how to make leg 1r tests go faster?


I've done most of my 1r tests except for legs. I have quite a few that I can't tell the correct form just by the pictures. Is there a quicker way to test these? Right now I have to open the STS book, find the exercise and the disk it's on, pull it out/put it on/watch it and then find the next one, etc. This is going to take me forever to test out. ie. one legged sit & stands, one leg elevated lunges,low pulse lunges (how many pulses?),static low end lunge same leg 3/1 count etc. I want to start my STS and it's taking forever to test out!
Pluse I'm pooped from all the heavy weight testing. I need a recovery week just from STS 1r testing.
You are not alone. I did most of the upper body workout with my husband's help but I have only done a few of the legs. I will have to get out the discs as well, I guess. I have been doing my 1RM since the middle of last week (I think). Hopefully, I will be ready by Sunday.

It is too bad that demo of each workout is not available at this time. I heard it will be available sometime in the future.
Hi Debbie, glad to know I'm not alone in the 1r testing going slower than I had hoped. The legs are slowing me way down but I've learned so much about my abilities doing the testing that I want to finish. Unfortunately, I'm out of town with my DS for 4 days starting tomorrow - I cant' do any testing while I'm gone - so I have to wait some more before I can start STS!
My bar bell is an old one from my Firm days and only goes to 40 lbs. I think I need a 100 lb bar bell and my dumb bells only go to 25lbs. I just spent money on slanted risers & two extra step risers after 1r testing I realize I should have spent the money on dumb bells! I hadn't realized how strong I had gotten doing Cathe for the past few years.:cool: STS is scaring me in a good way.
My bar bell is an old one from my Firm days and only goes to 40 lbs. I think I need a 100 lb bar bell and my dumb bells only go to 25lbs. I just spent money on slanted risers & two extra step risers after 1r testing I realize I should have spent the money on dumb bells! I hadn't realized how strong I had gotten doing Cathe for the past few years.:cool: STS is scaring me in a good way.


I don't have a barbell so I am not able to do those exercises. I only have a bodybar which is 18lbs. I have to invest in one. I have weight plates and my husband said that we have barbell stick around somewhere.. I will have to get him to look for it or go buy myself on.

I also just ordered the slanted risers and two extra step risers. I am waiting for them to be delivered. I should have ordered those earlier because I won't have them in time for Monday.

I think I am really going to enjoy STS and I think I will see great results. It is exciting to know that a lot of others will be doing STS in and around the same time.

Hope you enjoy your time out of town with your DS.
I know what you mean. I've got the upper body almost completely done but have a lot of legs left. I notice a lot of them are on the plyo legs though. I may just test the 4 exercises on squat rack legs and do that for my first STS rotation instead of plyo legs for meso 3. Plyo legs looks really fun but I probably need to get my legs stronger first anyway. I think plyo legs looks a lot harder than squat rack legs. Also I plan to skip testing the 1 star leg exercises because I don't think I can do them with a weight anway.Its going to be body weight only for those low plane lunges and paper plate things. My legs are weak!
I found that watching the videos really helped, and since they are grouped by DVD #, it goes faster than you'd think (especially at the end.) I have 6 more to go and I'm done!
My plan of "attack" and what I have learned so far - HTH!


I am not sure what the plyo test is - I have not yet previewed that set of videos. I am not sure we would test those, but likeI said, I did not get that far.

I had surgery at the end of December and I had to recover all of January. I realized I had to retest the 1 RMs since I had not lifted in over a month. My second challenge is that I have to take these workouts to the gym since I cannot workout at home. I have to write everything down and carry my list and make my notes as I go. So I decided to wait for STS to arrive to see what exactly I needed to do. The rep counts vary etc and I was not quite sure what some of the exercises are.

I printed out the workout cards for the first mesocycle. I previewed each disc and made my notes. I also made a list of the exercises I needed to test and I added a few that I needed to try out because I have never done them before. I started this last week, but I had to take a few days off for some other things. I continued on Monday.

I have been using the 1 RM testing as a workout in itself. Today I have a full body w/o planned, which will finish out the last few exercises I need to test. I will have the frist mesocycle completed.

The nice thing is that once you enter in your 1 RM results for a particular disc, the remaning discs' w/o cards will popluate for that respective exercise. I have noticed a few spots where this has not been the case though. I have some database experience and my guess this happens when the same exact exercise on different videos is labeled differently on the w/o cards. The fields are then unable to link which would cause the information to popluate one exericse and not the other.

My solution for that issue was to go to the 1 RM test entry area and search for the exercise by muscle group. Here it lists every exercise for a muscle group and I can find the different label for the exercise and then just plug in the same numbers and still get the accurate 1 RM results.

Sorry - I am a bit of a techno-nerd and I was always a troubleshooter in my career lol!

Yes, it has taken me a bit of time, butI believe it will be well worth it. I don't think you will need to do everything I have done b/c you workout at home and can follow along. I would suggest just previewing a disc the day before you do it. This way you will know what to expect and you can have a seamless workout.

I also found that the first 2 weeks of discs pretty much contain all the exercises I needed to test (at least for meso 1, I have not previewed meso 2 or 3 yet). Judging by my results this testing is well worth it. You will get the right weight to use to get the best results b/c you will actually be challenging your muscles correctly. I have done periodization workouts before, but not like this. This is better.

Sorry that was long, but I hope that helps.
Hi Becky,
You know some cool stuff and I'm gald to hear what you have to say about how to use the WM.
I was hoping to get another round of leg tests done this morning before DS and I leave for 4 days to northern Wisconsin. DS has today and Monday off from school and we've been invited to a friends cabin. We both over slept today and I had a job to get in before we leave. I want to work out and DS (who is 12) is nagging me to leave.
I'll be checking back next Monday evening. Maybe I'll start STS with Cathe and test legs on Tuesday.
It would be nice if Cathe/SNM came out with a 3-day 'rotation' incorporating all the 5-star (and maybe some 4-star) exercises to be tested for each meso. Then we could do that testing the week before we start each meso.
That would be great if Cathe would do that. But you would want to test all the exercises before even starting meso 1. As you progress through the mesos the weight you lift rises by 5% every other week to take in account your increasing strength.
I did all disc 1, 2 and 3 exercises on 3 separate days. Then I did the rest of chest-shoulders-bis one day, the rest of back-tris, and finally the rest of the legs except for the plyo legs (and there are a whole lot of new ones to test for plyo legs). Because I'm planning on doing the squat rack legs. So that was 6 sessions total. I did have to do these every other day because it was too intense for back to back. So it took me about 11 days to complete.
Beth, I think you're right about the lenght of time to do the 1r test properly. I had to go out of town for 4 days and just got back. I rushed my testing last Thursday and worked out for two hours. So far I've spent 8 hours doing 1r testing and i have free weight legs to finish. I hurt my right shoulder which I had just spent about a year healing, (lower weights and not sleeping on my right side) trying to rush my testing. I wish I hadn't tried so hard to catch up with Cathe. I just have to start when I can and not feel so badly not being part of the start of STS with her. I have to preview the legs exercises so I don't hurt myself trying to guess my weight and the correct form. Oh well.

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