HSTA and High Step Circuit (beg/intermediate)- need both?


I ordered HSTA and am awaiting its arrival. Is there any reason to have this and High Step Circuit or are they basicly the same workout geared at different levels of exercise?
Hi...hsta to me is a really good workout (a little harder). I dont like doing it at the 8 inch level. The step doesnt seem to be that secure on carpet as the full length step is. The high step circuit is a little easier. I dont like working with the tubing and use dumbells in place. You use a barbell and dumbells in hsta and dumbells and tubing in high step. I usually do high step first and then follow it up with hsta a one giant circuit workout at a 6 inch level. My least favorite is basic step........too easy. But since i bought the dvd (gotta have EVERYTHING CATHE you know), I use it as a warmup to doing either hsta or high step circuit again as a giant circuit workout.
Hi Debbie!
I like both of those workouts. They are both different in different areas. I don't like to use the tubing either so I use dumbells. If I want a harder workout, I use the 8in step instead of the 6in. It just really depends on what kind of workout I want and what mood I'm in.

Like the previous poster said, I gotta have all cathe as well!!

enjoy and take care:)

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