<---yeah, <---'s da wooman
<---beat Shelley, beat Shelley
<---yeah, <---is HOT
<---is on FIRE
<---OK, got that out of system
<---thinks will have DOMS in biceps later due to White Knuckle Max workout done on this mornings commute
<---didn't run into any idiots on the road though - that's a good thing
<---DH got up early to shovel 7 inches of snow out of driveway
<---thinks he gets points for that
<---DH forgot to bring home emails from Cathe biatches and college is closed today for snow, so he won't get them today
<---DH loses points for that
<---still not sure where GTG is meeting tomarrow?
<---was probably an e mail about that
<---OK, that is out of system now, too
<---better stop rambling and leave room for all the wonderful comments to follow