

So...I had a uterine biopsy in April, no atypical cells, doc decided on a D&C. Had that last week and now - cancer cells in my uterine lining. Doc referred me to a gynocological oncologist and I have an appt 8/9. Have no idea what type of hysterectomy I'll be having but the docs were unable to determine how invasive the cancer cells were from the D&C. Naturally I'm freaking out and am hoping the cells are contained in the lining and haven't penetrated the uterine wall. Has anyone else been through this? If so, what was your experience? I'm just trying to get as much info as I can. I've read 4-6 weeks for recovery time (provided I don't have to do the chemo/radiation stuff -I can't mentally even go there) It's so weird walking around knowing there's cancer inside of me. And I know this is so stupid but I'm upset over having my workouts interrupted. I'm right where I want to be, weight is 103, muscle definition and cuts are showing, even my obliques have definition. I'll be 40 in Sept. but I'm in better physical shape than when I was 20. I realize in the larger scheme of things this isn't important but to me mentally and emotionally it is. It's like, I can't control my gray hairs or facial lines or any of the other signs of aging but I have been able to hold back the clock with my workouts. How vain is that?!? Or maybe being upset about not working out keeps me from concentrating on the real and scary facts. Oh, I'm just babbling, but there's almost always someone on these forums who has had a similar experience and I was hoping to hear other people's stories.

Thanks for "listening".


First of all I want to tell you that you have my best wishes and prayers. This must be extremely terrifying and frustrating all at the same time. Thank goodness you have a healthy lifestyle to support the physical changes and recovery that you will be going through. That will make it that much quicker and easier.

Of course, after major abdmonial surgery you will need to REST and RECOVER. You do not want to delay your healing and have to REST and RECOVER again. I have not been through this personally but of course, being an OB/GYN nurse I have helped many, many patients through this. A really positive point about you is that in your post you seem to be looking ahead, and looking at getting over this and on with your life and your workouts. THAT is major!!!!

If the uterine pathology report shows that the cancer is contained then you know pretty much that your recover will probably be 4-6 weeks, until you are back to a restriction-free lifestyle. That is less than 2 months of course, so just get back into your workouts gradually and soon you will be right back where you are now.

Of course, if the doctor recommends chemo or radiation, then your energy and diet will of course depend on your response to that. Just take one day at a time. I am not sure of the problems that you had leading up to the discovery of the cancer with the D&C. This is the first post I have seen from you about this.

I might not have given you any information that you were asking for, but if you think that I can be helpful in any way with any specific question, just let me know. You are guaranteed to get some wonderful information from the people here as usual. It's nice to get differing opinions as each doctor and medical center deals differently with treatments.

Good luck and have a speedy recovery!!!
Lorrie, sending you big {{{{{hugs}}}}}. I had an abdominal hysterectomy for a large amount of non-cancerous fibroids. My recover time was 8 weeks. I wasn't cleared for any type of exercise except walking for that whole 8 weeks. I was also told to limit lifting for a while after that (time limit will depend on your situation and your doctor).

There is a wonderful website from which I found all types of information and many there will have similar situations to yours:


I am sorry I do not have personal experience with this to share with you. I just wanted to extend to you some strength and courage to face this and get beyond it into a full recovery. I wish you all the best, all the most positive cyber vibes to beat it and get back on your feet.

Warm hugs for you,

Clare :) :) :) :) :) :)

I just looked through the website you recommended and it's fabulous. Lots and lots of info. Thank you:7
I had a partial hysterectomy on July 22. The uterus, but not the ovaries or cervix. I had a fibroid the size of a grapefruit, according to my surgeons. I had resisted a hysterectomy for several years, despite terrible spells of bleeding, because I did not want to spend months recovering. But--I was referred to a specialist who did my hysterectomy by laparoscopy. I stayed overnight and went home the following day--Friday. Saturday I did light housecleaning and went to a ballet in the afternoon. I decided not to do Cathe for a week, but I could have started by Wednesday of the following week. I did the BS/BF DVD last Thursday, PUB on Friday, PLB and CTX Intervals yesterday. Today I did IMax 2. I had virtually no restrictions--the doctor just told me to listen to my body. I still have 4 little incisions with stitches that will dissolve, but according to my surgeon, I lost only a couple tablespoons of blood. The little pain I had was from coughing and laughing, and a feeling of heaviness in my stomach. I gave up on the Percocet almost immediately and switched to Ibuprofen.

I hope that the cancerous cells have not spread, and if you can do this hysterectomy by laparoscopy, go for it. Finally, I am 57 years old, but the surgeons said I had a much younger body--thanks, I believe, to my exercise regimen which is mostly Cathe.
Thank you guys for the kind words, I so appreciate them. I checked out the hystersisters website - there is sure a lot I didn't know about this procedure! I'm scared. I hope I'll feel better once I have my initial conference with the gyn/onc doctor and know exactly what will happen. I alternate between dreading it and just wanting to get it over with. I'm hoping Cathe has made me strong enough to get through my recovery without to much trauma.

Thanks again.
Lorrie, it is definitely scarey, but you have time to prepare lots of questions--that website helped me in that regard. Knowing that it was normal to be scared was pretty comforting. That site also helped me to know what I needed to do at home to be ready. I remember the dread/just wanting to get it over with thing. Will be thinking of you!

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