How to use Slow and Heavy


Hi. I'm thinking about buying Slow and Heavy. Could someone give me some advice on how to use these in a rotation? How long should they be used? Thanks!:)
I believe the S&H series was designed to be used for 3 weeks at a time. Most rotations I've looked at use 1 tape per day along with 3 or more days of cardio depending on your goal(lose weight or build muscle).
I'm sure you would find a ton of rotations using S&H if you search the forum for it.
Hi there:). What I did was Monday Chest&Back, Tuesday Cardio, Wedneday Tricep&Bicep, Thursday Cardio, Friday Shoulders&Legs but I didn't use S&H for legs but use another workout for legs just because I didn't like the slow count for legs. Since you need alot of focus and concertration (sp) Cathe says to only use this for a 3 week rotation but if you really enjoy doing the S&H and like your results you can use it longer. HTH.
I used this series religiously for about 6 weeks and my upper body did things that it never did before! I was SO happy, and didn't want to stop using this series.

A lot of the members on this board encouraged me to continue with this if I had the concentration to. It does get a little "tedious" day after day of such a slow count.

So after 6 -8 weeks, I started to substitute (a.k.a. "try out") other workouts such as the pyramids.

This month, so far, I have been using S&H for ONE body part and adding a different cardio. I like the triceps and shoulder work on this series. I don't do the legs very much at all right now. LOVE the ab routine. Short but do-able.

Like I said though, I have had GREAT results with S&H especially my arms!
I second pace1987's suggestion, as well as her preference for a different leg workout (like PLB). I found that doing legs at such a slow pace put too much stress on my knees (especially lunges: after the first attempt, my knees told me to stop!). You might want to add some type of stretching workout in there as well.
I don't use the leg workout much either. First of all, I need 75 lbs to really make it tough, and that is a pain to take on and off the vest for the "pre-exhaust" exercises. And there is not floor work. Oh, I dont know, I just dont' like it much! Sometimes I can't pinpoint the reason. But I use the upper body stuff a lot. Sometimes I add one body part on to a cardio day every day of the week, doing two body parts in a day if I am resting my legs that day. I then do an endurance workout like ME or PH another day of the same week to get my "two workouts per body part per week" rule followed.

I don't really do rotations, but I use S/H once or twice a month. It is really excellent for building strength and teaching good form.
I don't use S&H Legs (or PS Legs) anymore either because of knee issues. What has worked well for my lower body are workouts like PLB and LL where I can use lighter weights with the high reps and I can cut the workout in half if my knees complain (pyramid up or down, or do only the first two rounds of LL). What has also worked is rotating workouts with squats and lunges with kickboxing and floor work for legs.

I use S&H every 3-4 months to shock my system. I know I should be using it more often, but the concentration required to do the workouts is tremendous, and it keeps me from enjoying what I'm doing. It IS a great way of adding strength and mass though. I just can't stick to it that often and for too long, just 3 weeks at most.


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