
I have to agree with Becky. Even though this is a temporary situation, I mentioned in my earlier note, that it has **ALREADY** established a habit for me as far as portion control. There have been days that I have not taken the HC for lack of remembering and I can tell you I have carried the habit of portion control right through my day without it.

Also to the person who was talking about water weight. As far as HC goes you need to drink **LOTS** of water. I am a major water drinker anyway, so if this had anything to do with water I would have **GAINED** water weight. The tape measure is going to give you fat-loss results, not water weight-loss results. At least that has been my experience. This is not a fast weight loss, but a slow steady one. Oh, and I have lost weight **before** I started taking this product so it has just kept me going as far as fat-loss probably more than weight-loss.

I am also aware of my eating and have kept a food journal in the past, I eat very well. I will also keep you posted on how it goes after I quit using it. My hope is that through sharing a few positive responses, some may see that there is another side to the story. I hope this has helped someone in one way or another. Remember this may **NOT** be for everyone!! Blessings, Lori Darling :D
Ma Huang

Over half of the thermogenics on the market use Ma Huang, I am told. There are various proprietary mixtures with other facilitators like cayenne pepper, ginseng, white willow bark, etc., but it's the Ma Huang you have to watch. It is a bronchialator as well as a stimulant, and usu. facilitated with caffeine. Like all herbs, it should be treated like a drug.
If you are on any prescriptions, check with your pharmacist or doctor. Take the smallest dose and see how you feel.
I took a Ma Huang product for about 4 months (dosing according to label & observing time off recommendations) when my doctor took me off all sugars and fake sugars. I lost about 10 extra lbs, but unfortunately the product overtaxed my adrenal glands. I was actually taking it for energy, not weight loss. It took several months off the product to even out.
Most people don't loose more than 5-10 lbs, and you cannot stay on this product very long. You have to remember, too, NOT to drink/eat anything with caffeine on top of those pills (or take excedrin)! YOu also build up a tolerance over time.
I really love these products for calorie-free energy, but agree that you must consider, as with any drug,the very real possible "adverse side effects."
RE: Ma Huang

I couldn't agree with you more!! Very well said. I think we agree
more than meets the eye. I have said in my previous post that
people need to be responsible and not abusive with herbs, etc.
because no matter how you slice it, they are natural drugs!! I
think if people use this temporarily and responsibly they will
find the results they want. Otherwise don't touch the stuff. I will be finished with my bottle this week I only bought an 80 count bottle with the intention of a kick-start, which is what I have achieved.
I will be sure to let everyone know how I am doing while off
of it. I am just letting everyone know my experience was very
good and it did for me what I wanted and expected. Thanks for
allowing me to share this with you all. Blessings, Lori Darling ;-)

Hi, I tried Hydroxycut a little over 2 years ago. I actually tried it because I fell for the article (advertisement!) in Oxygen- so I thought it was a legit product. I only took 1 pill in the morning (far less than the dosage recommended). It's true I didn't eat as much, but that was because I had a terrible headache, I could feel my heart beating (which really scared me), and at night I could NOT fall asleep. Because of all of this, I didn't do my usual workouts. So, for me, it made me eat less, feel awful, made me scared about my health, and I skipped workouts. I only took it 2 days, but it was enough to stop. So, if you're still curious about it, please do not take a 'normal' dosage!!!!
RE: Yes

Just out of curiosity, what is the dose that is recommended for this? I can't imagine ever using a product like this. Don't know if it has already been mentioned but the July(?) issue of Walking magazine has an article on ephedra.

[font color=green]BETSY[/font]
RE: Yes

Just a thought here.

My one and only drug of choice is caffeine! I get it in my preworkout 3 cups of coffee in the morning. I have tried different ephedra (ma Huang) products and experienced nothing! I give up my coffee when I've tried them because you can't take both ephedra and coffee at the same time. When I was pregnant I always gave up coffee and would experience horrible withdrawal symptoms when I did so. Pounding headaches, nausea, weakness etc. But when i took Ephedra I could give up coffee and experience no withdrawal. So my experience seemed to suggest that for regular-serious- coffee drinkers, ephedra based products don't really do anything because our bodies are already used to caffeine.

Any other bigtime coffee drinkers shared this experience?
RE: Yes

Have you ever seen the cute postcard..

a yuppie woman in a suit standing on a street corner with a cardboard sign saying

"will work for latte"

thats me!!

i love caffine before working out...... starbucks grande americano iced before my killer sculpting class and walking home 2 miles...........oh my!! love it!

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