As some of you may know from my other post I recently adopted a dachshund from rescue. I love him to pieces and he's housebroken but I'm trying to get him on a pee schedule without much luck. My other dachshund can be running around the yard playing and chasing lizards but as soon as I put his leash on him he knows I'm leaving the house or it's bedtime and he will pee. My adoptee will only go if he has to. I put the leash on him and he stands there stubborn as a mule. The only reason I'm concerned about the schedule is I don't want him to have to hold it all day while I'm at work. He also does this before bed. I've tried praise and treats but this boy has his own mind. He's adapted well to the household routine and knows he won't get to go for hours and so I guess as long as there are no accidents I should just let him do his own thing. But I worry about him being uncomfortable if he has to go. Anyone have any suggestions?