Hurt my back-bummed out!


Yesterday, at the end of my workout, I bent down to put my weights on the floor (only 10# dumbbells) and my lower back screamed in pain! I wasn't doing anything that I hadn't done a million times before, just that this time, for some reason, something went wrong. Anyway, put heat on it last night and took some ibuprofen, but this morning could hardly roll out of bed. I am at work today :-( , but have a chiropractor appt for tomorrow morning. (I have been to the chiropractor many times, but mostly for some chronic neck/shoulder problems, never for lower back pain)

I am really bummed out, because I know I won't be able to workout for a few days. Does anyone have any suggestions for helping to ease the pain, stretches, etc? Hoping this won't become a chronic problem like my neck has. Thanks for any advice!
I have gone to a Chriopractor regularly for about 6 years. I have had that exact same lower back pain from just picking up weights!!! I have also been a huge believer in Ice over heat. Try icing about 15 minutes a couple of times a day. For stretching, a stability ball is good to lay your stomach on and just hang your head, arms and leggs down...great stretch...:)...sorry, I hope it gets better....:)...Carole
Hi there!
I can really identify with your frustration! In March, I went through a period of two week of so of pain in my lower back with nerve pinches that would stop me dead in my tracks. I went to a chiropractor (and continue to go for maintainence) which really helped. I also experienced relief by applying a ice pack a couple times a day. A couple other suggestions: try taking an epsom salt bath (one cup of epsom salts for every 50 pounds you weigh). For me, the bath really helped, so much so that I renamed epsoms salts to magic salts! Alos, if you sleep on your side, you may want to try putting pillow between your knees to ease the pressure on your low back and hips.

All the best and hope you feel better soon!
Sorry about your back, Edie. I totally agree with Carole about ice instead of heat, especially in the first 24 hours after an injury. Ice, for sure.
Have you guys ever tried moist heat? I have one of those heat pads--I have no idea how they work, how on earth can you plug something in & then have it become moist? (no cracks or innuendos here please ladies--I already have enough streaming through my head LOL). Anyway, every time I have a muscle injury I slap it on for 30 minutes or so & it feels really good & definitely helps relax strained muscles.
I just want you to know that you have my sympathy. Oh, that back can really get you. Worse than labor sometimes. Ouch. Take care.
I totally agree with Tallchick. This feels just as bad as labor. This happened to me a month ago after doing kickboxing (which I have done several times before). My chiropractor adjusted my back and I went home pain free. Hope you have the same results. You indeed have my sympathy. It is incredibly painful.
Okay Maximus....I will hold back the cracks...}( The reason I use ice has always been because it reduces the swelling of the injury. Heat does not...Of course a Homeopathic Chiropractor will tell you to leave the injury alone and let it heal by itself. But then, I couldn't work out...:)...Carole
Edie~Sorry to hear about your pain. Hope the doctor fixes you right up this morning. Check in and let us know how you are doing. Heal fast!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Thanks for all the advice and well-wishes! Just got to work after the chiro; lower lumbar area was out (only one vertebra) and the adjustment seems to have helped, although the muscles are still tight. Doctors orders are rest for 2-3 days with no exercise:( :( , but if it will mean I will heal faster, I'm willing to give it a try. Hope to be back at it by the weekend!

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