=== humpity-hump-hump WEDNESDAY clean-eaters ===

me too, kate, though goodness help me if i had any cookies around, like pb or white chocolate chip (yes, i can dream):p

lisa, glad the mornings are a smidge better. i felt much better at 13 weeks with both. i hope :pit eases soon. how is the huse suff?

colleen, hope the legs are okay!

anne, did you get caught up?

clintonya, did you get your wo in?

robin, what is a cybex?

good day here. i had such fun at finn's end of the year party, i avoided family drama mostly, ate clean, and did my wos. time for bed as tomorrow is a busy work day for me. see you guys friday!
Kate - DH wants a boy really bad although he says he's happy as long as the baby is healthy. I'm fine either way. I'm excited, but so sick right now to feel anything else. Awesome job with the eats!

Nina - House is put on hold for now. I can't muster enough energy to do any open houses. Maybe in the second tri we'll start up again. Glad your day was good.

I'm hitting the afternoon slump here. Why is it I feel so lousy in the afternoons? Yuck, yuck. Anyway, trying to figure out dinner then take the dog for a walk. Usually I make ds but I've been going since I need some exercise. I do have major doms in my thighs from squatting down to groom my dog :eek: !

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