Hurt knee doing KPC, not sure how


Hi Everyone,

If some of you remember, I am the girl who did Bootcamp every other day and was looking for a non step aerobically challenging workout. Many of you recommended KPC. I ordered it and fell in love. Alternating it w/ BC. I have never had any knee problems. Today I can't do a squat. The inside of my right knee (medial MCL) is screaming...I think I may have overstretched it.

The second kickboxing routine may have been it. She does the double punch high then double punch low. I'm not sure. KPC has become my all time favorite and now I am depressed that I injured myself doing this routine. Anyone else out there develop a knee problem from this workout? Any advice?

My knee problem is overuse, however, interestinly enough, my PT continues to warn me about kickboxing...for now. I told him that I thought since it is pretty much low impact it wouldn't hurt my knee, but he explained due to the quick directional changes that it can cause knee problems. And he did go on to say that I will eventually be able to get back to it. He gave me lots of exercises and stretching, I have backed off from high impact and kickboxing, relying on ellipticals and swimming. He said to give it a good 6 weeks to heal. . .continuing to exercise, in addition to the exercises he gives me. I have been seeing him about 2/week for almost a month and can really notice the difference. It is very hard to be patient;( but the alternative could be worse problems. I would RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevation), stretch and see how it feels in a couple of days.
Christine -

I did something similar in a martial arts class a year back. Mine was caused my hyperextending my knee on a jump side kick. You may have done something similar with the round house kicks (or any of the kicks, actually). Be careful when you kick to only extend about 90-95% and not 100% as you can hyperextend and injure yourself.

You will need to rest a bit, unfortunately. When you get back to working out, ice your knee after a workout. It took me a bit to get back, but I'm stubborn and I rested for a few days, then continued to work out. I just modified moves that hurt my knee. I am back doing kick boxing and other martial arts, with no pain and full flexibility in my knee. It did 2-3 months for the pain to fully subside and 6-7 months to regain full flexibility.
Yes, I am definately giving it the time it needs. I was able to do Bootcamp today replacing lunges & squats w/ running in place. I think I will take 2 weeks off from my favorite KPC.

My husband thinks I did it from the hammer strikes. Coming back up. He could be right. I think after the two week rest I won't do the few things that are suspect. It is still a awesome routine.

Thanks for the good advice. Starting my S&H's again..happy about that.


So sorry to hear about your injury. I must admit, I love KPC and have never had any knee problem with it, thought I am prone to knee pain and know quite well the agony you are feeling right now. I must also say that I have done KPC alternating with Bootcamp, and I love these two workouts back-to-back.

As far as what caused it, perhaps the second drill when you do those punches at the beginning, if your lunged knee wasn't straight; or perhaps the end of the high-intensity drills when you run with your knees real high. Just speculation, but I do hope you feel better soon.

Do you have lowmax? I also like alternating bootcamp with lowmax, and maybe that won't hurt your knees.

Good luck and feel better soon!

Hi Dukechick

Thanks for the well wishes. Yes, I was surprised I hurt my knee. I've exercised for the past 10 years w/out any problems. Must have twisted it just right. I will be more careful and pay stict attention to form.

No, I don't own lowmax but you've peaked my interest. I just received HS Adv for Christmas. It's nice to have some variety. Today I did the ball work in P Lowr and 1 seg from Core Max then SH biceps only. It felt great to "shock" my body a little. This is why I love Cathe. she has such a great variety.

Maybe lowmax will be added to my collection. Thanks for the tip


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