I imagine there are several here dealing with this issue and thought this a great place to share what has and hasn't worked to optimize your health and energy while hypothyroid.
I was dx Hashimoto's hypoT about a year and a half ago and it has been a LONG slow road to getting my energy and well being to match the "within normal limits" that my labs reflected....but I've learned a LOT and am feeling the best I've felt in years.
At times it was literally an energy roller coaster - I would go through periods of feeling good - about 75% of normal - would start working out regularly again (not overdoing it) and within 3 - 4 weeks would just crash (for lack of a better word)... back to barely functional get-through-my-workday kind of energy levels, terrible workout recovery (doms lasting 5 days and completely depleting my energy), etc... NOT fun.
Here's the short list of what has most helped me:
1. having a Dr. who is willing to fine tune my treatment based on my symptoms and not just my labs - this was a must. For me this meant going to an out of network Dr. but it's worth the added cost...WAYYY worth it
2. learning to absolutely AVOID calcium, fiber, vitamins, etc. for at least four hours from my thyroid meds. This means even green smoothies (which took me a while to connect that a couple weeks of green smoothies and I was feeling worse and worse - hello spinach's bioavailable calcium, and goitrogenic kale, errrm fiber anyone.... oops hard to connect that such a healthy choice could contribute to feeling sooo bad)
3. the final biggie for me was adding T3 to my synthroid at the recommendation of a hypoT friend (and willingness of my Dr.). Compounded natural T3/T4 did not work as well for me. Within two weeks of T3 + synthroid, I experienced not only an uptick in energy but also the missing ingredient - for me - to exercise recovery. Now, despite being back to 5 - 6 workouts/week, my muscle weakness is gone (hooray!) and soreness and recovery is finally normal again.
Of course we all have to uncover what works best for us individually, so I'm just offering up what I've learned through much trial and error. I know some of this is obvious and stated time and again in the what to do/not do if your hypoT, but I was a slow learner in some ways and maybe my mistakes will help someone else avoid those pitfalls
Any other tips/pointers you've learned on this journey ? Would love to hear!
I was dx Hashimoto's hypoT about a year and a half ago and it has been a LONG slow road to getting my energy and well being to match the "within normal limits" that my labs reflected....but I've learned a LOT and am feeling the best I've felt in years.
At times it was literally an energy roller coaster - I would go through periods of feeling good - about 75% of normal - would start working out regularly again (not overdoing it) and within 3 - 4 weeks would just crash (for lack of a better word)... back to barely functional get-through-my-workday kind of energy levels, terrible workout recovery (doms lasting 5 days and completely depleting my energy), etc... NOT fun.
Here's the short list of what has most helped me:
1. having a Dr. who is willing to fine tune my treatment based on my symptoms and not just my labs - this was a must. For me this meant going to an out of network Dr. but it's worth the added cost...WAYYY worth it
2. learning to absolutely AVOID calcium, fiber, vitamins, etc. for at least four hours from my thyroid meds. This means even green smoothies (which took me a while to connect that a couple weeks of green smoothies and I was feeling worse and worse - hello spinach's bioavailable calcium, and goitrogenic kale, errrm fiber anyone.... oops hard to connect that such a healthy choice could contribute to feeling sooo bad)
3. the final biggie for me was adding T3 to my synthroid at the recommendation of a hypoT friend (and willingness of my Dr.). Compounded natural T3/T4 did not work as well for me. Within two weeks of T3 + synthroid, I experienced not only an uptick in energy but also the missing ingredient - for me - to exercise recovery. Now, despite being back to 5 - 6 workouts/week, my muscle weakness is gone (hooray!) and soreness and recovery is finally normal again.
Of course we all have to uncover what works best for us individually, so I'm just offering up what I've learned through much trial and error. I know some of this is obvious and stated time and again in the what to do/not do if your hypoT, but I was a slow learner in some ways and maybe my mistakes will help someone else avoid those pitfalls
Any other tips/pointers you've learned on this journey ? Would love to hear!