Hi Lisa,
I had a complete hysterectomy 3 1/2 years ago. It was done vaginally. For me, the actual surgery was not all that painful. I stayed in the hospital one night and after discharge I only used tylenol for discomfort.
The first week I felt very "tight," it was difficult to stand up straight or sit upright too long. But, by the end of the second week I was dying to work out. I really felt ready and I wanted to "listen to my body." My surgeon absolutely refused to give me the okay to do anything other than walking. Her reasoning was that even though my "fit" pre-surgery body felt ready to get back into working out, my newly stitched "insides" had not healed completely enough to exercise safely. I, of course, did not listen, I am a personal trainer and felt I knew my capabilities. Um, not so much! After two weeks of moderate, low impact stepping and light upper body lifting, I hit a major brick wall. I spent the 5th and 6th week recovering not from the surgery but from starting my exercise program too soon.
I was terrified of losing all of my endurance and strength. I was so wrong. Take the time to heal. Don't worry about slipping a notch or two in your fitness level. Once I had completely healed I recovered my fitness loses in about 6 weeks. Now at age 49 1/2 I am still going gang busters with my workouts. I had major issues with HRT, which you won't have to deal with.
Be good to yourself, let your OR-nurse-self overrule your fitness-self. Don't listen to your body, listen to your surgeon. Once you get the okay to start working out, then you will know how to proceed.
I would never have agreed to allow a training client to start working out so soon after surgery.
Hope this helps somewhat. I know I was very frustrated because I could not find any one to talk to who was an advanced exerciser and had been through a hysterectomy.
Take Care,
Debbie Russo