HYSTERICALLY funny talking dog video

I am at work so I can't pull up the vid from here but is this the one where the dog has a chat with his owner about food and the guy was telling him about the bacon he ate and what he fed the cat? I just saw a really funny/cute one from youtube that was posted on fb. I was in tears! The dog was adorable and the way they would make him sound like he was getting upset when he would yawn was awesome! :D

Oh My God! That is so funny. I'll be laughing at that one all day and most likely all the rest of the week. It is so funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you for sharing.

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Now I'm gonna have to go home and watch it again! DH was hysterical laughing at it too when I showed him! :D
My friend just sent me this video in an email. I am DYING over here with tears running down my face! My brother raced in cuz he thought I was crying LOL!!!

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