How would you start w/BodyMax 2?


O.K...I'll admit to the fact that I've had this DVD since it was first released and only used the double upper body premix on it :eek: shhhh, please don't tell ;-) Anyway, I stuck it in this a.m. thinking, "I am going to do the whole workout, in it's original form. YEAH RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!! Now I know I was a little "off" this a.m., but I barely got through the first cardio segment, I managed to pull off the first cardio w/weight circuit, but that was all she wrote. I want ALL of the weight workout portion tomorrow, as that's really what I wanted most. What premix should I use? How would you suggest "easing" into this workout?

Thanks so much!

I've been doing the cardio segment with the upper body and abs segments for now.

I don't think I'll be combining the cardio and the cardio-ciruit segments for awhile, as I already feel challenged enough by the cardio and I'm still working on perfecting the steps.

You just have to keep doing it until it gets relatively "easy" and then add on the next segment.
Preview, preview, and preview. Sometimes during my previewing, I would do part of the routine on the floor. It does help especially with the fast foot shuffle kind of stuff.
I've still never done the whole workout at once! I usually do 2 sections at a time. I also like the Bootcamp premix and the scrambled egg premix since they alternate the power circuit segments with either cardio from the first half or upper body weights. Scrambled eggs alternates cardio from seg. 1 with PC & lower body. The BC premix alternates PC & lower body segments with upper body weights & abs. (I usually skip the abs and add on the full ab work at once at the end). Anyway, I find both of these easier than doing the whole workout at once. I've also done my own mix alternating a cardio segment from section 1, a PC cardio & lower body from segment 2, then an upper body segment from section 3, then repeating until I made it through the whole workout. I was able to do the whole workout this way, but it is a pain switching back and forth to each segment.
My mistake was in doing the cardio only pre-mix first. Wasn't a good idea as I don't think the break-downs are as good as in the original so it was difficult to follow along. In fact I thought it was very poorly cued and ended up thinking it was one of Cathe's poorest workouts. However, when I did the workout as designed, I saw that it was excellently cued, and is an excellent workout. I now do the cardio only portion with added power circuits till I've reached my limit. I also do the upper body solo. I've done the entire thing only once as it's a very loooonngg workout. This is now one of my favorites - so glad I didn't shelf it. Just break it down to suit your needs. Deb
You could do the warm up and first cardio portion and then skip to the upper body (about 60 min) or do the warm up+the circuit portion+upper body (about 60 min).

I'm not sure there are specific premixes for the above suggestions, but it would be easy to skip through the parts you didn't want to do.

Or you could just do the double upper body and no cardio.

Thanks for the help you guys! I did use the workout yesterday and did the cardio timesaver premix (OMG!) and then the upper body x 2 premix. I loved it, although TOUGH is a word that I would use for that one!

Thanks a bunch!

I usually will do the warm-up and then either the step segments + abs and/or UB or the warm-up followed by power circuits, abs and/or UB. Breaks it into more manageable chunks for me :D
Hahaha...this morning my first experience with BM2 was the cardio only premix! I did great during the warmup and then had to stop and do LIS because I wasn't able to do the moves in the workout...I'm still learning step and it was too fast for me for moves I was unfamiliar with. I'll have to work on it later!

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