How's the choreography on the workouts chosen for DVD Classics?


SNM is releasing Step Heat, Step Max and Step Jam onto DVD. How do they compare to Interval Max, Maximum Intensity Cardio and Body Max? I am somewhat choreographically challenged but I am longing to add more variety. I do have Rhythmic Step and hate to confess that I find it difficult. In fact, I like things in four counts and get messed up with triples and such. I don't mind turns and that sort of thing but rhythm changes throw me! Can those of you who have Cathe's older workouts compare them to the newer stuff and break them down for me choreogrphy-wise? I am thinking of adding both the DVD Classic and Cardio Hits but I am hesitant because of my two left feet.

Bobbi Chick's Rule!
The danciest of the three is Step Jam, but it's a lot easier than Rhythmic Step. The other two are very easy in terms of choreography, and I think Step Max is the toughest of the three in terms of cardio intensity--with some great intervals at the end and quite a bit of impact. Step Heat has the least impact, only two step sections, and ends with a great abs section. I must admit I find it a bit boring these days and seldom use it, but pull out the first two from time to time. But I have had all three for quite awhile, used them a lot, and have moved on to other tapes.
I only own Step Jam, but I want to buy the DVD anyway. I love Step Jam! A lot of people call it dated, but it is great in my opinion. It isn't like Step Works or Rhythmic Step in terms of choreography. The first section starts with a lot of basics, so instead of doing those I do run ups. But the 2nd and 3rd sections get progressively more intense and the cardio portion itself is 47 min! I love this workout and would like to get it with DVD quality. Hope this helped!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jun-20-02 AT 06:49PM (Est)[/font][p]Bobbi, I can compare RS and Cardio Hits for you.

Regarding Cardio Hits, I haven't been doing StepWorks, since it's not to my taste. Not quite sure why, maybe it's a little too dancy or such. This'll just be something to save for a rainy day.

However, StepFit and PowerMax have some fun segments. And, StepFit is worth it, just for the "Was that a sheep?" line. That cracks me up, everytime. Although, StepFit also has the infamous power-scissors and flying-angels. Can't wait to hear what you think of those.

I find these 2 workouts to be perfect choreograhy wise, and great aerobics workouts.

Regarding RS, so that you can compare, the warm-up and first step segment are about like StepFit and PowerMax. Bottom line is, if you like that part of RS, I think you would like CardioHits. The rest of RS is in a class by itself, however. (Something to save for several rainy days.)

I can go on about this a lot longer, so, if you have any other questions, just fire away. Also, I'm looking forward to the Classic DVD.

For those of you who have the "older" Cathe's, which I personally love, do you use a 6" or 8" step? I'm aware that many of you use 6" steps for Cathe's videos, but I'm wondering if that was only for her newer tapes that have trickier choreography (and of course for IMax, so you don't break your neck?!).

Bobbi, to answer your question, I think the choreography in Step Heat and Step Max is so much easier than her later tapes, simply because she breaks it down so much more. If you don't mind "taking it from the top", or if you are a bit choreographically challenged (like I am), you will love these. Don't get me wrong, they are still advanced, intense workouts, you just don't have to work out your brain quite as much! Great for a simple-minded kind of day for me when I still want to work up a good sweat. I have Step Jam, but have yet to preview it--something to look forward to!

Thanks very much you guys! I am definitely going to order both DVD's when Classic's is available. I do Interval Max, BodyMax and MIC most often and love them. I love the DVD format becuase I can streamline my workouts and do different cardio segements in the same workout. I need some new material!

Bobbi Chick's Rule!

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