How'd you meet your husband?

I moved in to the apartment next door to my sweet husband after leaving home and moving across the country (Ohio to California)at age 19. It was literally love at first sight; we met the first day, were married 2 weeks later, and have been happily together and in love for 28 years (no kids, just us two). I believe in fate...if two people are meant to be together, they will find each other and will know it is right...
I met my husband at a bar-no, I wasn't there looking for a husband! We dated for 2 years and got married last August and are very happy. However, I got lucky-almost every guy you'll meet in a bar is not husband material. If you're religious, try getting involved in a church-there you'll find the good men!
When I met my husband I was 15 years old and he was 21. I was new in the neighborhood and started to go to the church in the neighborhood. He was the guy that played guitar in the chorus. When we saw each other we fell in love at first sight.

Then I started going to the chorus practices, and he started to visit me. At first I had mixed feelings about him, because I felt he wanted to use me to feel superior. That's why I didn't want to be his girlfriend even though I liked him. Then he told me that he was going to stop visiting me and talking to me because I needed time to think. Although I didn't want him to do that, he did it anyway. He told me to tell him that I wanted him if I decided that I wanted to be with him.

In about two months I didn't told him anything, so he joined the Army. When I was told that he was going to the Army I got very sad and cried a lot. Two days before he was going to Texas, to the English school, (we are from Puerto Rico) I saw him in the Church as usual. That day he said goodbye to everybody and sang a song that he wrote saying goodbye. Everybody at church cried. I cried a lot.

At the end his sister told me that he said that the only person he was going to miss from the neighborhood was me. Then she walked me to him and we hugged each other and then we decided to talk in a friend's house. We talked that day but, again, nothing was decided. I was still confused. Then the next day we went out and we told each other that we love each other. And he asked me if I would wait for him (six years). I told him I would. And then he cried in my arms. That was in March 7, 1994.

We got married by the Church in July 25, 1998. In January 7, 2000, we had our first daughter. In June 23, 2001, we had another daughter. I am so happy and he is such a great man! We are still in love and tell it to each other every day.

Sorry for sharing the whole story. The only thing that goes through my mind as an advice for you is: Go to Church!!! ...Maybe yo find a good man there!
I met my first husband in a bar, and we divorced after 7 years. My fiance and I have been together for five years this August, and I met him at Golds Gym. He was my personal trainer for 2 months! (How cliche, I know) Weird, he only moonlighted at that gym for a few months, Cop by day, and I picked that one summer to try out a personal trainer.
Great stories, everyone, thanks for sharing.:)
I, too, met my fiancee online. I posted an ad because I was a single working mom who needed some adult conversation. He responded, and we exchanged e-mails for a year. One day I called in at work so that I could get a few things done, but decided to call him and see if he wanted to meet for coffee. Needless to say, we hit it off right away. A month later, we were engaged. We'll be getting married in August, which will make us engaged for 1.5 years.
I met my partner in a launderette one Sunday morning. I hadn't had a shower, my hair was a mess, and I was dressed really badly! Just goes to show that it can happen when you are least expecting it. My advice is to just enjoy yourself, and not worry or obsess about finding someone. There are good and bad things about being single, and there are good and bad things about being in a relationship.

I met my DH on a blind date. I said I would never go on a blind date but my friend really wanted me to go and so I did and I'm sure happy I did. We really hit it off. We are happily married and it will be 2 years this summer.
Very boring here...met my first husband AND my REAL husband at work. (Different jobs.)

The first was a total disaster, the 2nd time I met the love of my life & best friend.

So there you never know!


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