<---hurry, hurry, hurry

<---very jealous of the GTG
<---knows Shelley won't take a snow day on that day!
<---sorry about Millie's tumble
<---spent last night sick from germs picked up on @#%$ Greyhound bus
<---is up for some Body Max action today
<---ironing white gowns for DDs St. Lucia celebration on Saturday
<---will post pix of cutie pie Swedish girls in said gowns.
<---wishes everyone a safe day!


Keep your head in line. Your butt will follow.

<---shoop shoop shoops in on cross country skis; easiest form of transport around here at the moment
<---is sooooooooo excited about GTG tomorrow at Ruby Tuesday's at 11:30 AM!
<---has DOMS DOMS DOMS in the thighs, must go Shovel Max and then do MIC today. (help me)
<---wonders if Pinky found some good grub
<---had a yummy egg white, mushroom, tomato and low fat cheese omelet for breakfast
<---was starving last night after work at midnight and DID NOT EAT!
(high fives everyone)
<---hopes Shelley enjoys her snow day
<---comforts Millie hopes she's ok
<---must get going now; boys are home and it's gonna be a LOONNNGGG day!
<---warms everyone here up with hugs and says TTFN!

http://www.3fatchicks.com/weight-tracker/img/bar-retro/cartoonblob01/lb/175/130/143/.png[/img] [/url]

<--- slowly yawns good morning all
<--- got some rain last night but no puddles or anything this morning
<--- feels a little bad you all have actual weather you have to DEAL with
<--- was at work holiday open house last night until 8:30! Party was for clients, not for us workers
<---'s boss who has been on maternity leave came so <--- got to see her :D and she brought <--- a puffy envelope that says "coach" on the outside!!!
<--- was so surprised!!!
<--- is waiting to put it under the tree
<--- thinks it's about time to GET a tree
<--- congratulates Robin for beating Shelley
<--- has the day "off" but is going into work anyway
<--- is in charge of sending out all the Christmas cards to clients/contacts
<--- knows the legal part of the job is a dump, but has LOVED the Christmas part of it
<--- also knows everyone else hates the Christmas part, but wants it to get done, so <--- is proving her worth (like that needed prooving...)
<--- has about 23,487 errands to run today, but also gets to go to the Chiropractor!!!!!!
<--- must go organize the day on paper so <--- doesn't forget anything
<--- hopes you all make it through the snow and freezing rain (?!?) okay!
<---is jammin out to xmas tunes again "Rockin Around The Christmas Tree Have A Happy Holiday!"
<---has to bundle up an do shopping today and run errands
<---is freezing
<---loves wearing winter clothes
<---has unhappy skin
<---hopes you ladies have a smashing time at your GTG
<---feels like dancing
<---started a stew this morning and it is smelling GOOD
<---loves cold-weather food too:)
<---gets to rest today
<---is not really sore from yesterday
<---needs some jingle bells
<---Ho Ho the Mistletoe!
<---hopes Millie is ok

<---tells Debbie, just wait 'til Boybie discovers disney.com or nickjr.com or... *gasp* hotwheels.com
<---has recently been having difficulty prying her boy off the computer
<---hid her butt glue but thinks the smarty pants figured out how to make his own;-)
<---says, Wow, Kassia! What a run!:)
<---hopes Melissa feels better
<---tells Kali she found some tuna and hummus, mixed them together and slopped it on whole wheat toast
<---thinks Amy's boss is so sweet
<---talking of Christmas cards, had a change of heart and sent out some cards yesterday
<---is now envisioning friends who haven't heard from her in ages say, "Pinky's still alive?!?"
<---damn right

<--- loves Pinky's statement that she's still alive
<--- damn right is right!
<--- really can't wait to be able to go on a road trip and actually MEET all these great ladies (and few men, of course!).
<--- is at work now
<--- came in to a ton of things to do
<--- is slightly mollified at the thought of the pizza she gets to have for lunch today
<--- wonders when boss who is paying for pizza will get back here so she can order
<--- has too much to do at home to be here:p
<--- gets her baby back today!
<--- is not looking forward to her SO's Christmas party tomorrow night
<---Waves hello to everyone
<---Is still in awe of my sons band last night
<---says they did awesome! Sold more cd's
<---Is a litle tired from being out late
<---Is glad it is friday
<---hope kail and Wendy and Robin can get out for there get together
<---Is sorry Shelley had to go to work:(
<---Is craving weird things today and thinks maybe appetite will return

<--- wonders what weird things Terri is craving
<--- wonders if Terri blasted the coffee people for not delivering yet?
<--- is so happy for Terri and her son:)
<--- wants her pizza NOW... dammitx(
<--- boss still isn't here
<---waves hi to everyone ^^^^ there!:)
<---"shoveled" some slush so that the mail person can get to <---mailbox today.
<---gave DS a bath and put him down for a nap.
<---is now contemplating w/o but needs food first.
<---is running out of food so has no clue what to eat!:eek:
<---is still drinking coffee but has switched to decaf! ;)
<---quickly runs out of small room, ducks behind counter, graps chair and tosses it behind her as obstacle, leaps over coworker, darts into office and logs onto supervisor's computer
<---has been very busy in small room
<---didn't have student to make do all the work today
<---can use supervisor's computer, since she took a snow day
<---sees from Kali the the GTG is officially 1130 at The Coffee Grinder on Sat
<---will be wearing brown slacks, strippy top and has short, brown,every-which-way hair
<---hopes Shelley get pizza soon
<---is a box of chocolate covered cookies behind <---, gift from technical representative
<---has avoided ^^^^ so far
<---uh oh, coworkers appear at office door with rack full of smelly specimens that get tested in small room
<---back in the saddle again
<--- is very jealous of the GTG tomorrow!
<--- wants y'all to plan a Niagara Falls trip in the spring so we can have a GTG!
<--- tells Robin to send the cookies THIS way
<--- boss STILL isn't back
<---cookie are on their way
<---don't eat to many and spoil your appetite for pizza
<---thinks spring in Niagra Falls sounds wonderful
<---just got done shoveling and digging out vehicles
<---just put on another pot of coffee NO decaf for <---tho!
<---is getting ready to pull out all the decorations out of the attic
<---is SLOWLY but SURELY getting there one thing at a time
<---tells Shelley to have pizza she deserves it!
<---is sooo happy Terri had a great time last night
<---can't wait to REALLY be able to wave to Wendy and Robin and Dana tomorrow!
<---hears the attic calling must get away from computer

http://www.3fatchicks.com/weight-tracker/img/bar-retro/cartoonblob01/lb/175/130/143/.png[/img] [/url]

<--- just ordered pizza
<--- says the guys are having ground beef AND anchovies on theirs
<--- ordered a veggie one for herself but might share if they're nice to her
<--- now has to wait
<--- taps fingers impatiently on desk
<---comes to wait with Shelley for the pizza
<---can't go up the attic without eating first
<---can't eat till chicken is done
<---wants ice cream but won't have it
<---plans on having something evil tomorrow at the GTG
<---hopes the pizza gets here soon

http://www.3fatchicks.com/weight-tracker/img/bar-retro/cartoonblob01/lb/175/130/143/.png[/img] [/url]

<---thinks possible niagara trip in spring sounds like awesomeness!:7
<---hopes Shelley's pizza gets there soon.
<---hopes Kali's chicken is ready soon.
<---hopes Robin has clip for nose to avoid odors from smelly things.
<---just finished eating Turkey day left overs that <---had in freezer. :9
<---REALLY needs to get movin' on work out!
<--waves hello again, this time from workx(
<--so happy it is friday!
<--wants to know what kind of music Terri's son plays?
<--glad Terri had a good time last night
<--wishes so much she could join Wendy, Robin and Kali tomorrow:-(
<--wants everyone to have a great time tomorrow
<--hopes everyone will want to get together again after the holidays because <--really want to meet you guys!
<--wonders if Shelley got her pizza yet?
<--tells Jes that <--interestingly enough, <-- love summer clothes so perhaps we can switch and she can get to wear all the winter clothes she could possibly want up here for the winter??!!!
<--sends hugs to Pinky and agrees that burn in the muscle is better than burning in hell.........although <-- could use a bit of warmth right about now}( :p
<--tells Pinky <--want to call her this weekend if she is not too busy to talk!
<---wishes Sandy could come along to GTG too!:-(
<---will GTG with Sandy after holidays fo shizzle even if PA girls can't make it at that time!:+
<---hopes Sandy has most excellent time in Hawaii!
<---wonders who Sandy is going on vaca with?
<---wonders if <---can fit in Sandy's suitcase!?}(
<---smelly tests are in incubation stage in small room
<---evil coworkers are at lunch, leaving unattended computer
<---is going to GTG tomarrow where evil eating is planned
<---thinks all is right with the world

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