how often?


In anticipation of summer and not being able to get to the gym because of the kids being out of school I just ordered the 3 strength series videos and 2 step videos (I also teach Spinning and hopefully will be passing my ACE exam to teach aerobics myself in May). I was wondering, does CAthe recommend doing each of the strength tapes once a week or more often? I'm assuming thats the case but wanted to verify that. Also, is it recommended/okay to do a strength tape and then do a cardio i.e. step tape and/or class? My plan was to do a strength tape M-W-F followed by some sort of cardio and on T-TH-S just cardio.
I hope this is right - I remember Cathe suggesting that you start off doing each tape in the PS series once a week. If you are happy with the results, then that is all that you need. Otherwise, bump it up to twice per week. Or you could do each of the PS workouts once a week and add on a total body workout during the week so each body part gets worked twice.
Also, I think most rotations include cardio on days where PS BBA or CST is done, but not always on PS SLA.
Hope this helps until someone more knowledgeable comes along!!
Good luck with the ACE exam!
That's what I remember, too. I think Cathe may have said that the legs would be pretty fatigued after SLA so maybe cardio after that tape isn't a good idea.

I've been on a rotation where I do the PS series, each tape once a week, and either MIS or Bodymax once a week,(along with 3 or 4 days of cardio) but there may be a week here and there where I don't get a body part done twice. I've been pleased with the results. I think that my upper body definitely could get by with just one workout a week, but my lower body needs to be hit twice per week. That's my problem area.

Hope this helps!

Hi Chelle,

if you do a search using "PS" or "rotations" or other keywords, you will likely turn up quite a few workout schedules incorporating the PS series, one of which you will probably be able to adapt to your needs.

I just finished up a PS rotation using each tape once a week, and added a total body workout on the weekend, which was whatever I felt like doing, either all weights, circuit, Firm-style, or power yoga. This worked out very well for me. Then I would do pure cardio, gentle yoga, or just rest on alternate days.

I usually added a short cardio after an upper body weights tape, either a CTX cardio (perfect length) or I would run or play soccer on my lunch hour. I never did cardio after a legs tape, either that day or the next, but some other people do and seem to do okay with that - I just don't want to, personally!

Good luck finding something that works for you!

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