local (two of which would have been given in the hard palate--quite painful) so he gave me NO (aka "laughing gas" instead).

It lived up to its name: after I started seeing little white specks, I began to gaffaw uncontrolably :eek::eek::eek: (luckily there was a dental dam in my mouth, so the dentist could do his thing), and the nurse who was assisting had to leave the room because she started laughing as well and couldn't stop.

Starnge thing is: it doesn't dull the pain. You feel everything, but you just don't give a d!)#!@. He could have had at me like in the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and I don't think I would have minded.

(I also didn't take any pain meds afterwards--the healing hurt less than two of the teeth that were coming in before the operation--and instead of getting back into eating solid food ASAP, I went on a juice fast, and ended up healing faster than he thought I would.)
I had mine out years ago. I had a hard time waking up from the anesthesia but had no problems later on. I ate mashed potatoes and pudding all weekend. I also slept a lot. I would tie a scarf around my head with ice on each side of my face for 20 mins on and 20 mins off. I looked great with a big knot on top of my head! When I went back on Mon for a checkup (I also had mine out on a Friday) he said he had never seen anyone heal so fast. I had some bruising, but I bruise like a peach.

Take time off and nap a lot. When you sleep you heal. Best of luck.
I had two extracted many years ago and then the other two done a couple of months ago. No problems either time. I think I did a light weight workout the morning of the surgery because I had to be up with my kids anyway for school, then took it easy the next few days because I was worried about healing. I think I used my spin bike on those days and didn't push too hard. My oral surgeon said I could do whatever felt ok, but he preferred no impact.

I had nitrous oxide for the first time and then general anesthesia the second time. I had a very tough time waking up from the anesthesia and don't remember leaving the office, getting in the car or the drive home. DH had all kinds of funny stories of things I said and did. I slept for several hours after the surgery and was fine after that. Just a sore/stiff jaw for about a week, but no pain at all.

Good luck!

I am in week two of recovering from sinus surgery. I stopped working out about 5 days prior. I wanted to be fully recovered from exercise and any inflamation so my body could come back faster from the surgery and the anesthesia.

Please rest. You will need your strength for afterward. They don't want you to eat or drink before hand because the anesthesia can make you very sick. You can aspirate on your vomit if you get sick and vomit during the procedure. I was under IV sedation and general anesthesia via a tube down my throat. That gas took a toll on my body. I was glad I rested a few days prior to the surgery. The pain medication for post op kept me further groggy.

Good luck!
Good luck! I had all mine pulled a few years ago. It was a piece of cake for me. I had no pain. I took the day off from exercise, but I could have excerised if I wanted to.
no yoga

no cardio. No nothing. Be lazy. We all know that weight and trim figures is directly related to diet. And, since you won't be eating much you won't put on an ounce.

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