As Michele already mentioned the beauty of strength training and STS is that almost any fitness level can do it. An intermediate exerciser generally will not be able to lift as heavy a weight as someone more experienced in weight training. The nice thing about STS is that for the first time you will actually perform a test to see exactly what the correct weight is for you for each exercise. The lower your fitness level the lower the intensity you will train at.
I would also strongly suggest you watch each workout before doing it (you should do this anyway for your 1RM test) so that you make sure you’re familiar with all moves and can perform them correctly.
Finally, I would recommend doing some other strength training routine like Muscle Max for 1month before starting STS so that STS will not be a total shock to you. This is especially true with the lower body workouts in mesocycle #1 as even an advanced exerciser may experience major DOMS, especially in the glutes, when doing these routine the first time.