Hungry! from Intensity Series


Hi everyone! Just wondering if anyone has been extremely hungry with doing the intensity series? I did Cardio & Weights and PYramid Upper Body on Saturday... took a day off on Sunday and did Boot Camp today.

I have to admit I am just starving. It is that kind of deep down hungry ya' know! Not just a craving! I have been filling up on all good and healthy stuff..... ALL DAY. Lots of fruit, fiber, protein! I sure hope I am not eating too much. I am trying to listen to my body and feed it. I know I saw that Oprah show about letting your body get that hungry feeling.... but I truly don't agree with that. I had a trainer once who said you should never really be hungry! Y

Just wondering if anyone else is experiencing this? Maybe it is just the change of workout and intensity! Maybe it is my muscles rebuilding into mean machines?? hee hee hee... I can only dream!

I do have to say I LOvE the new videos! Boot Camp wooped my booty!!!!

-LuvCardio If Only I Can Be 1/2 the Woman my Dog Thinks I am!
Hi there Luv Cardio-

I am starving, too! : ) I've been doing cathe's heavy weights rotation for the new series and throwing a few 1/2 hr cardio sessions in per week on top of that. I'm going on week three and I feel great, look more defined, etc... yet I want to eat everything in sight! LOL!

I guess it's all about the choices we make when eating, right? I had a couple of cookies tonight, though... :) Not really clean eating, huh? LOL!

Take care,


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