
Just kidding...but the people who said this workout is not challending need to try it on a 10 inch step. I did the first 45 minutes and I was drenched in sweat. I did not cool off for nearly half an hour. It reminded me of how I felt the first time I did MIC a couple of years ago.

No, this workout is not for wimps x( .
Wow, a 10" step! You are an ANIMAL!! There is no way I could do it.

When I am feeling strong, I might be willing to go as high as 6" for Low Max.

It's amazing to me that people would classify any Cathe workout as too easy. There must be some really fit people out there. :)
I only did it on a 10" step because of the comments I heard regarding Low Max. I think I'll lower it next time :+ !
Low Max Rocks! I use an 8 inch step -- I think 10 inches is too high if you are as short as me and even Cathe cautions that NO BODY should do Low Max on any step heigth greater than 8 inches.

The workout is NOT easy -- it is killer all the way! The music, the choreography, Cathe and the cast make it fun to do -- Low Max is one of my all time favorite Cathes.

Since beginning to do "Hard Core", I have lost 5 pounds and my butt looks more lifted -- I attribute it to Low Max since I've not done the kickbox or IMAX 3 yet.

Low Max is one heck of a great lower body workout with the additonal benefits of cardiovascular training.
I agree it's a great workout. Shame on me for not listening to Cathe!
I learned my lesson, that's for sure.

Next time I definitely plan to lower my step height. I will have to practice some of the moves a little more but on a lower step it will be easier to concentrate:) .

Lost weight and lifted butt?! Wow, that's great :7
>Low Max Rocks! I use an 8 inch step -- I think 10 inches is
>too high if you are as short as me and even Cathe cautions
>that NO BODY should do Low Max on any step heigth greater than
>8 inches.
>The workout is NOT easy -- it is killer all the way! The
>music, the choreography, Cathe and the cast make it fun to do
>-- Low Max is one of my all time favorite Cathes.
>Since beginning to do "Hard Core", I have lost 5 pounds and my
>butt looks more lifted -- I attribute it to Low Max since I've
>not done the kickbox or IMAX 3 yet.
>Low Max is one heck of a great lower body workout with the
>additonal benefits of cardiovascular training.
Amy -
Are you doing a specific rotation? If so, can you share?
Hi Candi!

I about DIED when I got on the scale and had lost 5 lb without trying! I had no idea. Tonight I weighed in and have lost another pound.....so I've lost 6 pounds since receiving "Hard Core"!

I think this series is the boost my metabolism needed.

I have really been working out more intensely since receiving "Hardcore".

My butt just looks different -- more lifted and defined. My husband noticed this and commented on it -- he was really impressed!

I attribute it to "Low Max" and the "High Step" from Hardcore.

I am seriously in love with Low Max and have to watch not doing it every day, twice a day.

I wonder if we can buy the soundtrack to that video -- it is awesome!

Cathe's choreography is superb in this workout -- it just flows so well -- and the time flies......
Hi Rhonda,

No I am not doing any specific rotation -- but I almost always add a "Stretch Max" and a "Core Max" to my workouts. I am so glad Cathe addressed these two very important parts of fitness.

I think it must be Low Max -- and the High Step workout from the Hardcore series.

I certainly did not set out to lose weight or change my butt -- it just happened. I was happy with my butt before, but now it has lifted up -- I don't know how else to say it.

I am so hung up on the "Hardcore" series that I look forward to my workouts and end up working out for 1.5 to 2 hours per day, six days per week.

I have not modified my diet at all -- and I don't really "eat clean" -- but I have never cared for fried food, alcohol, or desserts. But if I eat pasta, I do not eat bread or any other high carb food.

I love those hamstring, butt kicks in Low Max!

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