How to post picture of myself!

I just found this after playing a bit on this site:

How do I post images?
You can just include the imageurl ( i.e. in your message. Or you can also upload an image(this option has to be enabled by the administrator) by clicking on Click here to choose your file on the post form. This will launch a remote window through which you can specify the file extension and browse your disk to select the file you wish to upload. Once the file is selected, the attachment textbox will automatically be populated with the name of your uploaded file. All files are randonmly renamed. Keep in mind that there is a size limitation to file upload.

Hopefully this will help others too!
Are you trying to post a pic into your message, or do you want an avatar picture? Either way, the picture has to be hosted on a site that you can upload from. You can't just use a picture that is stored on your computer. You need a host like or Once you have pictures on there, it's pretty easy to upload to this site.

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